
Eedit airtins
A baw

Fitba (itherwise spelt fitbaw or fitbaa) (Inglis: football, association football or soccer in North Americae), is a gemme or sport played by twa teams on a rectangular pairk (aboot 110 by 70 yaird) wi dales (24 by 8 feet) at the twa ends. The twa teams haes 11 players. 10 o the players rins aw ower the park an tries tae kick or heid the baw intae the ither team's dale but canna uise thair haunds. The ither player plays in the dale an is kent as the goalkeeper. The goalie uises his haunds in an 18 yaird box aboot the goal for tae stap the baw fae gaun in. The team that haes the maist goals efter 90 meenits wins the gemme. The players is gien a brek o 15 meenits at hauf time.

Fitba is the tap sport in maist pairts o the warld and is the maist popular sport in Scotland. Houaniver, in pairts o Sooth Asie like Indie an Pakistan, fitba is a hail sicht less popular nor cricket. In Canadae an the Unitit States, ither sports is mair popular: American fitba, basebaw, basketbaw, an ice hockey. In pairts o the Caribbean fitba is less popular nor basebaw (in Spaingie-speakin kintras) or cricket (in Inglis-speakin kintras).

In monie kintras the best fitba players is gey kenspeckle an earns muckle amoonts o catter. Houaniver, acause fitba disna need muckle gear, it gets played by aw kynds o fowk for leisure as weel as for siller.


FIFA's Warld Cup ilka fower year, is the maist popular sportin event efter the Olympic Gemmes. Scotland hae qualified a nummer o times, but hivna iver gotten past the group stages. The current[whan?] champions are Fraunce, that wan the 2018 tournament in Roushie.

UEFA's European Championship, or Euros as thay're maist weel-kent as, is ilka fower year. Portugal wan the 2016 tournament in Fraunce.

Scots fitba

Hampden Park

The tap fourty-twa teams in Scotland plays athin the Scottish Professional Football League, whiles the tap team in Scotland plays athin the UEFA Champions League an aw. The ither semi-pro teams plays athin the Highland League in northren Scotland, the East of Scotland League in an aboot Edinburgh an the Mairches, the South of Scotland League in Dumfries an Gallowa, an athin the Scottish Junior Football Association. The Scots naitional fitba team plays at Hampden Park in Glesgae. Thair follaers is kent as the Tairtan Airmy.


Players canna uise thair haunds or airms (a haundbaw), cept the goalkeepers; the goalie can uise thaim athin their ain penalty area (thare is an 18 yaird box aboot the goals at the twa ends o the park).

Players canna trip or dunt ane anither (a foul).

Players canna haud ane anither or hinder ither players gettin tae the baw (obstruction).

If a player pits the baw oot o play at the side o the park, the ither team gets tae thraw the baw back intae play (a thraw in).

If a player pits the baw oot o play at thair end o the park, the ither team kicks the baw back intae play fae ane o the neuks o the park (a corner kick);

If a player pits the baw oot o play at the ither end o the park, the ither team kicks the baw back intae play fae a 6 yaird box juist afore the goal (a goal kick);

The affside rule staps a player fae kickin or heidin the baw tae a teammate that juist haes the ither team's goalkeeper atween him an the goal.

See an aw

Fremmit Airtins