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Byenvini nan Wikipedia !

Mesi anpil

Pou tout atik ou !

Request for article

Greetings Jvm!, Could you please help me write a stub for this article?. It is based on this article. Just several lines would be sufficient enough. Please. (I do not know what the correct title should be) -- Jose77, 11 March 2006

Joze77, thank you for your interest in the Haitian Creole wiki. A request to write this article has already been made to an administrator of this wiki (Teksmeksh) by Dave. However, as you can see, there are many other articles that we need to write. Your article perhaps will be considered at a later time.--Jvm 04:30, 12 March 2006 (UTC)

Greetings Jvm, I have created the article here. Can you please help me correct any grammar errors and help me expand the article? Thanks.

Regards -- Jose77 20:04, 14 April 2006 (UTC)

Kèk repons

  1. Ou te ekri yon trè bon repons pou Jose77. Mèsi.
  2. lis oubyen list : mwen te chèche nan diferan diksyonè ayisyen. Mwen mèt reponn ou ke lis se bon mo an, mèm si liste se vèb la pou mo lis. Mwen ap chanje atik yo.
  3. a pwopo espesyal senbòl yo : mwen te mande adminitratè lòt sit Wikipedia pou yo reponn mwen ASAP.
  4. Mèsi pou parabòl ou an : mwen komanse santi mwen sèl.

--Teksmeksh 03:24, 14 March 2006 (UTC)

kèk prensip nan Wikipedia

Hola JVM, I saw that you did a lot of work. If you continue like this, you will do more than the first big contributor Thiedest.

I just want you to remember two advices about Wikipedia (there are others, but those ones are part of the main ones):

  1. Wikipedia is a universal encyclopedia, ie every article should not be centered on a specific country.
  2. Wikipedia's articles should not contain personal opinion which can be added in the discussion tab.

Before I give you examples, a last advice: check the main Wikipedia for related articles (they have more experience than us for these things, we can avoid the same mistakes than they did when they started)


  1. Voyel, Konson, Aksan: those elements are not only used by the Haitian language, but by other languages. In the other Wiki, I saw that they give first a definition of those elements, and then give links to paragraphs of the different languages.
  2. Lingwistik: you did a paragraph specific for the Ayisyen, great! But some of your sentences are :
  • "Malgre, pèsonèlman, mwen panse mo expresion an se yon meyè mo."
  • "Nan atik sa, se pa entansyon m pou mwen agi kòm yon gramèryen. Mwen pa gramèrien."

In the future, I hope, several people will work on wiki ht. We cannot put a personal opinion in the middle of an article, because it is encyclopedic and written by several people.

BTW, kreyòl ayisyen genyen yon òtograf ofisyèl depi 1980. In this oficial version, there are no accents as é or ê or ä. And the consons q, c, x do not exist in the oficial version. All the scholar books in Ayiti have to follow the oficial rules. Wikipedia ht must still speak about the other versions because they exist, as I saw several times Dimansh instead of Dimanch. But after the oficial version.

I decided to buy the only one dictionary ayisyanoayisien, the Vilsen. It will be my referencee.

--Teksmeksh 05:48, 23 March 2006 (UTC)

Thank you much. I am somewhat new to the process of editing wiki, and still learning the rules that governs the process. My futures articles I hope will be more in conformity to these. Please salvage whatever is possible from my contributions so far. It is also my hope that a significant amount of individuals will be interested in this work.
Even though I have seen references to an official orthographic system before, I was not made aware of such during my schooling in the Grand Ans department of Haiti. All I can tell you is that the few resources that I own in Creole, which I believe were written after this time, do not confirm to a uniform system as such.--Jvm 06:38, 23 March 2006 (UTC)

Could you please write a stub - just a few sentences based on or FR wiki? Only 2 -5 sentences enough. Please. Pietras1988 21:23, 22 April 2006 (UTC)

Back around ?

Hello Jvm,

Sorry for not speaking very well Creole - I speak English and French though, as you prefer. I've seen you made some edits today, so it's good to see you as we are trying to revive this project ! I am a temporary administrator here and I am trying to translate the interface into Creole, amongst other tasks. So if you see any part of the interface which is not translated or which has errors in it, please tell me (my talk page is fine, or the Kafe, as you prefer.

Also do not hesitate to talk to me on my talk page if you need any assistance :-) Cheers, le Korrigan bla 21:35, 14 out 2007 (UTC)


Kontribisyon nou yo !
Mwen se yonn nan administratè wiki sa a.

Li genyen ti frè ak sè tou :

diksyonè (an demann)
pwovèb yo (an demann)
lib dokiman yo

Nou 34 138 kontribitè kounye a e nou bezwen èd ou anpil pou fè pwojè yo nan kreyòl ayisyen ale pli douvan.

Genyen anpil bagay pou nou devlope. Gwo toro kontribitè yo bay lavwa, yo kreye manman atik de kalite.

Mwen ta renmen nou bay pwojè ansiklopedi lib sa a yon balan nouvo pou li pe sa atenn objektif li yo pou lane sa a ak lane 2008. Mwen ta renmen nou retwouve nou nan paj kominote a (Konsilte paj kominote a)pou nou kapab pataje lide nou yo pou nou mete pli douvan pryorite yo.

Si ou ta bezwen kèk èd pou ekri yon atik, ou kapab jwenn mwen nan paj sa a MasterChes. Kite mesaj ou a epi konsilte regilyèman kont ou an pou nou kapab diskite sou kesyon ou yo.

Aksyon yo :

  • Konsilte paj kominote a : pou wè objektif lane sa a
    • wa wè objektif yo
    • lide ki ap devlope
  • Kafe pou tout diskisyon ak amelyorasyon nou_ kapab pòte
    • tout pawòl oubyen teledjòl
  • paj pòtay yo ki merite pou devlope anpil : se tout kategori nan paj prensipal an
    • Edikasyon * inivèsite yo, diplòm yo, lengwistik kreyòl
    • politik, enstitisyon yo, gouvènman an
    • sosyal, syans imèn, rara
    • La ak kilti, penti, atis yo, mizik
    • syans matematik, byoloji, medsin
    • relijyon
    • Istwa, istwa Dayiti
    • Kilti ak La : Mizik, Penti, Atis yo

Lè nou ap ekri yon atik ki merite devlope plis, nou mèt mete an didan li ekspresyon sa a : {{eboch}} oubyen {{ebòch}} oubyen {{ebòch atik}} ki ap pwodui sa a :

Kontakte nou, administratè yo pou tout kesyon tèknik yo :Administratè yo

Gade : Akèy nouvo arivan pou konnen plis.

MasterChes 21 desanm 2007 à 15:13 (UTC)


Bonjou monchè,

mèsi pou kontribisyon ou. Mwen ta renmen konnen si ou ta vle patisipe nan siveye bon atik yo (atik yo ki ap parèt nan paj prensipal "kout pwojektè" epi "bon atik resan") epitou tradui paj pwojè wikimedya yo nan "betawiki" (fok ou enskri ou anvan ou kapab tradui), gade paj mwen an nan seksyon "tout lyenay" (Itilizatè:Masterches)

--MasterChes 7 mas 2008 à 10:11 (UTC)


Mèsi mon chè pou tout efò w ap fè nan tradiksyon nan BetaWiki.

Sèl bagay ki manke pou pwojè yo ale pli lwen se tradiksyon nan lang pa nou tout eleman ki nan sistèm wiki sa a.

Pwojè yo ? Men yo, yo chita nan diskisyon san bouje :

  • Diksyonè (wiksyonè - Wiktionary)
  • Kont kreyòl (WikiKont - WikiQuote)
  • Inivèsite (Wikivèsite - Wikiversity)

Gade nan paj mwen pou konnen tout lyen yo (itilizatè:masterches ). M ap mete yon paj pou nou kapab diskite anlè tout tradiksyon yo.
Tout pwojè sa yo kapab pote anbisyon nou yo pli douvan. Ann ankouraje tout nèg yo pou nou fini bagay sa yo.

--MasterChes 13 mas 2008 à 10:30 (UTC)[reponn]


Bonjou JVM,

kijan ou ye ? sa fè lontan nou pa wè ! MasterChes 25 janvye 2010 à 10:42 (UTC)[reponn]

An Urgent Translation Request

Hi Jvm, How are you? We are in a bit of a time crunch to get the kreyòl ayisyen. translations in before the Fundraiser launch on Monday. We are doing a 100% test that starts on Friday and continues throughout the weekend till the launch, and we really don't want to have English pages on the kreyòl ayisyen. projects. Could you help translate and recruit translators to get all the fundraising materials completed? Here is the translation hub with the Jimmy Appeal, FAQ, Core Messages, and Benefactor pages that need to be completed Translations

Thanks so much, let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

Regards, Klyman 9 novanm 2010 à 00:19 (UTC)[reponn]