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Enmyn elleyUranus III
Sorçheayst Uraanus as eayst chadjin
Feddynit magh ecWilliam Herschel
Date feddyn magh11 Jerrey Geuree 1787[1]
EpennymTitania (en) Translate
Fysserree fishigagh
Essyl lieh-vooar a435,910 km[2]
Craue raadeeoil meanagh fishigagh788.4 ± 0.6 km (0.1235 y Dowan)[3]
Corrid e0.0011[2]
Amm cruinlagh P8.706234 l[2]
Amm cruinlagh (synodagh)sincroanagh (sheiltynit)[4]
Bieauid chruinlagh veanagh3.64 km/s[a]
Cleayn i0.340° (rish meanchiarkyl Uraanus)[2]
Troyn fishigagh as rollageagh meadragh
Craue raadeeoil788.4 km Edit the value on Wikidata
Mooadys baghtal (V)13.9[6]
Eaghtyr y vaare7,820,000 km2[b]
Glout(3.400 ± 0.061) × 1021 kg[7]
Thummid2,065,000,000 km3[c]
Mean-ghlooaght1.711 ± 0.005 g/cm3[3]
Amm çhyndaaee8.7 d Edit the value on Wikidata
Ym-hayrn eaghtyragh0.365 m/s2[d]
Bieauid-jeerit scapail0.759 km/s[e]
  • 0.35 (towse-oaylleeagh)
  • 0.17 (Bond)[5]
Çhiassid eaghtyragh
mooad sloo  mean  mooad smoo
60 K  70 K  89 K Edit the value on Wikidata
Broo eaghtyragh<1–2 mPa (10–20 nbar)

She Titania, enmyssit Uranus III chammah, yn eayst smoo mastey eaystyn Uraanus as y hoghtoo eayst smoo ayns Corys ny Greiney lesh crantessen er 1,578 km (981 mi), as eaghtyr y vaare cosoylagh rish eaghtyr yn Austrail. V'eh feddynit magh liorish William Herschel ayns 1787, as t'eh enmyssit ass ben-rein ny ferrishyn ayns A Midsummer Night's Dream liorish Shakespeare. Ta'n cruinlagh echey soit çheusthie jeh magnaidsfeyr Uraanus.


  1. Oolit er bun parameadaryn elley.
  2. Ta eaghtyr y vaare feddynit ass y chraue raadeeoil r : 4πr².
  3. Ta'n thummid v feddynit ass y chraue raadeeoil r : 4πr3/3.
  4. Ta ym-hayrn y vaare feddynit ass glout m, y beayn-earroo ym-hayrnagh G, as y craue raadeeoil r : Gm/r².
  5. Ta'n vieauid-jeerit scapail feddynit ass glout m, y beayn-earroo ym-hayrnagh G, as y craue raadeeoil r : 2Gm/r.


  1. Herschel, W. S. (1787). "An Account of the Discovery of Two Satellites Revolving Round the Georgian Planet". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Ym-lioar 77: 125–129. doi:10.1098/rstl.1787.0016. 
  2. a b c d "Planetary Satellite Mean Orbital Parameters". Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. Feddynit magh er 2009-10-06.
  3. a b "Titania's radius and an upper limit on its atmosphere from the September 8, 2001 stellar occultation" (February 2009). Icarus. Ym-lioar 199 (2): 458–476. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2008.09.011. Bibcode2009Icar..199..458W. 
  4. "Voyager 2 in the Uranian System: Imaging Science Results" (4 July 1986). Science. Ym-lioar 233 (4759): 43–64. doi:10.1126/science.233.4759.43. PMID 17812889. Bibcode1986Sci...233...43S. 
  5. Karkoschka, Erich (2001). "Comprehensive Photometry of the Rings and 16 Satellites of Uranus with the Hubble Space Telescope". Icarus. Ym-lioar 151 (1): 51–68. doi:10.1006/icar.2001.6596. Bibcode2001Icar..151...51K. 
  6. Newton, Bill; Teece, Philip (1995). The guide to amateur astronomy. Cambridge University Press. dg. 109. ISBN 978-0-521-44492-7.
  7. R. A. Jacobson (2014) 'The Orbits of the Uranian Satellites and Rings, the Gravity Field of the Uranian System, and the Orientation of the Pole of Uranus'. The Astronomical Journal 148:5

Kianglaghyn magh