LIMSpec Wiki

Methyl cyanoacrylats kemiske strukturformel.
En lille tube superlim.

Cyanoacrylat (akronym "CA") er en generisk betegnelse for hurtigtvirkende lime som f.eks. ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate (almindeligvis solgt under flere handelsnavne bl.a. superlim), n-butyl-cyanoacrylate (anvendes i veterinærlime Vetbond og LiquiVet) – og 2-octyl cyanoacrylate (anvendes i flydende bandager såsom Indermil, Histoacryl, Dermabond, Nexaband og Traumaseal). Cyanoacrylate lime kendes også som "sekundlim".


  • Fernandez, Tania (Dr) and Bliskovsky, Val (Dr). "Cyanoacrylate Technology: Stay Glued",, 2 January 2003.
  • Hayes, Sharon Caskey. "Discovery of Super Glue helped land Coover in National Inventors Hall of Fame", Kingsport Times-News, July 11, 2004.
  • Jueneman, F, "Stick it to um", Industrial Research & Development, August 1981, p. 19.
  • Perry LC: An evaluation of acute incisional strength with Traumaseal surgical tissue adhesive wound closure. Dimensional Analysis Systems Inc.
  • Quinn, J., & Kissack, J., "Tissue Adhesives for Laceration Repair During Sporting Events", Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 4 No. 4, 1994, p. 245.
  • Schwade, Nathan D. "Wound Adhesives, 2-Octyl Cyanoacrylate", eMedicine article, 10 April 2002.
  • Vinters HV, Galil KA, Lundie MJ, Kaufmann JC: The histotoxicity of cyanoacrylates. A selective review. Neuroradiology 1985; 27(4): 279–91.


  • U.S. Patent 2.768.109  Alcohol-Catalyzed α-Cyanoacrylate Adhesive Compositions, filed June 1954, issued October 1956.

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