LIMSpec Wiki

Ian Magen
Ian Magen oþ Rodor
Ian Magnes stoƿ

Ian Magen is Norþmanna īeg in þæm īsgebuden garsecge. Fȳrbeorg geƿrohten is þēos īeg and hie belimpeþ þæs Norrena rīce.

Ian Magen is 34 mīla lang (of sūþƿest oþ norþeast) and hiere stede is 144 mīla be þæm feoƿerscīte. Micel dǣl is be īsflōd beƿrog ymbe þæm Beerenbeorg, se is his mǣsta hlǣƿ. Þēos īeg hæfþ tƿegen dālas: here norþēastdǣl, Nord-Jan be naman (se is ("Norþ-Ian"), and hiere lǣssa dǣl, Sør-Jan (se is "Sūþ-Ian") þara hlenc is landhals healf tƿā mīla lang.

Þēos īeg līþ 400 mīla be norþēastan Īslande, 300 mīla be ēastan Grēnelande and 600 mīla be ƿestan Norþƿeges Norþnǣsse. Beorgfæst is þēos īeg and hiere hēasta topp is on Beerenbeorg, se is fȳrbeorg in þæm norþdǣl, and stent 7,470 fēt ofer þæm brime. Lūh hæfþ Ian Magen on þæm landhals; Sørlaguna (se is Sūþ Mere), and Nordlaguna (se is Norþ Mere). Þridde mere is Ullerenglaguna be naman.


Ian Magen belimpeþ Norrena Rīce and his Gereca is Nordlandes Scīrgerēfa, oððæt ðe micel ealdordōm ofer Ian Magne hæfþ se cyning gegifen þæm ƿichlāforde þæs heriges on þære īege.

Nān būþ on þære īege būton menn þæs Norþiscan Heriges oððe þæs Norðiscan Ƿederlār Staðol, and ætsammen sind þās 18 menn be ƿintre and 35 men on sumer.

Ian Magen næfþ hȳð and manige scipu habbaþ in ƿræcce on þissum rīm geƿeard gebrōcen. For lyftcræfte is ān feld mid ceoslen rynƿeg: eahta lyftcræfte comon hēr oþ Bodø ælc gear.


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AlbaniaAserbaigan1BelgiceBosnia and HerzegofinaĊeclandCipros2CrecalandCroatiaDenemearcEandorreĒastrīċeĒstlandFaticanburg (Papseld) • FinnlandFranclandĠeānod CynerīċeHwitrusslandIrlandIslandItaliaLetseburgLettlandLeohtenstanLiþþuaniaMelitaMoldofaMonacoNiðerlandNorþmæcedoniaNorþwegPolalandPortugalPulgaralandRumæniaRussland1San MarinoScearpbeorgasSerbiaSlofaciaSlofeniaSpēonlandSweartbeorgSweolandSwisslandTyrcland1ÞeodsclandUcrægnaUngerland
Selfricsiendlica landbunessa: Ealendisca IegaAcrotiri and Ðecelia2CalpisCesareaFaroisca ĪeġaGuernseyIan MagenManieg
1. Þeod dællice on Asie. 2. Gewunelice gesett to Asie be eorþmetunge, ac naþȳlæs oft gedemed swa Europisc for þeawe and stærlicum racum.