LabLynx Wiki

iOS is searusprecenda ƿeorcendebyrdness þe is geƿorht and asteald fram Apple Inc. Ǣrost ƿæs hit þæs 2007. gēares on folc on þǣm iPhone and on þǣm iPod Touch asteald, ac nū brȳcþ man hit on ōðrum searƿum, ēac þǣm iPad and þǣm Apple TV. Nā sƿā Google Android and Microsoft Windows Phone nile Apple Inc. līefan þe iOS sīe gesett on līchamhyrste būtan Apple Inc. līchamhyrste.

Þæs 12. dæges Hærfestmōnaðes þæs 2012. gēares hafaþ Apple Inc. ƿeorcƿrithord mā þonne 700,000 ƿeorcƿrita for iOS, þā ætsomne ƿǣron mā þonne 30 þūsend þūsenda þūsenda mǣla on searu gefǣted. Hit hæfde 21% þǣre tōdǣlunge searcusprecenda þā ƿǣron forþsend on þǣm fēorðan dǣle þæs 2012. gēares, synderlīce æfter Android fram Google. Be healfe þæs 2012. gēares ƿǣron mā þonne 400 þūsend þūsenda searƿa mid iOS aƿeaht.

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