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Zhang Guotao
Zhang Guotao
Cina Padatan 張國燾
Cina Prasaja 张国焘

Zhang Guotao (lair 26 Novèmber 1897 – pati 3 Dhésèmber 1979 ing umur 82 taun) yaiku anggota pangadheg lan pimpinan Parte Komunis Tiongkok (PKT) lan saingan gedhe saka Mao Zedong. Ing 1920an, ia sinau ing Uni Sovyet lan dadi kontak kunci karo Comintern lan nyelenggarake gerakan buruh PKT ing Front Sarekat kanthi Guomindang. Ing 1931, sawise Parte kasebut dikendharani saka kutha-kutha, ia ngadegake E-Yu-Wan Soviet.

Wacaan tambahan

  • Chang Kuo-t'ao (Guotao Zhang), The Rise of the Chinese Communist Party (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1971).
  • Tony Saich, ed. with a contribution from Benjamin Yang, The Rise to Power of the Chinese Communist Party: Documents and Analysis (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1996 ISBN 1-56324-154-4). Extensive commentary and primary documents.
  • Benjamin Yang (Bingzhang Yang), From Revolution to Politics: Chinese Communists on the Long March. (Boulder: Westview, 1990; 338p. ISBN 0-8133-7672-6). Detailed analysis of the conflict with Mao after the Zunyi Conference.
  • Bill Schiller, "The man who could have been Mao", The Toronto Star, September 26, 2009. [1]. Useful summary of Zhang's life based largely on Chang Jung, Jon Halliday, Mao The Unknown Story (2005).