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Hiji nagara daulat mangrupa hiji nagara kalawan téritori nu jentré nu mana miboga kadaulatan ka jero jeung ka luar, populasi permanén, pamaréntahan, jeung kabisaan pikeun miboga hubungan jeung nagara daulat nu lian.[1] Normalna ogé dipikaharti salaku hiji nagara anu teu depénden (gumantung) ka, atawa minangka subjék tina (kakawasaan) nagara lian.[2] Dina istilah abstrakna hiji nagara daulat bisa aya tanpa pangakuan ku nagara daulat nu lian, nagara nu teu diakuan sering bakal hésé ngalaksanakeun kakawasaan nyieun gawé bareng atawa hubungan diplomatik jeung nagara daulat nu lian.

Tempo ogé

Bacaan salajengna

  • Chen, Ti-chiang. The International Law of Recognition, with Special Reference to Practice in Great Britain and the United States. London, 1951.
  • Crawford, James. The Creation of States in International Law. Oxford University Press, 2005. ISBN 0-19-825402-4, pp. 15–24.
  • Lauterpacht, Sir Hersch. Recognition in International Law. Cambridge, U.K., 1947.
  • Raič, D. Statehood and the Law of Self-determination. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2002. ISBN 9789041118905. p 29 (with reference to Oppenheim in International Law Vol. 1 1905 p110)

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  1. See the following:
    • Shaw, Malcolm Nathan (2003). International law. Cambridge University Press. p. 178. Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States, 1933 lays down the most widely accepted formulation of the criteria of statehood in international law. It note that the state as an international person should possess the following qualifications: '(a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with other states' 
    • Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri, ed. (1995). Perspectives on international law. Kluwer Law International. p. 20. So far as States are concerned, the traditional definitions provided for in the Montevideo Convention remain generally accepted. 
  2. See the following:
    • Wheaton, Henry (1836). Elements of international law: with a sketch of the history of the science. Carey, Lea & Blanchard. p. 51. A sovereign state is generally defined to be any nation or people, whatever may be the form of its internal constitution, which governs itself independently of foreign powers. 
    • "sovereign", The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4th ed.) (Houghton Mifflin Company), 2004, diakses tanggal 21 February 2010, adj. 1. Self-governing; independent: a sovereign state. 
    • "sovereign", The New Oxford American Dictionary (2nd ed.) (Oxford: Oxford University Press), ISBN 0195170776, adjective ... [ attrib. ] (of a nation or state) fully independent and determining its own affairs.