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Se geþryclica bewrit nis nu gefultumod and meaht habban gedwild in his onsyne. Edniw þines ymbsceaweres æstlas and nytt þone frumstaðol ðæs geþryccærendes fore þissum.
Se fana þāra Cōcīega
Strand on Rarotongan

Þā Cōcīega (Cōcīega Māorisce gehāten Kūki 'Āirani) sind selfwealdende gemōtlic cynewīse in frēore gefērlǣhtnesse wiþ Nīwe Sǣland. Þā fīftīen lytelra īega in þissum lande þæs sūðernan Sericus Gārsecges habbaþ fulle landes brǣdo of 240 fēorscētra þūsendmetera, ac þāra Cōcīega synderlic feohwendunglic geard þeceþ 1.8 þūsendum þūsenda fēorscētra þūsendmetera geofones.[1]

Þā hēafodlican tūnas sind on þǣre īege Rarotonga (mid 14,153 lēoda on þǣm 2006.), þǣr þǣr is geondrīcisc flyhthæfen. Þǣr is ēac swīðe māre lēodrǣden Cōcīegera in Nīwum Sǣlande, hūru on þǣre Norþīege. In þǣre lēodrīmunge þæs 2006. gēares, 58,008 lēoda hēton hīe selfe lēodlic Cōcīega Māori.[2]

Þǣr wǣron mā þonne 90,000 gesēcenda tō þǣm īegum in þǣm 2006 gēare; landscēawing is þæs landes formest weorc, and se hēafodlicosta dǣl þǣre feohwendunge, swīðe māre þonne elelendisc feohhealdung, meregrotu, and sǣlica and wæstma ūtsendunga.

Heora beorg is se borh Nīwes Sǣlandes, on gemōte mid þǣm Cōcīegum and þurh heora ascunge. On þissum dagum habbaþ þā Cōcīega genumen ānstandendre ofersǣwisc gerād.
