The US FDA’s proposed rule on laboratory-developed tests: Impacts on clinical laboratory testing
遲發肌肉痛(Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS))係一隻運動之後廿四到七十六小時出現嘅肌肉痛或者唔舒服。通常會持續多兩三日。曾經有段時間認為係乳酸積聚引起,不過,近期理論都係講肌肉伸展運動嗰時,因為肌肉唔習慣個運動量,肌肉纖維有微細損傷。乳酸理論唔成立係因為乳酸會散得好快,根本解釋唔到點睇第二日重會痛。
肌肉痛訓練一般都搞到人肌內梗,脹,無力同埋痛。[2] [3] 肌肉痛時再唔停咁用力,會令到肌內脹啲痛啲,加長肌肉痛嘅時間。有一啲科學證據講再多啲訓練,增強過度都唔會有負面反應。[4] 成日響痛之下訓練會搞到人好唔舒服,雖則有啲人會習慣咗。呢個情況之下訓練後果,以及肌肉痛,休息同肌肉增大三者之間嘅關係係好有爭議。有啲話長期肌肉痛會令到肌肉增長,而有啲就話咁係過度訓練,引致停滯無發展。
- 慢慢拉筋。運動之前做熱身運動,等肌肉準備好。同埋做完運動後,要做返啲拉筋。拉嗰時要拉得有少少唔舒服,定十到卅秒。新人嘅話,做唔多過十秒。前後拉筋係唔係保護肌肉來防止肌肉痛[5],而係會減輕[6] [7]運動之後肌肉痛。
- 若果真係好痛,可以用止痛藥,例如阿士匹靈同ibuprofen。阿士匹靈可以令到身體放多啲維他命C去造某啲締結組織同骨。如果唔夠維他命C,會加長好返時間,同埋加重遲發肌肉痛病徵。
- ↑ Roth, S. (2006, January 23). Why does lactic acid build up in muscles? And why does it cause soreness? 互聯網檔案館嘅歸檔,歸檔日期2007年10月21號,. Retrieved on July 24, 2006.
- ↑ Connolly, D. A., Sayers, S. P. & McHugh, M. P. (2003) Treatment and prevention of delayed onset muscle soreness (abstract.) Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, 17(1):197-208. Retrieved from on July 24, 2006.
- ↑ Szymanski, D. (2003). Recommendations for the avoidance of delayed-onset muscle soreness. Strength and Conditioning Journal 23(4): 7–13.
- ↑ Ji-Guo, Y. (2003). Re-evaluation of exercise-induced muscle soreness: an immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study. Abstract of unpublished doctoral dessertation, Umeyå Universittet, Sweden. ISBN 91-7305-503-4
- ↑ Kennealy, D. (2002, November). Lets not throw the baby out with the bath water!! 互聯網檔案館嘅歸檔,歸檔日期2005年9月7號,. UK Athletics - Sports Sceince Panel Articles. Retreived on July 26, 2006.
- ↑ Quinn, E. (n.d.). Stretching - What the research shows. 互聯網檔案館嘅歸檔,歸檔日期2016年3月10號,. About Health & Fitness - Sports Medicine. Retrieved on July 26, 2006.
- ↑ Knudson, D. Stretch after the match, not before. 互聯網檔案館嘅歸檔,歸檔日期2007年7月7號,. Coaches' infoservice. Retreived on July 26, 2006.