Practical Applications of a SDMS (Scientific Data Management System)

Hyllas on Iudēiscum Ƿēstne
Box Hyll on þǣm Norþdūnum on Sūðrigum
Norþberewīc Hlǣw se standeþ ofer þǣre byrige

Hyll oþþe dūn is dǣl landes þe is hīerra þonne þæt land be him. Sumu hylla cynn sind:

  • Beorg is gemǣne word for hylle þæt man mōt secgan for miclum beorge se standeþ þūsend fōta hēah oððe for lytlum byrgum beorg.
  • Banc oþþe balc is lytel hyll.
  • Clif is swīðe brant hyll, gewunelīce stǣnen
  • Clūd is micel stān oððe stānlic beorg.
  • Dūn segþ man oftost for geapum hylle oððe mammlic, oððæt ðe Snāwdūn, se mǣsta beorg on Norþwēalum, nis geap ne mammlic. In sūðernre Bretene beraþ manige beorgas þisne naman.
  • Fell is Norþmanna word ac in þǣm landum of EoforwīcscīreGalweg notaþ man þis word for hēaum beorge.
  • Hlinc is wang se stīgeþ swā swā stīgeþ hylles hliþ.
  • Hliþ is hylles ecg and stīgeþ of cumbe tō þǣm toppe.
  • Hlǣw is word þæt man hīerþ oft on Norþanhymbran. Hlǣw standeþ sundor, oððæt ðe on Norþhymbralande and on Lambramōre ealle hyllas þe ne sindon fell sindon hlǣwas be namum, and ēac to nemnienne þā dūna Cilternes. Ēac notaþ man þæt ilce word for mangewrōhten byrgen.
  • Hōh on menn is his hēlspure, and for hylle notaþ man þis word þǣr is his in þisse gelīcnesse, mid stealcum hliðe on ānre hyldan.
  • Hrycg is hēah weg and lang betwuh beorgleoþum.
  • Munt is word þæt cwōm on þā Englisc tunge of Lǣdene.
  • Torr oðþe Tor is micel stǣnen hēap on hylles toppe ac ēac segþ man "torr" for beorgum selfum on Darenþmōre and in missenlicum stedum.