Potency and safety analysis of hemp-derived delta-9 products: The hemp vs. cannabis demarcation problem

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Cerastes cerastes

Cerastes cerastes

Auerorder: Lepidosauria
Order: Skolepkrepdiarten (Squamata)
Onerorder: Slaanger (Serpentes)
Famile: Wiipern
Wedenskapelk nööm
Oppel, 1811

Wiipern (Viperidae) san en famile faan Slaanger (Serpentes). Diar hiar muar üs 360 slacher tu. Jo san giftag, oober ei leewentsgefeerelk.

Onerfamilin an sköölen

  • Crotalinae
    Agkistrodon – Bothriechis – Bothrocophias – Bothrops – Calloselasma – Cerrophidion – Crotalus – Deinagkistrodon – Garthius – Gloydius – Hypnale – Lachesis – Metlapilcoatlus – Mixcoatlus – Ophryacus – Ovophis – Porthidium – Protobothrops – Sistrurus – Trimeresurus – Tropidolaemus
  • Echt Wiipern (Viperinae)
    Atheris – Bitis – Causus – Cerastes – Daboia – Echis – Eristicophis – Macrovipera – Montatheris – Montivipera – Proatheris – Pseudocerastes – Vipera

Enkelt sköölen an slacher

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