Complimentary LIMS Consulting Service for LiMSforum Members & Subscribers

Did you know that, in addition to a wide range of publications, news, events, courses and other resources, LiMSforum also offers free laboratory information management system (LIMS) consulting services?

What is LiMShelp from LiMSforum?

Based upon the LiMSforum’s exclusive, comprehensive User Requirements Specification (URS) tool, called the “LIMSpec,” our experienced laboratory informatics team will help you identify and spec out the features and functions your lab requires.

You will have a professionally-prepared URS to include in your Request for Information (RFI), so you can accurately compare potential LIMS/LIS vendors and their products, along with their implementation, support and warranty services. This standardized approach allows you to objectively compare “apples to apples,” providing a clear methodology for assessment.

Who Needs LiMShelp?

LIMShelp services are provided at no cost to every laboratory that is considering buying a LIMS and can use some help in identifying their lab’s requirements, documenting them and managing the process of comparing products.

LiMSforum’s mission is to provide openly-available information, resources and services to the laboratory, informatics, medical and scientific community that enrich and enable activity, interaction and advancement.

One of the ways that mission is served is by relieving lab staff of the more labor-intensive tasks involved in assessing and selecting LIMS vendors and solutions. We do the hard work so you can continue to concentrate on your lab even as you work towards bringing in new technology to advance efficiency, accuracy, compliance and cost-effectiveness.

How Does It Work?

Taking advantage of LiMShelp services is simple and quick to do. Here are the five steps:

1. Contact Us

The LiMShelp service is provided at no charge to LiMSforum members or newsletter subscribers. Contact us and we will schedule a web meeting with you to go over your needs and we will start the requirements documentation process immediately.

2. Requirements Development Process

We will work collaboratively with you to document what your lab does and how it does it. We collect information about your testing and workflows and reporting and integration requirements and much more. We objectively create requirements that are tied off to industry standards and regulatory requirements that are documented in the LiMSpec from LiMSforum.

3. Delivery Of Finished User Requirements Specification

We deliver a complete set of user requirements specifications along with the implementation service requirements and demo script for objectively evaluating your narrowed down list of LIMS solutions.

4. Post your LIMS RFI/RFP to LiMSforum

LiMSforum has a full and comprehensive list of nearly every commercial LIMS vendor that exists. We will distribute your bid package to your pre-selected vendors, or you can do it or we can post it to our LiMSbids newsletter that goes to all LIMS vendors so you can get competitive offerings. You control if, when, how and to whom you wish to provide your bid package.

5. Get Results

With an accurate and complete set of LIMS specifications built around your lab's needs for today and the future, you will be armed with the tools you need to find the best solution on the market to meet those needs. It empowers your lab with knowledge and provides a market driven, competitive approach to get the very best LIMS for the job. LIMS are mission critical to the lab operations and this process and user requirements will assure that you get the results that will make your lab efficient and competitive with a state of the art solution that works for your lab now and for decades to come.

Get Your LIMS Process Rolling Now

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How Do I Get Started?

Getting started is simple, and costs nothing. So why wait? Just contact us here and our expert LIMShelp team will get in touch with you to get your LIMS process moving!

Contact Us!