LIMS Reporting

No business can run successfully without completing its final step.  No LIMS can be considered a good LIMS unless it can generate the final report.  Not any report, but specifically, the report the client has requested.


A final report is your laboratory’s final product.  The results posted in it are the reason your laboratory exists.  The supporting data in the report verifying that the data is reliable and reproducible data is not only legally important, but for those working within the laboratory, a matter of pride. 


Khemia’s Omega 11 LIMS has a complete and easily configurable report developer that is straightforward and easy to navigate.  With a few simple steps, what main sections are to be included in a report, what order they are to be presented in and what analytical data, field data and/or QC data are to be presented may be modified as needed, allowing a laboratory to quickly configure their reports to fit their clients’ specific needs.  As well, whether or not an electronic data deliverable (EDD) is to be included in the final report package may be selected within this screen. 


The short video clip below gives a brief overview of the report designer: