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Imeya: Boris Johnson
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ILondon iyinhlokodolobha yoMbuso Ohlangeneyo. Ngesikhathi pambuso iRhomani babiza ngokuthi "Londinium".

Umlando wegama

Umlando wegama "iLondon" ungabaza.[1] Iyigama idaladala: Yatholakala kungaba 121 AD kwa-Londinium, okhombisa umdabu weRhomani.[1] Incasiselo ilinga ukuqala, idelela manje, kwa-Geoffrey weMonmouth e-Historia Regum Britanniae.[1] Yacabanga Inkosi Lud, yaqamba idolobha Kaerlud.[2]

Emuva kwa-1899 yamukela igama unendabuko waCeltic yisho indawo ngendoda uqamba *Londinos.[1] Richard Coates usho ngo-1998 okhombisa umdabu we-Yurobhu Idaladala *(p)lowonida, yisho 'umfula ubanzi ngokweqile ukuwela'.[3]

Phambile kwa-1889 igama "London" ngokusemthethweni Idolobha weLondon kodwa manje upheca Isifunda weLondon na manje ILondon Kakhulu.[4]

Igama "London" ungaphuma wemfula Thames




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Harvnb | Mills | 2001| p 139
  2. Ackroyd, Peter (2 December 2001). "'London'". New York Times. ISBN 978-0-7011-7279-4. Kulandwe ngomhlaka 28 October 2008.
  3. Coates, Richard| 1998| A new explanation of the name of London| Transactions of the Philological Society| vol 96| 2| p 203–229| url= | doi=10.1111/1467-968X.00027]| harv| [1] | 19 May 2011
  4. Harvnb | Mills | 2001 | p 140