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Pastiche 係出於法文嘅一個藝術詞彙,指出於景仰而模仿第個創作者嘅風格或者所用嘅橋段[1],例子有一個偵探小說作家因為仰慕福爾摩斯,而特登喺自己嘅小說入面加入性格上似福爾摩斯嘅角色,甚至係俾福爾摩斯出場[2]

  1. Roland Greene; Stephen Cushman; Clare Cavanagh; Jahan Ramazani; Paul F. Rouzer; Harris Feinsod; David Marno; Alexandra Slessarev, eds. (2012). The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. p. 1005.
  2. Peter Ridgway Watt, Joseph Green, The alternative Sherlock Holmes: pastiches, parodies, and copies, Ashgate Publishing, 2003.