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蜂花粉bee pollen)係蜜蜂處理完花粉嘅產物:蜜蜂會帶花粉返,並且將呢啲花粉同蜜糖以及佢哋自己某啲分泌物溝埋一齊,饟成蜂糧(bee bread)。饟蜂糧嘅過程令花粉釋放內藏嘅營養,可以產生抗生素同抑制腐爛嘅脂肪酸(fatty acid);工蜂會攞蜂糧自己食同餵幼蟲,工蜂食蜂糧會幫佢哋生產蜂王漿,而蜂王漿對蜂后同發育緊嘅幼蟲嚟講不可或缺;而且蜂花粉仲係蜜蜂唯一嘅蛋白質來源[1][2]

  1. Gillott, Cedric (1995). Entomology. Springer. p. 79.
  2. Anderson, Kirk E.; Carroll, Mark J.; Sheehan, Tim; Lanan, Michele C.; Mott, Brendon M.; Maes, Patrick; Corby-Harris, Vanessa (5 November 2014). "Hive-stored pollen of honey bees: many lines of evidence are consistent with pollen preservation, not nutrient conversion". Molecular Ecology. 23 (23): 5904–5917.