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科學化管理英文scientific management)係一套管理風格,旨在於用科學方法提高一個組織嘅經濟效率



科學化管理喺 1910 年代興起。科學化管理將每個員工想像成有某啲特定責任嘅個體,強調分工(division of labor)能夠有效噉令到每個員工用少啲時間資源嚟生產同一份量嘅產出,令效率提升。科學化管理建基於以下呢幾條基本原則[1][2]

  1. 每個員工集中研究佢要做嘅工作,提升自己喺嗰方面嘅技能;
  2. 每一種工作都因為噉而有咗某啲標準嘅做法;
  3. 管理人員按照每個員工嘅專長分配工作,並且喺適當嘅時候提供訓練機會;
  4. 每一種工作都有一個評估表現嘅方法,而管理人員要按照表現嚟獎勵做得好嘅員工。



  1. Taylor, F. W. (1914). Scientific Management: Reply from Mr. FW Taylor. The Sociological Review, 7(3), 266-269.
  2. Kahn, R.L., Katz, S. (1966), The Social Psychology of Organization. New York: Willey.
  3. Ratnayake, C. (2009), Evolution of scientific management towards performance measurement and managing systems for sustainable performance in industrial assets: Philosophical point of view. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 4(1), 152-161.
  4. Khorasani, S. T., & Almasifard, M. (2017). Evolution of management theory within 20 century: A systemic overview of paradigm shifts in management. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(3), 134-137.