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社會科學粵讀:se5 wui2 fo1 hok6 | 英文social science),簡稱社科,係指有系統噉用科學方法嚟研究人類團體同埋社會嘅學問。包括經濟學心理學等都屬於社會科學。



  1. 根據手上已知係真嘅事實,諗一啲理論出嚟(「基於我哋經已觀察到嘅呢啲現象,我推測啲現象背後嘅法則係噉噉噉,令社會有噉嘅特性」),呢啲理論好多時係用數學模型嘅方式嚟表達嘅[註 1]
  2. 跟手就靠邏輯性嘅思考,去諗吓呢柞理論會做點樣嘅預測(「如果我提倡嘅呢個理論係真確嘅,理應會...」);
  3. 然後就做實驗觀察嚟攞數據,驗證吓個理論嘅預測係咪真確(「如果我呢個理論係真確,呢個實驗理應會得出某個某個結果,而個實際嘅實驗結果係...」);
  4. 如果數據顯示,個理論係做唔到準確嘅預測嘅話,就要一係根據攞到嘅數據睇吓個理論要點改先可以令佢做到準確啲嘅預測,一係就要諗新理論取代舊理論[1]







  1. 當中經濟學零舍興用數學模型。


  1. Godfrey-Smith 2003, Chapter 14: "Bayesianism and Modern Theories of Evidence".
  2. Brigandt, Ingo; Love, Alan (2017), "Reductionism in Biology", in Zalta, Edward N. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2017 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.
  3. Dougherty, E.R. (2008). "On the Epistemological Crisis in Genomics". Current Genomics. 9 (2): 69-79.
  4. Gluck, Mark A.; Mercado, Eduardo; Myers, Catherine E. (2016). Learning and Memory: From Brain to Behavior. New York/NY, USA: Worth Publishers.
  5. Cattell, R. B. (1988). Psychological theory and scientific method. In Handbook of multivariate experimental psychology (pp. 3-20). Springer, Boston, MA.
  6. Ashley, David; Orenstein, David M. (2005). Sociological Theory: Classical Statements (6 ed.). Boston: Pearson Education.
  7. Krugman, Paul; Wells, Robin (2012). Economics (3rd ed.). Worth Publishers.
  8. Halliday, Michael A.K.; Jonathan Webster (2006). On Language and Linguistics. Continuum International Publishing Group. p. vii.
  9. Haviland, William A.; Prins, Harald E.L.; McBride, Bunny; Walrath, Dana (2010), Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge (13th ed.), Cengage Learning,
  10. Stock, W.G., & Stock, M. (2013). Handbook of Information Science. Berlin, Boston, MA: De Gruyter Saur.