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創意寫作cong3 ji3 se2 zok3英文creative writing)泛指任何展示作者創意原創寫作品。創意寫作有別於一般嘅寫作:好似係新聞學或者學術性嘅寫作通常會重視客觀噉描述一啲事物,而創意寫作就著重運用敘事嘅建構技巧以及文學上嘅橋段,達致藝術性或者娛樂性嘅效果。創意寫作嘅範疇可以分做兩大領域:虛構非虛構故仔嘅寫作,以及係嘅寫作[2][3]




原版英文:"[Creative writing] is a composition of any type of writing at any time primarily in the service of such needs as the need for keeping records of significant experience, the need for sharing experience with an interested group, and the need for free individual expression which contributes to mental and physical health."








  1. How The Quill Pen Became The Ultimate Symbol Of All Writers.
  2. Osborn, A. (2012). Applied Imagination-Principles and Procedures of Creative Writing. Read Books Ltd.
  3. Everett, Nick (2005). "Creative Writing and English". The Cambridge Quarterly. 34 (3): 231–242.
  4. Marksberry, Mary Lee. Foundation of Creativity. Harper's Series on Teaching. (New York ; London: Harper & Row, 1963), 39.
  5. Stein, N. L. (1986). Knowledge and process in the acquisition of writing skills. Review of Research in Education, 13(1), 255–258.
  6. Ward, T., Smith, S. M., & Fink, R. A. (1999). Creative cognition. In R. J. Sternberg (Ed.), Handbook of creativity (pp. 189–212). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  7. Gardner, J. (1991). The art of fiction: Notes on craft for young writers. NY: Vintage Books.
  8. Barbot, B., Tan, M., Randi, J., Santa-Donato, G., & Grigorenko, E. L. (2012). Essential skills for creative writing: Integrating multiple domain-specific perspectives. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 7(3), 209-223.