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Bu sahifada dastur tomonidan tahrirlarni belgilashda ishlatiladigan teglar roʻyxati keltirilgan.

Teg nomiOʻzgarishlar roʻyxatidagi koʻrinishiTavsifManbaFaolmi?Tegli oʻzgarishlar
AWBAWBAutoWikiBrowser yordamida qilingan tahrirlarApplied manually by users and botsHa687 696 ta oʻzgarish
wikieditor(yashirin)WikiEditor yordamida qilingan tahrir (2010 vikimatn muharriri)Defined by the softwareHa626 595 ta oʻzgarish
visualeditorKoʻrib tahrirlagichKoʻrib tahrirlagich yordamida qilingan tahrirDefined by the softwareHa260 954 ta oʻzgarish
OAuth CID: 1841PAWS [2.1]PAWS (PAWS: A Web Shell) allows users to run Pywikibot (and other Python / R / bash code) online without needing an ssh login. The OAuth integration allows them to do so without having to expose their passwords.Defined by the softwareHa163 307 ta oʻzgarish
mobile editMobil qurilma orqaliMobil qurilma (sayt yoki ilova) orqali qilingan tahrirDefined by the softwareHa154 496 ta oʻzgarish
mobile web editMobil sayt orqaliMobil sayt orqali qilingan tahrirDefined by the softwareHa146 442 ta oʻzgarish
contenttranslationAvtomatik tarjimonMatn „Avtomatik tarjimon“ asbobi yordamida boshqa tildan tarjima qilingan.Defined by the softwareHa112 763 ta oʻzgarish
contenttranslation-v2Avtomatik tarjimon 2Matn „Avtomatik tarjimon“ asbobining 2-versiyasi yordamida boshqa tildan tarjima qilingan.Defined by the softwareHa112 145 ta oʻzgarish
mw-new-redirectYangi yoʻnaltirishEdits that create a new redirect or change a page to a redirectDefined by the softwareHa60 094 ta oʻzgarish
mw-revertedQaytarildiEdits that were later reverted by a different editDefined by the softwareHa43 690 ta oʻzgarish
OAuth CID: 651Fountain [0.1.3]An application that greatly assists at edit-a-thons by collecting the submitted articles, showing the marks, and helping the jury.Defined by the softwareHa43 388 ta oʻzgarish
visualeditor-switchedKoʻrib tahrirlagich: SwitchedFoydalanuvchi koʻrib tahrirlagichdan foydalanib tahrirlashni boshladi, keyin vikimatn tahrirlagichiga oʻzgartirdi.Defined by the softwareHa35 842 ta oʻzgarish
discussiontools-added-comment(yashirin)A talk page comment was added in this editDefined by the softwareHa31 223 ta oʻzgarish
twinkleTwinkleTwinkle yordamida qilingan amallarApplied manually by users and botsHa26 735 ta oʻzgarish
discussiontools(yashirin)DiscussionTools yordamida qilingan tahrirDefined by the softwareHa26 127 ta oʻzgarish
mw-removed-redirectRemoved redirectEdits that change an existing redirect to a non-redirectDefined by the softwareHa19 492 ta oʻzgarish
discussiontools-source(yashirin)DiscussionTools was in source modeDefined by the softwareHa19 103 ta oʻzgarish
disambiguator-link-addedKoʻp maʼnoli sahifalarga ishoratlarEdits that add links to disambiguation pagesDefined by the softwareHa19 002 ta oʻzgarish
discussiontools-source-enhanced(yashirin)DiscussionTools was in enhanced source mode with the toolbarDefined by the softwareHa18 911 ta oʻzgarish
discussiontools-newtopicMavzu qoʻshildiFoydalanuvchi DiscussionTools yordamida sahifaga yangi mavzu qoʻshdiDefined by the softwareHa18 660 ta oʻzgarish
mw-changed-redirect-targetYoʻnaltirish moʻljali oʻzgartirildiEdits that change the target of a redirectDefined by the softwareHa17 817 ta oʻzgarish
advanced mobile editKengaytirilgan mobil rejim orqaliKengaytirilgan rejim yordamida qilingan tahrirDefined by the softwareHa14 849 ta oʻzgarish
AdiutorAdiutorAdiutor yordamida qilingan tahrirlarApplied manually by users and botsHa13 378 ta oʻzgarish
mw-rollbackEski holiga qaytarishEdits that roll back previous edits using the rollback linkDefined by the softwareHa12 245 ta oʻzgarish
newcomer taskYangi foydalanuvchi uchun vazifaYangi foydalanuvchi bosh sahifasining „Tavsiya etiladigan tahrirlar“ moduli tomonidan tavsiya etilgan tahrirDefined by the softwareHa11 060 ta oʻzgarish
mw-undoBekor qilindiEdits that undo previous edits using the undo linkDefined by the softwareHa9 935 ta oʻzgarish
mw-manual-revertQoʻlda qaytarildiEdits that manually restore the page to an exact previous stateDefined by the softwareHa9 714 ta oʻzgarish
newcomer task add linkTavsiya: havolalar qoʻshishYangi foydalanuvchi bosh sahifasining „Tavsiya etiladigan tahrirlar“ moduli tomonidan tavsiya etilgan „Havola qoʻshish“ vazifasiDefined by the softwareHa8 106 ta oʻzgarish
editcheck-newreference(yashirin)A reference was added to the pageDefined by the softwareHa7 962 ta oʻzgarish
mobile app editMobil ilova orqaliMobil ilova orqali qilingan tahrirlarDefined by the softwareHa7 946 ta oʻzgarish
discussiontools-replyJavobFoydalanuvchi DiscussionTools yordamida xabarga javob berdiDefined by the softwareHa7 467 ta oʻzgarish
android app editAndroid-ilova orqaliAndroid-ilova orqali qilingan tahrirlarDefined by the softwareHa7 049 ta oʻzgarish
discussiontools-visual(yashirin)DiscussionTools was in visual modeDefined by the softwareHa7 024 ta oʻzgarish
editcheck-references(yashirin)EditCheck thinks a reference might have been neededDefined by the softwareHa6 751 ta oʻzgarish
editcheck-newcontent(yashirin)EditCheck thinks new content was added to the pageDefined by the softwareHa5 054 ta oʻzgarish
mw-blankBoʻsh holga keltirildiEdits that blank a pageDefined by the softwareHa3 182 ta oʻzgarish
visualeditor-wikitextvikimatn muharriri 2017Vikimatn muharriri (2017) yordamida qilingan tahrirDefined by the softwareHa2 811 ta oʻzgarish
mw-replaceAlmashtirildiEdits that remove more than 90% of the content of a pageDefined by the softwareHa2 734 ta oʻzgarish
newcomer task copyeditYangi foydalanuvchi uchun vazifa: korrekturaYangi foydalanuvchi bosh sahifasining „Tavsiya etiladigan tahrirlar“ moduli tomonidan tavsiya etilgan „Korrektura“ vazifasiDefined by the softwareHa1 603 ta oʻzgarish
OAuth CID: 1805SWViewer [1.4]App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see by the softwareHa1 578 ta oʻzgarish
manba olib tashlandimanba olib tashlandiDefined by the software
Applied manually by users and bots
Ha1 303 ta oʻzgarish
OAuth CID: 6365SWViewer [1.6]App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see by the softwareHa1 222 ta oʻzgarish
yirik hajmli vikilashtirilmagan maqolayirik hajmli vikilashtirilmagan maqolaDefined by the softwareHa988 ta oʻzgarish
newcomer task linksYangi foydalanuvchi uchun vazifa: havolalarYangi foydalanuvchi bosh sahifasining „Tavsiya etiladigan tahrirlar“ moduli tomonidan tavsiya etilgan „Havolalar“ vazifasiDefined by the softwareHa836 ta oʻzgarish
emojiEmojiGlobal suiisteʼmollar filtri 110 tomonidan ishlatiladiDefined by the softwareHa769 ta oʻzgarish
editcheck-references-activatedEdit Check (references) activatedEditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed, and the UI was shownDefined by the softwareHa720 ta oʻzgarish
massmessage-deliveryOmmaviyXabarlarni yetkazishMessage delivery using Extension:MassMessageDefined by the softwareHa652 ta oʻzgarish
OAuth CID: 4664paws [2.2]granting access for paws users. Giving additional "Edit protected pages" grant as requested in T338023Defined by the softwareHa614 ta oʻzgarish
T144167T144167Defined by the softwareHa569 ta oʻzgarish
sectiontranslationBoʻlim tarjimasiMatn „Avtomatik tarjimon“ asbobining „Boʻlim tarjimasi“ funksiyasi yordamida boshqa tildan tarjima qilingan.Defined by the softwareHa539 ta oʻzgarish
OAuth CID: 3711PAWS [2.1]PAWS (PAWS: A Web Shell) allows users to run Pywikibot (and other Python / R / bash code) online without needing an ssh login. The OAuth integration allows them to do so without having to expose their passwords.Defined by the softwareHa529 ta oʻzgarish
newcomer task expandYangi foydalanuvchi uchun vazifa: maqolani toʻldirishYangi foydalanuvchi bosh sahifasining „Tavsiya etiladigan tahrirlar“ moduli tomonidan tavsiya etilgan „Maqolani toʻldirish“ vazifasiDefined by the softwareHa379 ta oʻzgarish
ios app editiOS-ilova orqaliiOS-ilova orqali qilingan tahrirlarDefined by the softwareHa357 ta oʻzgarish
contenttranslation-high-unmodified-mt-textContentTranslation: High unmodified machine translation usageTranslation published using ContentTranslation has high percentage of unmodified machine translationDefined by the softwareHa157 ta oʻzgarish
editcheck-reference-decline-otherEdit Check (references) declined (other)EditCheck reference was declined for an unlisted reasonDefined by the softwareHa133 ta oʻzgarish
editcheck-reference-decline-uncertainEdit Check (references) declined (uncertain)EditCheck reference was declined as being uncertainDefined by the softwareHa129 ta oʻzgarish
app-section-sourceApp section sourceEdit made from article section source editor in the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa120 ta oʻzgarish
turkumlar olib tashlanditurkumlar olib tashlandiDefined by the softwareHa115 ta oʻzgarish
OAuth CID: 1352SWViewer [1.3]App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see by the softwareYoʻq114 ta oʻzgarish
app-image-add-topApp image add topImage added to the top of the article from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa110 ta oʻzgarish
wikilovewikiloveVikiSevgi asbobi yordamida qilingan tahrirDefined by the softwareHa92 ta oʻzgarish
boʻshboʻshDefined by the softwareHa69 ta oʻzgarish
editcheck-reference-decline-common-knowledgeEdit Check (references) declined (common knowledge)EditCheck reference was declined as common knowledgeDefined by the softwareHa62 ta oʻzgarish
app-talk-topicApp talk topicTalk page new topic added from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa33 ta oʻzgarish
app-full-sourceApp full sourceEdit made from article full source editor in the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa25 ta oʻzgarish
editcheck-reference-decline-irrelevantEdit Check (references) declined (irrelevant)EditCheck reference was declined as irrelevantDefined by the softwareHa23 ta oʻzgarish
app-talk-replyApp talk replyTalk page inline reply added from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa20 ta oʻzgarish
blankingBoʻshNo longer in useYoʻq16 ta oʻzgarish
meta spam idmeta spam idDefined by the softwareHa15 ta oʻzgarish
mw-contentmodelchangekontent modeli oʻzgartirildiEdits that change the content model of a pageDefined by the softwareHa8 ta oʻzgarish
community configurationCommunity ConfigurationEdits that change the local wiki configuration of a feature using the Community Configuration extension.Defined by the softwareHa5 ta oʻzgarish
OAuth CID: 1804IABotManagementConsole [1.2]A web interface of tools that improve the DB, articles, or queues up IABot to run on a set of articles.Defined by the softwareHa5 ta oʻzgarish
mentor list changementor list changeDefined by the softwareHa5 ta oʻzgarish
campaign-external-machine-translationcampaign-external-machine-translationDefined by the softwareHa4 ta oʻzgarish
OAuth CID: 1261SWViewer [1.2]App to view recent changes on small wikis for SWMT. Diffs, whitelist, quick reverts, etc. See [[ru:User:Iluvatar/SWViewer]].Defined by the softwareYoʻq3 ta oʻzgarish
app-undoApp undoUndo actions made from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa2 ta oʻzgarish
repeated xwiki CoI abuserepeated xwiki CoI abusexwiki Colni suisteʼmol qilish takrorlandiDefined by the softwareHa2 ta oʻzgarish
app-select-sourceApp select sourceEdit made from selecting an article word in the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa2 ta oʻzgarish
mumkin boʻlgan spam havolamumkin boʻlgan spam havolaDefined by the softwareHa2 ta oʻzgarish
OAuth CID: 1188SWViewer [1.0]SPA (but auth process in php) for viewing queue of edits on small wikis for SWMT. Diffs, whitelist, reverts. Will be hosted on Labs. Desktop version [[ru:user:Iluvatar/SWViewer]].Defined by the softwareYoʻq1 ta oʻzgarish
ASCII text addedASCII text addedDefined by the softwareHa1 ta oʻzgarish
app-rollbackApp rollbackRollback actions made from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa1 ta oʻzgarish
mw-server-side-uploadServer-side uploadMedia files that were uploaded via a maintenance scriptDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
nukeNukeDeletions performed with the Nuke extensionDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
centralnoticeCentral NoticeEdit created via the CentralNotice Admin UIDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
centralnotice translationCentral Notice TranslationEdit of CentralNotice content created via the Translate extensionDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
e-pochta manzilini qoʻshishe-pochta manzilini qoʻshishDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
oʻchirishga andozasining olib tashlanishioʻchirishga andozasining olib tashlanishiDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
OTRS permission added by non-OTRS memberOTRS permission added by non-OTRS memberDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
abusefilter-condition-limitcondition limit reachedEdits or other events that couldn't be checked by all active abuse filters (help).Defined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
visualeditor-needcheckKoʻrib tahrirlagich: tekshirishEdit made using the visual editor where the system detected the wikitext possibly having unintended changes.Defined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
app-suggestededitApp suggested editEdits made with the Suggested Edits feature in the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
app-description-addApp description addShort descriptions added from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
app-description-changeApp description changeShort descriptions modified from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
app-description-translateApp description translateShort description translations added from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
app-talk-sourceApp talk sourceEdit made from talk page full source editor in the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
app-image-caption-addApp image caption addImage captions added from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
app-image-caption-translateApp image caption translateImage caption translations added from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
app-image-tag-addApp image tag addImage tags added from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
app-image-add-infoboxApp image add infoboxImage added to the infobox from the mobile appsDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
app-ai-assistApp AI assistEdits from the mobile apps that were machine assistedDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
discussiontools-editTahrir izohiUser edited an existing comment with DiscussionToolsDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
fileimporter-remoteFileImporter tomonidan oʻzgartirildiUshbu vikidan faylni muvaffaqiyatli import qilgandan keyin FileImporter kengaytmasi tomonidan qilingan tahrirlar.Defined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
help panel questionHelp panel questionEdit made from the help panel's post a question featureDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
help module questionHelp module questionEdit made from the homepage help module's "Ask a question" featureDefined by the softwareYoʻq0 ta oʻzgarish
mentorship module questionMentorship module questionEdit made from the homepage mentorship module's "Ask your mentor" featureDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
mentorship panel questionMentorship panel questionEdit made from the help panel's "Ask your mentor" featureDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
newcomer task image suggestionTavsiya: tasvirlar qoʻshish"Add images" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
newcomer task section image suggestionTavsiya: boʻlimlarga tasvirlar qoʻshish"Add images to sections" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
newcomer task referencesNewcomer task: references"References" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish
newcomer task updateNewcomer task: update"Update" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepageDefined by the softwareHa0 ta oʻzgarish