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Sorry Im out of [practise writing in Scots, but the status of Jerusalem is greatly disputed.

Jerusalem is the capital under Israeli law. The presidential residence, government offices, supreme court and parliament (Knesset) are located there. The Palestinian Authority foresees East Jerusalem as the capital of its future state. The United Nations and most countries do not recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, taking the position that the final status of Jerusalem is pending future negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Most countries maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv (see CIA Factbook and Map of IsraelPDF (319 KB)) See Positions on Jerusalem for more information. (from the English Jerusalem article's citation section)

To blanketly assert that it is the capital of Israel gives the wrong impression. 15:49, 20 Apryle 2009 (UTC)[Replie]

I know very well about situation of Jerusalem. I corrected the first sentense to be NPOV. I am limited in subscribing in Scots because I know just some basics but I think that it should be correct to write there that Israelis refuse any negotiations about Jerusalem. They said it very distincly I think. So maybe it would be better to write there that palestinian Arabs wish it be their capital but it's not a part of final status. --Faigl.ladislav 18:41, 20 Juin 2009 (UTC)[Replie]

Trying to claim the non-existence of an actual capital city in a "language" no one reads except for the lols... kinda funny and sad at the same time.