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Edita lias


Pais Timor Este
Area 48,27 km²
Popla 222.323 ab. (2015)
Densia 4.600 abitores/km²

Dili es la capital de Timor Este. La cuantia de abitores en 2015 ia es 222.323.

Sites capital de Asia
Abu Dabi | Aman | Ancara | Astana | Axgabat | Bacu | Bagdad | Bandar Seri Begawan | Bangcoc | Beijing | Berut | Bixcec | Catmandu | Colombo | Cuait | Daca | Dili | Dimashq | Djacarta | Doa | Duxanbe | Hanoi | Ieruxalim | Islamabad | Kabul | Kualalampur | Male | Manama | Manila | Muscat | Nova Deli | Pnompen | Pyongyang | Rangun | Riad | Sana | Seoul | Singapor | Taipe | Taxcent | Teran | Timpu | Tokyo | Ulan Bator | Vientian