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Ẓreg iseɣwan
At tutlayt tayemmat
tutlayt tayemmat: 379 007 140 (2019)
tutlayt tis snat: 753 359 540 (2019)
teɣṛed: 1 132 366 680 (2019)
tutlayt tayemmat: 339 370 920 (2011)
tutlayt tis snat: 603 163 010 (2011)
Agemmay alatini d orthographe anglaise (fr) Suqel
Ingalen n tutlayt
ISO 639-1 en
ISO 639-2 eng
ISO 639-3 eng
Glottolog stan1293[1]
Wikipedia en
Tagertilt n tmura dgi yessawalen s Taglizit

Taglizit (En: English language), d tutlayt taẓarant n tmurt Lengliz, tettiki deg twacult n tutlayin tiǧermanin, tewwi-d amur meqqer n wawalen seg tutlayin tilatiniyin (ladɣa si tefransist).

Tutlayt Taglizit d tutlayt tamezwarut n tussna d tdamsa deg umaḍal. Di tmura n lezzayer d Umerruk tutlayt-a ur ttwasselmad ara aṭas deg iɣerbazen iɣelnawen.

Tutlayt Taglizit ssawalen-tt 400 imelyanen n medden di Tamrikt (Marikan), Lengliz (legliz), Kanada, Ustralya, Zilanda Tamaynut, Irland, Tafrikt n Wenẓul i yellan ɣur-nsen d tutlyat tayemmatt (mother tongue), d tmura nniḍen am Sswid d Danmark d Finland i tt-isseqdacen d tutlayt tis snat labeɛda i tɣuri deg yiɣerbazen iɣelnawen.


  1. Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2017). "Taglizit". Glottolog 3.0. Jena, Germany: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.