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Bi-znatiželjan je pojam za osobu, obično onu koja je heteroseksualna, znatiželjna ili otvorena prema seksualnim aktivnostima s osobom čiji se spol razlikuje od spolnog odnosa njihovih uobičajenih seksualnih partnera.[1][2][3] Pojam se ponekad koristi za opisivanje širokog kontinuuma seksualne orijentacije između heteroseksualnosti i biseksualnosti.[4] Takvi kontinuumi uključuju uglavnom heteroseksualne ili uglavnom homoseksualne, ali oni se mogu identificirati bez identificiranja kao biseksualni.[5] Pojmovi heterofleksibilni i homofleksibilni uglavnom se primjenjuju na bi-znatiželjnike, iako neki autori razlikuju heterofleksibilnost i homofleksibilnost kao nedostatak "želje za eksperimentiranjem sa seksualnošću" koju implicira bi-znatiželjna oznaka.[6]


Pojam je počeo postajati popularan nakon 1984. godine, prema Merriam-Webster, ali The New Partridge Dictionary of Sleng and Unconventional English i Oxford Dictionaries 'Lexico tvrde da je taj izraz nastao 1990.[7]


  1. Definition of BI-CURIOUS. (engleski). Pristupljeno 21. rujna 2019.. Characterized by an openness to or curiosity about having sexual relations with a person whose sex differs from that of one's usual sexual partners : curious about exploring or experimenting with bisexuality.
  2. Wilson G, Rahman Q. 2008. Born Gay: The Psychobiology of Sex Orientation. Peter Owen. str. 15. ISBN 178450663X. The term 'bi-curious' refers to that fact that many people who are basically straight might consider an occasional homosexual adventure simply to broaden their horizons.
  3. Holleb ML. 2019. The A-Z of Gender and Sexuality: From Ace to Ze. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. str. 43. ISBN 178450663X. Someone who considers themselves heterosexual but has a sexual or romantic 'curiosity' toward the same gender.
  4. Frank, Katherine. 2008. 'Not Gay, but Not Homophobic': Male Sexuality and Homophobia in the 'Lifestyle'. Sexualities. 11 (4): 435–454. doi:10.1177/1363460708091743
  5. Savin-Williams, Ritch C.; Joyner, Kara; Rieger, Gerulf. 2012. Prevalence and Stability of Self-Reported Sexual Orientation Identity During Young Adulthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 41 (1): 103–110. doi:10.1007/s10508-012-9913-y. PMID 22302504. S2CID 43225099
  6. Smorag, Pascale. 14. svibnja 2008. From Closet Talk to PC Terminology: Gay Speech and the Politics of Visibility. Transatlantica. Pristupljeno 13. veljače 2011.
  7. What Does It Mean To Be "Bi-Curious"?. Refinery29