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Phiên-siá lièn-kiet
Liá-piên "Kîm" ke ya̍p-mien he pha̍k-fa-sṳ, yû hon-sṳ lièn-kiet"" ke ya̍p-mien chhai liá-hong tiám-chhut.
Kîm,  79Au
kim-sio̍k-khoán n̂g-sek
Kî-pún sin-sit
Miàng, fù-ho Kîm, Au
ngoi-hìn kim-sio̍k-khoán n̂g-sek
Kîm chhai chû-khì-péu ke vi-chi
Khiâng (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Hoi (hî-yù hi-thí)
Lithium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Beryllium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Phìn (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Than (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Tham (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Yông (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Fuk (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Nái (hî-yù hi-thí)
Na̍p (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Magnesium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Lî (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Si̍t (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Lìn (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Liù-vòng (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Liu̍k (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Argon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Kap (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Koi (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Scandium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Titanium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Vanadium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Chromium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Manganese (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thiet (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Cobalt (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Nickel (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thùng (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Â-yèn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Gallium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Germanium (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Phî (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Selenium (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Chhiu (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Krypton (hî-yù hi-thí)
Rubidium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Strontium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Yttrium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Zirconium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Niobium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Molybdenum (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Technetium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Ruthenium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Rhodium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Palladium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Ngiùn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Cadmium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Indium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Siak (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Antimony (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Tellurium (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Tién (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Xenon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Caesium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Barium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Lanthanum (lanthanum-hi)
Cerium (lanthanum-hi)
Praseodymium (lanthanum-hi)
Neodymium (lanthanum-hi)
Promethium (lanthanum-hi)
Samarium (lanthanum-hi)
Europium (lanthanum-hi)
Gadolinium (lanthanum-hi)
Terbium (lanthanum-hi)
Dysprosium (lanthanum-hi)
Holmium (lanthanum-hi)
Erbium (lanthanum-hi)
Thulium (lanthanum-hi)
Ytterbium (lanthanum-hi)
Lutetium (lanthanum-hi)
Hafnium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Tantalum (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Tungsten (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Rhenium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Osmium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Iridium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Pha̍k-kîm (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Kîm (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Súi-ngiùn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thallium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Yèn (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Bismuth (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Polonium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Astatine (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Radon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Francium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Radium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Actinium (actinium-hi)
Thorium (actinium-hi)
Protactinium (actinium-hi)
Uranium (actinium-hi)
Neptunium (actinium-hi)
Plutonium (actinium-hi)
Americium (actinium-hi)
Curium (actinium-hi)
Berkelium (actinium-hi)
Californium (actinium-hi)
Einsteinium (actinium-hi)
Fermium (actinium-hi)
Mendelevium (actinium-hi)
Nobelium (actinium-hi)
Lawrencium (actinium-hi)
Rutherfordium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Dubnium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Seaborgium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Bohrium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Hassium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Meitnerium (unknown chemical properties)
Darmstadtium (unknown chemical properties)
Roentgenium (unknown chemical properties)
Copernicium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Nihonium (unknown chemical properties)
Flerovium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Moscovium (unknown chemical properties)
Livermorium (unknown chemical properties)
Tennessine (unknown chemical properties)
Oganesson (unknown chemical properties)


ngièn-chṳ́ sì-sú 79
ngièn-chṳ́-liòng (±) 196.966569(5)[1]
ngièn-su lui-phe̍t   ko-thu kîm-su̍k
Chhu̍k, fûn-khî 11 chhu̍k, d-block
chû-khì period 6
thien-chṳ́ phài-lie̍t [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s1
per shell 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 1
vu̍t-lî sin-chṳt
Siông ku-thí
yùng-tiám 1337.33 K ​(1064.18 °C, ​1947.52 °F)
pui-tiám 3243 K ​(2970 °C, ​5378 °F)
Me̍t-thu near Sit-vûn 19.30 g·cm−3
17.31 g·cm−3
Yùng-fa-ngie̍t 12.55 kJ·mol−1
Chîn-fat-ngie̍t 342 kJ·mol−1
Ngie̍t-yùng-liong 25.418 J·mol−1·K−1
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
chhai T (K) 1646 1814 2021 2281 2620 3078
Ngièn-chṳ́ sin-chṳt
Yông-fa-su 5, 3, 2, 1, −1, −2, −3 ​(an amphoteric oxide)
Thien-fu-sin Pauling scale: 2.54
Thien-lì-nèn 1st: 890.1 kJ·mol−1
2nd: 1980 kJ·mol−1
Ngièn-chṳ́ pan-kang empirical: 144 pm
Khiung-ka pan-kang 136±6 pm
Van der Waals pan-kang 166 pm
Chîn-thí keu-chhoface-centered cubic (fcc)
Face centered cubic crystal structure for Kîm
Sâng-suk thin rod 2030 m·s−1 (at r.t.)
Ngie̍t-phàng-chong 14.2 µm·m−1·K−1 (at 25 °C)
Ngie̍t-chhòn-thô-li̍t 318 W·m−1·K−1
Thien-chú-li̍t 22.14 nΩ·m (at 20 °C)
Chhṳ̀-sin diamagnetic[2]
Tensile strength 120 MPa
Young's modulus 79 GPa
Shear modulus 27 GPa
Bulk modulus 180 GPa[3]
Poisson ratio 0.4
Mohs hardness 2.5
Vickers hardness 188–216 MPa
Brinell hardness 188–245 MPa
CAS Registry Number 7440-57-5
Hí-miàng latin hō-miâ aurum, ì-sù sī chhut-ji̍t ê kng
Fat-hien Tiong-tang (chêng 6000 nî chìn-chêng)
Chui vún-thin ke thùng-vi-su
Chú vùn-chông: Kîm ke thùng-vi-su
iso NA half-life DM DE (MeV) DP
195Au syn 186.10 d ε 0.227 195Pt
196Au syn 6.183 d ε 1.506 196Pt
β 0.686 196Hg
197Au 100% (α) 0.9545 193Ir
198Au syn 2.69517 d β 1.372 198Hg
199Au syn 3.169 d β 0.453 199Hg
Koat-hô͘ lāi ê pang-hoāi bô͘-sek (decay mode) lí-lūn-siōng ū khó-lêng m̄-koh si̍t-chè iá bô hoat-hiān

Kîm (金) he yit-chúng fa-ho̍k ngièn-su, kí ke fa-ho̍k fù-ho he Au, kí ke ngièn-chṳ́ si-sṳ he chhit-sṳ̍p-kiú. Kîm he ku-thí Kîm-su̍k, kîm-vòng-set, nèn tí-su fú-sṳ̍t. Mò-hàm chha̍p-chṳt sṳ̀ thai-chṳ sông he ngiôn-sin ke.

Kîm he Ngìn-lui Li̍t-sṳ́ sông chui-chó mìn-tî ke kîm-su̍k chṳ̂-yit, chó chhai kú Âi-khi̍p tén song-kú sṳ́-ki, chhiu-hó yîn-vi chṳt-thi kha-ngiôn, yùng-yi fûn-kot, yùng-yi tú-chhùn tén-tén thi̍t-tiám yì-yèn pûn-ngìn-lui kóng-fat chok-vì fo-pi sṳ́-yung, he chhòi-fu lâu khièn-li̍t ke siong-chṳ̂n. Kîm-ngit Kîm yìn-yèn yû pó-chhùn ka-chhṳ̍t ke kûng-yung.

Chhâm-kháu chṳ̂-liau

  1. "Standard Atomic Weights 2013". Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights. 
  2. Lide, D. R., pian. (2005). "Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds". CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (PDF) (86th pán.). Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-0486-5. Archived from the original on 2011-03-03. 2018-06-07 chhà-khon. 
  3. Kelly, P.F. (2015). Properties of Materials. CRC Press. p. 355. ISBN 978-1-4822-0624-1.