STANAG on standardointisopimus[1] (Standardisation Agreement), jolla Nato-maat sopivat ottavansa käyttöön kyseessä olevaa toimintaa ohjaamaan kehitetyn standardin.[2]

Standardeilla yhdenmukaistetaan Naton käytössä olevia teknisiä normeja ja käytäntöjä jäsenvaltioiden puolustus- ja asevoimien yhteistoiminnan parantamiseksi. Teknilliseltä kannalta kyseessä on yhteensopivuus (engl. compatibility) ja joukkojen kannalta yhteistoimintakyky (interoperability). Natossa standardointia johtaa Military Agency for Standardisation (MAS) ja jokaisen standardin numerosta voi päätellä, mikä MAS:n johtokunnista (board) sen on tuottanut [3]:

Standardointi kattaa kaiken ammusten koosta kiskojen mittoihin sekä sanoihin, joilla joukot kommunikoivat keskenään. Nato määrittelee standardin "dokumentiksi, joka on muodostettu konsensuksella ja on tunnustetun elimen hyväksymä" ja "joka tarjoaa jatkuvaan ja toistuvaan käyttöön sääntöjä, ohjenuoria ja tapoja toimintaan tai niiden tulokseen, joiden tavoitteena on optimaalisen järjestyksen saavuttaminen annetussa yhteydessä". Käytännön termeillä standardit mahdollistavat, että ihmiset eri maista ja eri taustoista voivat käyttää yhteensopivia välineitä, ymmärtävät toistensa menetelmät ja toimintatavat, sekä toimivat jouhevasti yhdessä vaikka ovat vasta aloittaneet toiminnan yhdessä.[4]

Naval Board – merivoimajohtokunta

  • Stanag-ohjesäännöt 1001-1999
  • Stanag 1008 Edition 9, 24 August 2004: characteristics of shipboard electrical power systems in warships of the North Atlantic Treaty Navies
  • Stanag 1022, Edition 6: combat charts, amphibious charts and combat/landing charts
  • Stanag 1034, Edition 17, 24 May 2005: allied naval gunfire support (ATP-4(E))
  • Stanag 1040, Edition 23, 16 December 2004: naval cooperation and guidance for shipping (NCAGS) (ATP-2(B) Vol. 1)
  • Stanag 1041, Edition 16, 29 March 2001: anti-submarine evasive steering (ATP-3(B))
  • Stanag 1052, Edition 32, 12 July 2006: allied submarine and anti-submarine exercise manual (AXP-01(D))
  • Stanag 1059, Edition 8, 19 February 2004: national distinguishing letters for use by Nato Armed Forces
  • Stanag 1063, Edition 18: allied naval communications exercises (AXP-3(C) MXP-3(C))
  • Stanag 2003, Edition 6: patrol reports

Army Board – maavoimajohtokunta

  • Stanag-ohjesäännöt 2001–2999


  • Stanag 2008 - bombing, shelling, mortaring and location reports, Artillery Procedures Working Party - tykistömenettelyiden työryhmä
  • Stanag 2011 - target grid procedures, Artillery Procedures Working Party - tykistömenettelyiden työryhmä
  • Stanag 2014 - operations orders and annexes/administrative and logictical orders
  • Stanag 2019 - APP-6 military symbols for land based systems
  • Stanag 2022 - intelligence reports
  • Stanag 2029 - methods of describing ground locations, areas, boundaries
  • Stanag 2031 - pro forma for artillery fire plan, Artillery Procedures Working Party - tykistömenettelyiden työryhmä
  • Stanag 2033 - interrogation of prisoners of war (PW)
  • Stanag 2041, Edition 4: operations orders, tables and graphics for road movement
  • Stanag 2044, Edition 5: procedures for dealing with prisoners of war
  • Stanag 2047 - emergency alarm of hazard of attack (NBC/Air Attacks Only)
  • Stanag 2082 - relief of combat troops
  • Stanag 2083, radiological hazards
  • Stanag 2084, Edition: Handling and Reporting of Captured Enemy Equipment and Documents
  • Stanag 2087, medical employment of air transport in the forward area
  • Stanag 2099 - fire coordination in support of land forces, Artillery Procedures Working Party - tykistömenettelyiden työryhmä


  • Stanag 2101 - principles/procedures for establishing liaison
  • Stanag 2104 - friendly nuclear strike warning to armed forces on land
  • Stanag 2097, Edition 6: nomenclature and classification of equipment
  • Stanag 2111 - target analyses
  • Stanag 2116 - covers, among other subjects, Nato official rank grade comparisons covering ranks and insignia of Nato
  • Stanag 2138, Edition 4, May 1996: troop trial principles and procedures - combat clothing and personal equipment
  • Stanag 2143, Edition 4: explosive ordnance reconnaissance/explosive ordnance disposal
  • Stanag 2144 - call for fire procedures, Artillery Procedures Working Party - tykistömenettelyiden työryhmä
  • Stanag 2147 - target numbering system, Artillery Procedures Working Party - tykistömenettelyiden työryhmä
  • Stanag 2149, Edition 3: Intelligence Request
  • Stanag 2175, classification and designation of flat wagons suitable for transportin military equipment


  • Stanag 2310 7.62x51mm Nato adopted in the 1950s as the standard infantry rifle cartridge up until the 1980s
  • Stanag 2324 - the adoption of the US MIL-STD-1913 "Picatinny rail" as the Nato standard optical and electronic sight mount and standard accessory rail
  • Stanag 2345, Edition 34, 13 February 2003: Evaluation and control of personnel exposure to radio frequency fields - 3 kHz to 300 GHz
  • Stanag 2389, Edition 1: Minimum Standards of Proficiency for Trained Explosive Ordnance Disposal Personnel



  • Stanag 2832, Edition 2: Restrictions for the Transport of Military Equipment by Rail on European Railways
  • Stanag 2834, Edition 2: The Operation of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technical Information Center (EODTIC)
  • Stanag 2865 - recording of data for artillery survey control points, Artillery Procedures Working Party - tykistömenettelyiden työryhmä
  • Stanag 2866, medical effects of ionizing radiation on personnel
  • Stanag 2867 - radiotelephone procedures for the control of artillery fires, Artillery Procedures Working Party - tykistömenettelyiden työryhmä
  • Stanag 2868, Edition 4: Land Force Tactical Doctrine (ATP-35(A))
  • Stanag 2873, medical support operations in an NBC Environment
  • Stanag 2875 - calls for destruction, smoke, illumination and danger close missions, Artillery Procedures Working Party - tykistömenettelyiden työryhmä
  • Stanag 2887 - tactical tasks and responsibilities for control of artillery, Artillery Procedures Working Party - tykistömenettelyiden työryhmä
  • Stanag 2889, Edition 3: marking of hazardous areas and routes through them


  • Stanag 2920, the adoption of standards for ballistic protection levels and testing
  • Stanag 2931, distinctive markings and camouflage of medical facilities and evacuation platforms
  • Stanag 2961, classes of supply of Nato land forces
  • Stanag 2999, Edition 1: use of helicopters in land operations (ATP-49)

Air Board - ilmavoimajohtokunta

  • Stanag-ohjesäännöt 3001-3999


  • Stanag 3277, Edition 6: Air Reconnaissance Request/Task Form


  • Stanag 3350, Analogue Video Standard for Aircraft System Applications


  • Stanag 3497, Edition 1: Aeromedical Training of Aircrew in Aircrew NBC Equipment and Procedures


  • Stanag 3596, air reconnaissance requesting and target reporting guide


  • Stanag 3680, AAP-6 Nato glossary of terms and definitions


  • Stanag 3700, edition 4: Nato Tactical Air Doctrine (ATP-33(B))
  • Stanag 3736, edition 8: Offensive Air Support Operations (ATP-27(B))


  • Stanag 3805, edition 4: Doctrine and Procedures for Airspace Control in Time of Crisis and War (ATP-40(A))
  • Stanag 3838, MIL-STD-1553, mechanical, electrical and functional characteristics of a serial data bus
  • Stanag 3880, edition 2: Counter Air Operations (ATP-42(B))


  • Stanag 4107, Edition 7, August 2006: mutual acceptance of government quality assurance and usage of the allied quality assurance publications
  • Stanag 4172, the adoption of the 5.56x45mm Nato round as the standard chambering of all Nato assault rifles
  • Stanag 4179, the adoption of the M16 style magazine well as the standard 5.56 Nato magazine interface. All magazines and drums, regardless of design, must be compatible with the magazine well in order to be compliant.
  • Stanag 4184, Edition 3, 27 November 1998: Microwave Landing System (MLS)


  • Stanag 4203, technical standards for single channel HF radio equipment
  • Stanag 4232, digital interoperability between SHF tactical satellite communications terminals
  • Stanag 4233, digital interoperability between EHF tactical satellite communications terminals
  • Stanag 4285, characteristics of 1200/2400/3600 bps single tone MODEMs for HF radio links


  • Stanag 4529, characteristics of single tone MODEMs for HF radio links with 1240 Hz bandwidth
  • Stanag 4545, edition 1, Amendment 1, 14 April 2000: Nato Secondary Imagery Format (NSIF)
  • Stanag 4559, edition 1, 7 April 2003: Nato Standard Image Library Interface
  • Stanag 4565, edition 1, 26 September 2003: Airborne Multi-Mode Receiver for Precision Approach and Landing
  • Stanag 4569, protection levels for Occupants of Logistic and Light Armoured Vehicles
  • Stanag 4575, Edition 2, 8 March 2005: Nato Advanced Data Storage Interface (NADSI)
  • Stanag 4579, the adoption of standard Identification of Friend or Foe hardware that can be recognized and processed between all Nato nations
  • Stanag 4586, standard Interface of the unmanned control system (UCS) for Nato UAV interoperability


  • Stanag 4607, edition 1, 11 March 2005: Nato ground moving target indicator format (GMTIF)
  • Stanag 4609, edition 1, 23 March 2005): Nato digital motion imagery standard
  • Stanag 4626, modular and open avionics architectures - Part I - architecture


  • Stanag 5066: the adoption of a profile for HF data communications, supporting selective repeat ARQ error control, HF E-mail and IP-over-HF operation


  • Stanag 6004, meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference report
  • Stanag 6010, EW in the land battle (ATP-51)


  • Stanag 7023, edition 3, 16 September 2004: Nato primary image format (NPIF)
  • Stanag 7024, edition 2, 2 August 2001: imagery air reconnaissance tape recorder standard
  • Stanag 7074, digital geographic exchange standard (DIGEST),
  • Stanag 7141, edition 4, 20 December 2006): Joint Nato Doctrine for environmental protection during Nato-led military activities

Esimerkkejä Stanagin sovellusalueista


Ampumatarvikkeiden kohdalla olennaista on vaihtokelpoisuus taistelukentällä (engl. battlefield interchangeability).


Stanag 6001 luotiin 1976 ja sitä on uudistettu viimeksi 2003 (Stanag 6001, Edition 3[11])[12] [13]

Komento-, valvonta- ja tietojärjestelmä

Joukkojen johtamiseen liittyviä käsitteitä on vakioitu. Jäljempänä Stanagin mukainen jako ja DACCIS:n mukaisia toimintoja [14]

  • G1 - hallinto ja henkilökunta (Administration and personnel)
  • G2 - tiedustelu (Intelligence)
    • tiedustelulennokkitoiminta, esimerkiksi
  • G3 - operaatiot (Operations)t
    • suunnittelu (planning)
      • operatiiviset tavoitteet
      • omat liikkeet
      • omien ja vihollisten yhteenotot
    • tulituki (fire support)
    • ilmapuolustus (air defence)
    • maavoimien helikopterioperaatiot (helicopter operations)
    • pioneeritoiminta (engineers)
  • G4 - logistiikka (logistics)
  • G5 - siviili-sotilas -yhteistyö (CIMIC)
  • G6 - sotilasviestitoiminta (communication)


Stanag lyhenteenä sanamuotoiseksi käsitteeksi vakiintuneena kirjoitetaan suomeksi Stanag, kuten esimerkiksi Nato. Kuitenkin Yhdysvaltain ja Naton standardien vuoksi sotilaallisessa käytössä lyhenteet kirjoitetaan suuraakkosilla, kuten STANAG tai NATO.


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