Subfamily of bats
The Vespertilioninae [ 1] are a subfamily of vesper bats from the family Vespertilionidae .
Subfamily Vespertilioninae
Tribe Antrozoini
Genus Antrozous
Genus Bauerus
Genus Rhogeessa - Rhogeessa bats
Yucatan yellow bat , Rhogeessa aenea
Allen's yellow bat , Rhogeessa alleni
Bickham's yellow bat , Rhogeessa bickhami
Genoways's yellow bat , Rhogeessa genowaysi
Slender yellow bat , Rhogeessa gracilis
Husson's yellow bat , Rhogeessa hussoni
Thomas's yellow bat , Rhogeessa io
Menchu's yellow bat , Rhogeessa menchuae
Tiny yellow bat , Rhogeessa minutilla
Least yellow bat , Rhogeessa mira
Northern little yellow bat , Rhogeessa parvula
Nicaraguan little yellow bat , Rhogeessa permutandis
Black-winged little yellow bat , Rhogeessa tumida
Ecuadorian little yellow bat , Rhogeessa velilla
Tribe Eptesicini
Genus Arielulus
Genus Eptesicus – house bats
Anatolian serotine , Eptesicus anatolicus
Little black serotine , Eptesicus andinus
Bobrinski's serotine , Eptesicus bobrinskoi
Botta's serotine , Eptesicus bottae
Brazilian brown bat , Eptesicus brasiliensis
Chiriquinan serotine , Eptesicus chiriquinus
Diminutive serotine , Eptesicus diminutus
Horn-skinned bat , Eptesicus floweri
Argentine brown bat , Eptesicus furinalis
Big brown bat , Eptesicus fuscus
Gobi big brown bat , Eptesicus gobiensis
Guadeloupe big brown bat , Eptesicus guadeloupensis
Long-tailed house bat , Eptesicus hottentotus
Harmless serotine , Eptesicus innoxius
Meridional serotine , Eptesicus isabellinus
Japanese short-tailed bat , Eptesicus japonensis
Kobayashi's bat , Eptesicus kobayashii
Langer's serotine , Eptesicus langeri
Eptesicus lobatus [ 2]
Northern bat , Eptesicus nilssonii
Ognev's serotine , Eptesicus ognevi
Orinoco serotine , Eptesicus orinocensis
Oriental serotine , Eptesicus pachyomus
Thick-eared bat , Eptesicus pachyotis
Lagos serotine , Eptesicus platyops
Serotine bat , Eptesicus serotinus
Taddei's serotine , Eptesicus taddeii
Sombre bat , Eptesicus tatei
Ulapes serotine , Eptesicus ulapesensis
Genus Glauconycteris – butterfly bats
Allen's striped bat , Glauconycteris alboguttata
Silvered bat , Glauconycteris argentata
Blackish butterfly bat , Glauconycteris atra
Beatrix's bat , Glauconycteris beatrix
Curry's bat , Glauconycteris curryae
Bibundi bat , Glauconycteris egeria
Glen's wattled bat , Glauconycteris gleni
Allen's spotted bat , Glauconycteris humeralis
Kenyan wattled bat , Glauconycteris kenyacola
Machado's butterfly bat , Glauconycteris machadoi
Abo bat , Glauconycteris poensis
Pied butterfly bat , Glauconycteris superba
Variegated butterfly bat , Glauconycteris variegata
Genus Hesperoptenus – false serotine bats
Genus Histiotus – big-eared brown bats
Strange big-eared brown bat , Histiotus alienus
Cadena-García's big-eared brown bat , Histiotus cadenai
Colombian big-eared brown bat , Histiotus colombiae
Transparent-winged big-eared brown bat , Histiotus diaphanopterus
Humboldt big-eared brown bat , Histiotus humboldti
Thomas's big-eared brown bat , Histiotus laephotis
Big-eared brown bat , Histiotus macrotus
Southern big-eared brown bat , Histiotus magellanicus
Moche big-eared brown bat , Histiotus mochica
Small big-eared brown bat , Histiotus montanus
Tropical big-eared brown bat , Histiotus velatus
Genus Ia
Genus Lasionycteris
Genus Scoteanax
Genus Scotomanes
Genus Scotorepens - lesser broad-nosed bats
Genus Thainycteris
Tribe incertae sedis
Tribe Lasiurini
Genus Aeorestes – hoary bats
Genus Dasypterus – yellow bats
Genus Lasiurus – red or hairy-tailed bats
Arequipa red bat , Lasiurus arequipae
Greater red bat , Lasiurus atratus
Southern red bat , Lasiurus blossevillii
Eastern red bat , Lasiurus borealis
Tacarcuna bat , Lasiurus castaneus
Jamaican red bat , Lasiurus degelidus
Hairy-tailed bat , Lasiurus ebenus
Western red bat , Lasiurus frantzii
Minor red bat , Lasiurus minor
Pfeiffer's red bat , Lasiurus pfeifferi
Seminole bat , Lasiurus seminolus
Cinnamon red bat , Lasiurus varius
Tribe Nycticeiini
Tribe Perimyotini
Tribe Pipistrellini
Genus Glischropus – thick-thumbed bats
Genus Nyctalus – noctule bats
Genus Pipistrellus – Pipistrelles or Pipistrelle bats
Japanese pipistrelle , Pipistrellus abramus
Forest pipistrelle , Pipistrellus adamsi
Mount Gargues pipistrelle , Pipistrellus aero
Angulate pipistrelle , Pipistrellus angulatus
Kelaart's pipistrelle , Pipistrellus ceylonicus
Greater Papuan pipistrelle , Pipistrellus collinus
Indian pipistrelle , Pipistrellus coromandra
Crete pipistrelle , Pipistrellus creticus
Dhofar pipistrelle , Pipistrellus dhofarensis
Endo's pipistrelle , Pipistrellus endoi
Hanaki's dwarf bat , Pipistrellus hanaki
Dusky pipistrelle , Pipistrellus hesperidus
Aellen's pipistrelle , Pipistrellus inexspectatus
Java pipistrelle , Pipistrellus javanicus
Kuhl's pipistrelle , Pipistrellus kuhlii
Madeira pipistrelle , Pipistrellus maderensis
Minahassa pipistrelle , Pipistrellus minahassae
†Christmas Island pipistrelle , Pipistrellus murrayi
Tiny pipistrelle , Pipistrellus nanulus
Nathusius's pipistrelle , Pipistrellus nathusii
Lesser Papuan pipistrelle , Pipistrellus papuanus
Mount Popa pipistrelle , Pipistrellus paterculus
Dar es Salaam pipistrelle , Pipistrellus permixtus
Common pipistrelle , Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Soprano pipistrelle , Pipistrellus pygmaeus
Rusty pipistrelle , Pipistrellus rusticus
Simandou pipistrelle , Pipistrellus simandouensis
Narrow-winged pipistrelle , Pipistrellus stenopterus
†Sturdee's pipistrelle , Pipistrellus sturdeei
Least pipistrelle , Pipistrellus tenuis
Watts's pipistrelle , Pipistrellus wattsi
Northern pipistrelle , Pipistrellus westralis
Genus Scotoecus - house bats
Genus Scotozous
Genus Vansonia
Tribe Plecotini
Genus Barbastella – barbastelles or barbastelle bats
Genus Corynorhinus – American lump-nosed bats
Genus Euderma
Genus Idionycteris
Genus Otonycteris
Genus Plecotus – lump-nosed bats
Brown long-eared bat , Plecotus auritus
Grey long-eared bat , Plecotus austriacus
Ethiopian long-eared bat , Plecotus balensis
Christie's long-eared bat , Plecotus christii
Gaisler's long-eared bat , Plecotus gaisleri
Himalayan long-eared bat , Plecotus homochrous
Mediterranean long-eared bat , Plecotus kolombatovici
Kozlov's long-eared bat , Plecotus kozlovi
Alpine long-eared bat , Plecotus macrobullaris
Ognev's long-eared bat Plecotus ognevi
Japanese long-eared bat , Plecotus sacrimontis
Sardinian long-eared bat , Plecotus sardus
Strelkov's long-eared bat , Plecotus strelkovi
Taiwan long-eared bat , Plecotus taivanus
Canary long-eared bat , Plecotus teneriffae
Turkmen long-eared bat , Plecotus turkmenicus
Ward's long-eared bat , Plecotus wardi
Tribe Scotophilini
Genus Scotophilus – Old World yellow bats
East African yellow bat , Scotophilus altilis
Andrew Rebori's house bat , Scotophilus andrewreborii
Lesser yellow bat , Scotophilus borbonicus
Sulawesi yellow bat , Scotophilus celebensis
Eritrean yellow bat , Scotophilus colias
Sody's yellow bat , Scotophilus collinus
African yellow bat , Scotophilus dinganii
Ejeta's yellow bat , Scotophilus ejetai
Greater Asiatic yellow bat , Scotophilus heathi
Lesser Asiatic yellow bat , Scotophilus kuhlii
White-bellied yellow bat , Scotophilus leucogaster
Livingstone's yellow bat , Scotophilus livingstonii
Marovaza yellow bat , Scotophilus marovaza
Schreber's yellow bat , Scotophilus nigrita
Western greenish yellow bat , Scotophilus nigritellus
Robbins's yellow bat , Scotophilus nucella'
Nut-colored yellow bat , Scotophilus nux
Robust yellow bat , Scotophilus robustus
Malagasy yellow bat , Scotophilus tandrefana
Trujillo's yellow bat , Scotophilus trujilloi
Eastern greenish yellow bat , Scotophilus viridis
Tribe Vespertilionini
Genus Afronycteris
Genus Cassistrellus – helmeted bats
Genus Chalinolobus – wattled bats
Genus Falsistrellus – false pipistrelles
Genus Hypsugo – Asian pipistrelles
Chocolate pipistrelle , Hypsugo affinis
Alashanian pipistrelle , Hypsugo alaschanicus
Arabian pipistrelle , Hypsugo arabicus
Desert pipistrelle , Hypsugo ariel
Bodenheimer's pipistrelle , Hypsugo bodenheimeri
Cadorna's pipistrelle , Hypsugo cadornae
Long-toothed pipistrelle , Hypsugo dolichodon
Brown pipistrelle , Hypsugo imbricatus
Red-brown pipistrelle , Hypsugo kitcheneri
Socotran pipistrelle or Lanza's pipistrelle, Hypsugo lanzai
Burma pipistrelle , Hypsugo lophurus
Big-eared pipistrelle , Hypsugo macrotis
Pungent pipistrelle , Hypsugo mordax
Mouselike pipistrelle , Hypsugo musciculus
Peters's pipistrelle , Hypsugo petersi
Chinese pipistrelle , Hypsugo pulveratus
Savi's pipistrelle , Hypsugo savii
Vordermann's pipistrelle , Hypsugo vordermanni
Genus Laephotis – long-eared bats
Angolan long-eared bat , Laephotis angolensis
Botswanan long-eared bat , Laephotis botswanae
Cape serotine , Laeophotis capensis
East African serotine , Laephotis kirinyaga
Isalo serotine , Laephotis malagasyensis
Malagasy serotine , Laephotis matroka
Namib long-eared bat , Laephotis namibensis
Roberts's serotine , Laephotis robertsi
Stanley's serotine , Laephotis stanleyi
De Winton's long-eared bat , Laephotis wintoni
Genus Mimetillus
Genus Mirostrellus
Genus Neoromicia
Genus Nycticeinops
Genus Nyctophilus – New Guinean and Australian big-eared bats
Northern long-eared bat , Nyctophilus arnhemensis
Eastern long-eared bat , Nyctophilus bifax
South-eastern long-eared bat , Nyctophilus corbeni
Pallid long-eared bat , Nyctophilus daedalus
Lesser long-eared bat , Nyctophilus geoffroyi
Gould's long-eared bat , Nyctophilus gouldi
Sunda long-eared bat , Nyctophilus heran
†Lord Howe long-eared bat , Nyctophilus howensis
Holts' long-eared bat , Nyctophilus holtorum
Small-toothed long-eared bat , Nyctophilus microdon
New Guinea long-eared bat , Nyctophilus microtis
New Caledonian long-eared bat , Nyctophilus nebulosus
Greater long-eared bat , Nyctophilus timoriensis
Western long-eared bat , Nyctophilus major
Tasmanian long-eared bat , Nyctophilus sherrini
Mt. Missim long-eared bat , Nyctophilus shirleyae
Pygmy long-eared bat , Nyctophilus walkeri
Genus Pharotis
Genus Philetor
Genus Pseudoromicia
Genus Tylonycteris – bamboo bats
Genus Vespadelus
Genus Vespertilio – frosted bats