Infrastructure tools to support an effective radiation oncology learning health system

Dezie njikọ ndi a
Dilip K. Biswas
ụdịekerenwoke Dezie
Ebe ọmụmụNdia Dezie
ọrụ ọ na-arụecologist Dezie
onye were ọrụMba Ndị Dị n'Otu Dezie
Ihe nritePadma Shri in science & engineering Dezie

Dilip K. Biswas bụ onye India na-ahụ maka gburugburu ebe obibi na onye bụbu onye isi oche nke Central Pollution Control Board na Delhi Pollution Control Committee.[1] Ọ bụ onye otu panel nke na-eme nnyocha gburugburu ebe obibi na Silent Valley ma nyochaa ike nke ọrụ hydro-electric na mpaghara ahụ, n'ikpeazụ na-atụ aro megide ọrụ ahụ, na-eduga na nkwupụta nke Silent Valley dị ka ogige ntụrụndụ.[2] Ọ bụ onye edemede nke mmejuputa usoro mmepe dị ọcha na Eshia na Pacific: Okwu, nsogbu, na ohere, akụkọ nke United Nations bipụtara dị ka ntụziaka maka mmejuputa Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), nke Kyoto Protocol nyere iwu.[3] A na-akọkwa onyinye ya n'azụ idepụta iwu nchịkwa gburugburu ebe obibi na Lucknow, isi obodo nke steeti India nke Uttar Pradesh.[4] Gọọmenti India nyere ya nsọpụrụ nkịtị nke anọ kachasị elu nke Padma Shri, na 2007, maka ntinye aka ya na sayensị na teknụzụ.[5]



  • Usoro Mmepe Dị Ọcha
  • Nkwekọrịta Kyoto
  • Zọpụta Ndagwurugwu Silent


  1. Saligram Bhatt (2004). Kashmir Ecology and Environment: New Concerns and Strategies. APH Publishing, 305. ISBN 9788176486019. 
  2. Prasad (2008). Environment, Development and Society in Contemporary India:An Introduction. Macmillan, 438. ISBN 9780230635302. 
  3. Dilip K. Biswas (2003). Implementation of the Clean Development Mechanism in Asia and the Pacific: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities. United Nations Publications, 36. ISBN 9789211203844. 
  4. A Report on State of Environment Lucknow. Central Pollution Control Board (2016). Retrieved on 14 January 2016.
  5. Padma Awards. Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India (2016). Archived from the original on 15 October 2015. Retrieved on 3 January 2016.

Njikọ mpụga