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This is intended to provide a minimum standard for commercial diving theory and practical skills.

When material beyond the minimum requirements is provided it will be identified by display in small text (or some other method to be decided} Such material may be provided to assist in explanation or provide context for required knowledge.

Anyone is welcome to make corrections to spelling, grammar, punctuation etc, but please do not change content without discussion. There is a plan.

Spelling will generally follow British English conventions.


Terms used in this document will have the meanings as defined in the Glossary

Terms not defined in the glossary may be explained in Wikipedia:Glossary of underwater diving terminology, but those may not necessarily be the official meaning in the context of this course.

Knowledge Module 01: Applied Diving Physics and Physiology

Diving physics

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to apply basic math skills in simple equations / fractions found in diving physics calculations involving gases, liquids, and solids, in units of metric measurements including conversion tables.
    The diver will work with units of measurement and the industry standard multiples and conversions of linear dimensions, area, volume, mass, force, pressure, density, time and temperature, including buoyancy and weight.
  2. Describe the relationship between pressure, volume and density in a gas (Boyles’ Law) including using the formula in calculations, and the effects of changes in volume due to pressure variations on diving equipment, gas consumption and the human body, including the mechanism of barotraumas of descent and ascent.
  3. Discuss Gay-Lussac’s Law and the relationship between pressure and temperature including using the formula to calculate change of pressure for a given change of temperature
  4. Discuss Henry’s Law and how the solubility of gases within a divers tissues affects the diver's health and safety
  5. Discuss the composition of the atmosphere and gases and the relationship of partial pressure of the gases in a mixture (Dalton’s Law) including formula and calculations and effects on descent and ascent.
    The diver will be familiar with the constituents and their proportions in atmospheric air and other breathing gases for diving, and the common contaminants. Calculate partial pressures for a given breathing gas for changes in pressure.
  6. Describe the effects of temperature of the environment on diving including the effects on the divers equipment and the principles and importance of thermal balance of the diver
  7. Describe the effects of the underwater environment on illumination and visibility and sound and hearing including the impact on the safety of diver
  8. Discuss Archimedes’ Principle and buoyancy as applied to diving operations including use of formula in calculations of lifting gas quantities and apparent weight of immersed objects

Diving physiology

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcome:

  1. Discuss and Illustrate the basic anatomy and function (physiology) of the circulatory system including the heart and blood vessels and patent foramen ovale and the effects of the immersion response on cardiac output
  2. Discuss and Illustrate the basic anatomy and function (physiology) of the respiratory system including the upper and lower respiratory , physiological dead space, tidal volume, breathing rate, respiratory minute volume and the effect on breathing effort on the respiratory response.
  3. Discuss and describe the effects of exertion, breathing techniques and breathing apparatus settings and construction, including equipment, dead space, work of breathing, delivery pressure and flow rate, on the diver, including gas consumption and the dangers, signs, symptoms and management of carbon dioxide toxicity
  4. Discuss and describe the effects of the pressure/volume relationship of gases (Boyle’s Law) on the human body during diving, including barotrauma of the air spaces - the ears, sinus, lung, teeth and gut
  5. Discuss and describe how the solubility of gases within a divers’ tissues affects the diver’s health and safety on descent and at depth (Dalton’s and Henry’s Laws) including gas toxicity and discuss the effects of gas toxicity, including nitrogen narcosis, oxygen, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide toxicity and helium toxicity (HPNS).
  6. Discuss and describe how the solubility of gases within a divers’ tissues affect the diver’s health and safety on ascent (Dalton’s and Henry’s Laws) including decompression sickness
  7. Discuss the various physical, sensory, physiological and psychological changes that occur during exposure to the diving environment including vision and diving in zero visibility, sound, smell and taste, touch sensitivity, balance and weightlessness (proprioception)

Knowledge Module 02: Diving Safety

Approaches to Safety in Commercial Diving

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss approaches to safety including Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments (HIRA), Hazard Ratings and good housekeeping and define the concept of “informed consent”
  2. Define and discuss the use of Personal Protective Equipment including relevance to statutory requirements
  3. Discuss the safe lifting of loads, both manually and with rigging, in the context of commercial diving
  4. Define and discuss Safety Management systems (SMS) including Emergency Response Plans safety drills, Medical Emergency Response (MER) and Emergency Evacuation Procedures
  5. Discuss the principles of a company safety culture including statutory requirements and the functions of Health and Safety Representative and committees
  6. State the basic requirements of Incident and Accident Reporting

Introduction to Diving Legislation

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Understand relevant sections of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended and applicable regulation including general administration in context of commercial diving
  2. Explain the Occupational Health and Safety diving regulations, as amended
  3. Explain the requirements of the Diving Regulations Code of Practice for Inshore Diving as well as the scope of application, and explain the scopes of application for the other Diving Regulation Codes of Practice for Diving
  4. Explain the scope of the Mine Health and Safety Act, as amended insofar as they affect diving
  5. Explain the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, as amended in relation to commercial diving
  6. Understand scope of application of guidance documents, including International Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP), International Maritime Contractors Association (IMCA), Safety, Environmental Legislation (SEL), Training, Certification and Personnel Competence (TCPC) and any other relevant guidance (in offshore context)
  7. Understand the scope of application of the National Defence Paper – SANOP 96 in terms of diving
  8. Understand SANS, especially SANS 10019 sections relating to the filling and use of high pressure gas cylinders, including vessels under pressure, in the context of diving.

Types of Environmental Underwater Hazards

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Describe the potential consequences of, and limitations on, diving in currents in rivers and sea
  2. Describe the effect of local weather and sea state on diving safety and give the acceptable limitations for diving in swell and surf zones
  3. List the hazards and potential consequences of diving in shipping, including marine traffic, pinch points, confined environments, propellers, thrusters and anchor points
  4. Explain the hazards and potential consequences of diving in overhead environments and confined spaces, and the procedures and equipment appropriate for these conditions
  5. Describe the potential effect of differential pressure whilst diving in dams, docks, locks, sluices, culverts, and gates
  6. Discuss the hazards and potential limitations of night diving and appropriate warning lights
  7. Discuss the hazards and potential consequences of cold water diving and use of dry suits
  8. Discuss the hazards and potential consequences of diving in very low visibility
  9. Discuss the hazards and potential consequences of diving in contaminated environments and in fluids of viscosity or density different to those of water and their effect on dive planning and health
  10. Discuss the hazards and potential consequences diving on offshore structures and installations and from support vessels and platforms
  11. Discuss the hazards and potential consequences of entrapment and entanglement in diving operations
  12. Discuss the effects of (weather, including wind, sea state, and) surface visibility on safe diving operations including the limitations on diving, tendering and evacuation
  13. Discuss the hazards and potential consequences of chemical and biological contamination at the dive site (Proposed additional item)
  14. Discuss the hazards and potential consequences of marine and aquatic animals (Proposed additional item)

Knowledge Module 03: Diving Emergencies and Contingencies

Handling Diving Trauma and Medical Emergencies

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Describe signs and symptoms of and treat decompression illness and pulmonary barotrauma
  2. Discuss the signs and symptoms of and treatment for the various types of gas toxicity associated with diving
  3. Discuss the causes, signs and symptoms of and treatment of Anoxia and Hypoxia
  4. Discuss the causes, signs and symptoms of and treatment of Hypercapnia
  5. Discuss the causes, signs and symptoms of and treatment of environmental emergencies (drowning, hypothermia, hyperthermia, seasickness, dehydration etc.)
  6. Discuss the causes, signs and symptoms of and treatment of Shock
  7. Describe the methods to control bleeding
  8. Describe the signs and symptoms and the treatment of fractures and dislocations
  9. Discuss trauma and trauma management in the marine/underwater environment

Types of Diving Emergency Procedures

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Describe the diver’s first response to breathing apparatus malfunctions including free flow and restricted flow
  2. Describe the diver’s first response to the helmet or full-face mask
  3. Describe the diver’s first response to a snagged or fouled umbilical
  4. Describe the diver’s first response to severed or pinched umbilical
  5. Describe the action to be taken by diver and surface crew for loss of gas/air supply or contaminated breathing gas
  6. Discuss action to be taken by the diver and surface crew for loss of voice communications, including the use of line signals
  7. Discuss the deployment of standby diver to assist working diver including trapped or fouled diver or diver’s umbilical
  8. Discuss the recovery and management of a conscious incapacitated diver with minor or serious injury
  9. Discuss the recovery and management of a breathing, unconscious diver, including potential contaminated breathing gas, near drowning, convulsions
  10. Discuss the recovery and management of a non-breathing unconscious diver, including a dry or flooded breathing apparatus
  11. Discuss the recovery and management of a diver who has had a rapid ascent including blow-up and emergency ascent
  12. Describe the recovery and management of a diver who has potential decompression illness including rapid ascent or omitted decompression
  13. Describe the recovery and management of a diver during DP run off including yellow (amber) and red alert
  14. Discuss the management of a diver of a diver in the event of adverse fluctuations in the temperature of the water
  15. Describe recovery procedures to recover a distressed diver to the diver basket or wet bell

Knowledge Module 04: Pre-dive Activities

Basic seamanship, terminology and small boat operations

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Describe diving from small boats including water entry and exit by divers and safety procedures
  2. Discuss small boat safety and emergency procedures as a crew member or passenger
  3. Identify and name relevant marine equipment and vessel components and state their function
  4. Discuss the various marine distress signals and their use
  5. Discuss the safe loading and stowage of dive equipment on small boats in terms of its effect on the boat’s stability
  6. Discuss the use of ropes in small boat use and diving from small boats

Basic diving operation management and planning

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss the role and importance of job descriptions and the specific duties and responsibilities of dive team members
  2. Describe minimum personnel requirements for dive teams including training, experience, competence and team selection
  3. Discuss dive planning and the assignment of tasks within the planning
  4. Discuss the role of emergency evacuation procedures and their development
  5. Discuss the purpose of safety meetings including job safety analysis (JSA) and Toolbox talks
  6. Discuss the importance of and responsibilities in Tag out/Lock out and Permit to Work systems (PTW)

Basic introduction to dive support vessels and ROV support

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Identify various vessel types
  2. Describe the principles of dynamic positioning and the hazards specific to DPV operations
  3. Discuss the role of dive support vessels (DSV’s)
  4. Discuss the principles of ROV support in diving operations

Knowledge Module 05: Communication and Personal Skills

Diver Communications

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss diver communication in general
  2. Discuss diver voice communication including hard-wire and through water communications, voice communication protocols and the advantages of voice communication with the diver on an open channel
  3. Describe emergency diver communication including line signals
  4. Describe diver hand signals and communication on deck

Technical Terminology

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Define and discuss diving terminology
  2. Discuss ships husbandry diving, including appropriate marine terminology and procedures
  3. Define and identify marine structures, including bollards, quays, jetties, caissons, moorings, drilling and production rigs and those parts which are relevant to diving operations

Interpersonal Skills

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss the role verbal communication plays in commercial diving, including during emergency procedures
  2. Discuss the importance of being able to listen to, understand and follow instructions
  3. Discuss the importance of team work in the context of commercial diving

Knowledge Module 06: Modes of Diving

Scuba diving

Relevance: Scuba diving

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss the advantages, application and limitations of open circuit scuba diving
  2. Discuss the advantages, application and limitations of closed and semi-closed scuba circuit diving
  3. Discuss the advantages, application and limitations of nitrox scuba diving
  4. Discuss the equipment, techniques and importance of appropriate weighting, buoyancy control and diver trim in the context of scuba diving
  5. Discuss equipment inspection and testing requirements for scuba diving
  6. Discuss the importance of planned maintenance and equipment repair
  7. Discuss minimum personnel requirements for scuba diving operations
  8. Discuss individual and diving team responsibilities for scuba diving operations
  9. Discuss breathing gas planning and supplies for scuba diving operations, including equipment configuration, bailout, reserves and medical oxygen
  10. Discuss minimum gas requirements for scuba diving operations including bailout, reserves and medical oxygen
  11. Discuss the importance and procedures of oxygen tracking
  12. Describe the use of gas switching for accelerated decompression

Surface-supplied diving

Relevance: Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss the advantages, applications and limitations of air and mixed gas diving, including nitrox, heliox and trimix and the use of oxygen for accelerated in-water and surface decompression
  2. Describe equipment inspection and testing requirements for SSDE
  3. Discuss the important of planned maintenance and repair of surface supplied diving equipment
  4. Discuss minimum personnel requirements for surface supplied diving operations
  5. Describe individual and diving team responsibilities for surface supplied diving
  6. Discuss breathing gas planning and supplies for surface supplied diving operations, including primary gas supply, bailout, reserves and medical oxygen
  7. Discuss minimum gas requirements for surface supplied diving operations, including bailout, reserves and medical oxygen

Wet bell and Stage diving

Relevance: Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Describe the deployment and recovery of a diver from and to a wet bell or diving stage
  2. Discuss wet bell panel operations
  3. Describe emergency onboard gas access procedures

Knowledge Module 07: Equipment

Basic design, use and operating principles of diving equipment

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Identify and describe the function, selection, adjustment for personal use, pre-use inspection, care and maintenance of all personal dive equipment
  2. Describe the identification, function, selection, pre-use inspection and testing, care and maintenance of scuba equipment. Explain the operation of regulator first and second stages, submersible pressure gauges, half masks, full-face masks and bailout sets (emergency gas supply)
  3. Discuss the surface supplied breathing apparatus options and their correct use, handling and care, explain the functions and application of lightweight demand helmets, free-flow helmets, band-masks, full-face masks and bailout sets
  4. Describe the handling, management and care of the diver’s umbilical
  5. Describe the SSDE surface gas supply and panel components and sub-assemblies and the applications and limitations of the system
  6. Describe the principles, applications and limitations of scuba replacement
  7. Describe the operating principle of the basic types of rebreather scuba and their applications and limitations

Basic design, use and operating principles of surface plant and equipment for diving support

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Describe the safe use and operation of LP compressors including volume receivers and pressure ratings
  2. Describe the safe use and operation of HP compressors and filling of HP cylinders, including scuba and storage assets
  3. Discuss the safe handling and use of high pressure storage cylinders, tubes and quads
  4. Discuss the safe and effective use of hydraulic power packs
  5. Discuss the safe and effective use of dredging and airlifting equipment
  6. Describe the safe, effective and appropriate use of winches, cranes and lifting equipment including chain blocks, wire rope and slings
  7. Discuss the use of hot water systems

Handling of gases used in diving

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss the safe storage of gas
  2. Describe the inspection and testing of HP cylinders
  3. Describe the handling of HP cylinders as well as the storage of bulk gas assets
  4. Describe the hazards, safe handling and use of oxygen
  5. Discuss the hazards of inert gases
  6. Discuss gas analysis and describe the various gas analysis techniques
  7. Explain the need for appropriate gas supplies including primary, secondary and emergency gas systems

Knowledge Module 08: Decompression

Basic Decompression Theory

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss the principles of decompression and the limitations of decompression theory
  2. Describe decompression procedures and the equipment used to facilitate them
  3. Describe the factors that may predispose divers to decompression sickness
  4. Discuss decompression tables based on different models and for different gas mixtures, including nitrox and mixed gas tables
  5. Discuss dive profiles
  6. Discuss the limitations of decompression tables, including those relating to dive profile
  7. Discuss altitude diving: Correction, calculations and tables
  8. Discuss diver monitoring and computers and the value of having a record of the actual dive profile
  9. Describe omitted decompression procedures
  10. Discuss emergency 100% Oxygen Procedures (treatment of diving emergencies)
  11. Discuss flying after diving in relation to decompression

Knowledge Module 09: Surface Support

Diver umbilical and lifeline management and tendering

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss the principles of safe umbilical and lifeline management including active tendering and effects of current and sea states
  2. Identify risks to the umbilical
  3. Define the maximum diver umbilical lengths including excursion
  4. Describe umbilical marking
  5. Discuss water entry and descent of the diver in relation to umbilical management
  6. Discuss diver movement on the bottom in relation to umbilical management
  7. Describe diver ascent and exit in relation to umbilical management
  8. Describe the correct storage and care of umbilicals, including coiling
  9. Discuss the differences in application and handling of buoyant, neutral and negative buoyancy umbilicals

Chamber Operations

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Explain different chamber configurations and chamber testing and requirements as well as PVHO requirements
  2. List approaches to chamber safety including fire hazards and prevention and control methods, including various deluge systems
  3. Review the chamber view port care, maintenance and testing
  4. Discuss Chamber external and internal valves function and operating procedures including internal and external checks and operations
  5. Identify the various locks including main lock, entry locks and medical locks (transfer locks and transfer under pressure)
  6. List the requirements for gas supplies to a chamber including chamber gas low pressure and high pressure sources, treatment gas supplies and gas calculations
  7. Explain the safe use of oxygen inside a chamber and procedures and hazards of handling high pressure oxygen
  8. Discuss the management of oxygen toxicity during treatment
  9. Explain the analysis of breathing air quality and oxygen content of breathing gas and chamber air
  10. Discuss the administrative requirements for chamber operations, including record keeping of checks, chamber runs and maintenance and relevant legislation
  11. Describe the preparation of the chamber for use
  12. Discuss briefing of the chamber occupants
  13. Describe the procedure for compressing to depth (blowdown)
  14. Review the procedure and necessity for venting the chamber
  15. Interpret treatment tables and explain the principles of hyperbaric treatment
  16. Describe the procedure for locking personnel in and out of the chamber
  17. Explain the operation of the medical lock
  18. Describe the principles of decompression
  19. Review Decompression Illness and the components of a neurological assessment and discuss therapeutic tables
  20. Discuss the chamber emergency procedures including sudden loss of pressure, sudden increase in pressure, loss of comms, contaminated gas, fire inside the chamber and fire outside the chamber
  21. Explain decontamination and cleaning procedures for the chamber and BIBS

Standby Diver Procedures

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss the role of the standby diver
  2. Explain standby diver procedures

Knowledge Module 10: Underwater Work

Basic underwater inspection

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss the principles and practice of underwater inspection
  2. Describe inspection equipment and tools and discuss their uses
  3. Describe measurement and measuring tools and discuss the use of these tools
  4. Describe visual inspection procedures
  5. Discuss video surveys and their uses
  6. Discuss still photography and its uses
  7. Describe data recording and reporting for underwater inspection

Basic underwater searches methods and their application

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss and list diver search methods, including circular, semi-circular, jackstay, moving jackstay, snagline, towed diver, grid, compass, J search and pendulum search

Safe use of hand and power tools underwater

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Explain the principles of safe use of hand tools underwater
  2. Discuss the safe and effective use of power tools underwater
  3. Discuss the safe and effective use of oxy-arc Cutting
  4. Discuss the safe and effective use of HP water jetting
  5. Discuss the safe and effective use of LP abrasive cleaning
  6. Describe the principles and practice of wet welding with reference to safety and setup and the limitations of application

Basic underwater rigging

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Describe the safe, effective and appropriate use of winches and tuggers
  2. Describe the safe, effective and appropriate use of wire ropes, slings, cargo nets and spreaders
  3. Describe the safe, effective and appropriate use of airbags for lifting loads
  4. Describe the safe use of purchases, tackle, turning blocks, shackles, hooks, cordage, knots, lashings and splices

Introduction to offshore diving work

Relevance: Surface oriented wet bell diving

  1. Discuss the role of the surface oriented diver in offshore work

Knowledge Module 11: Post-dive Operations

Post Dive Activity Documentation

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Describe the purpose and process of completing diving operational logs
  2. Discuss the purpose and process of completing personnel documentation and diver log books
  3. Discuss the purpose and process of completing chamber logs
  4. Discuss the purpose and process of completing maintenance logs
  5. Discuss the purpose and process of completing operational reporting
  6. Discuss the purpose and process of completing inspection reporting
  7. Discuss the purpose and process of completing checklists
  8. Discuss the purpose and process of reviewing certification
  9. Discuss the purpose and process of completing accident and incident reports

Dive Equipment Maintenance

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss the causes of damage including neglect misuse hard use, normal wear, contamination, minerals, gases, bacteria
  2. Discuss the procedure for reporting equipment damage
  3. Discuss the daily set up, monthly inspection and post dive cleaning of diving equipment
  4. Discuss the care and maintenance of diving equipment, including helmets, full-face masks and other breathing apparatus
  5. Discuss equipment testing requirements
  6. Discuss the care and maintenance of personal diving equipment including wetsuits and dry suits
  7. Discuss the care and maintenance of buoyancy devices and harness /integrated systems

Practical Module 01: Complete diving safety activities

Work in accordance with company safety management system

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Participate in all safety briefings, demonstrating an understanding of the factors involved and the importance thereof
  2. Carry out risk assessment exercises for safety critical areas, including diving operations.
  3. Demonstrate safety awareness and understanding by performing all activities in compliance with the company (dive school) safety management system so as to ensure safe continuity of work

Prepare for and carry out emergency procedures and drills

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Prepare for and carry out generic emergency procedures and drills, including:
    • Deal with loss of gas in the chamber
    • Handle loss of communication on deck/above water to team members
    • Provide basic life support and first aid to an injured team member
    • Recover man overboard
    • Respond to fire alarm and evacuation
    • Carry out chamber blow-down and check built-in breathing systems function and oxygen supply
    • Perform a communications check with the Designated Medical Practitioner
    • Complete timed transfer of diver from water exit to offsite chamber

Interpersonal skills

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with team members
  2. Exhibit the ability to listen to, confirm understanding of and follow instructions given by the supervisor
  3. Show the ability to contribute to the team’s effectiveness

Practical Module 02: Carry out pre-dive activities

Understand the dive plan

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate understanding of the dive profile and the equipment required for the planned dive
  2. Participate in HIRA process for the dive plan
  3. Participate in the dive plan briefing and accept the dive plan

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Show the ability to identify and select relevant equipment and tooling required in terms of the dive plan
  2. Demonstrate the ability to recognise and select the ancillary equipment and tooling required in terms of the dive plan
  3. Show the ability to check the certification of equipment and explain the necessity of doing so
  4. Exhibit the ability to correctly prepare for transport, load and stow equipment and tooling required in terms of the dive plan and to transfer these to the dive site in compliance with company procedures

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to set up and start up relevant equipment at dive site
  2. Display the ability to correctly and accurately complete the required check lists and logbooks as per company (dive school) procedures and manufacturer instructions

Carry out basic seamanship tasks

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate ability to dive from small craft
  2. Show the ability to correctly load and stow diving equipment on small boats so as not to upset the stability of the craft, interfere with safe operations or unduly risk loss or damage to equipment
  3. Exhibit the ability to handle mooring lines, anchors and fenders, tie basic knots correctly, make lines fast to suitable cleats and bollards and coil rope for safe and convenient stowage
  4. Display the ability to assist in the launching and recovery of small craft

Practical Module 03: Execute diving operations

Prepare to enter the water as the working diver

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate ability to dress in as diver
  2. Demonstrate the ability to complete all pre-dive checks
  3. Demonstrate the ability to connect all relevant diving equipment correctly
  4. Demonstrate the ability to check gas gauges correctly and accurately
  5. Demonstrate the ability to communicate diver readiness progress via voice communication system

Execute the Dive Plan

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to safely enter the water
  2. Demonstrate the ability to correctly complete in-water checks
  3. Demonstrate the ability to descend to the dive work site
  4. Demonstrate the ability to manage diver’s umbilical
  5. Demonstrate the ability to communicate with the dive supervisor as to progress made
  6. Demonstrate the ability to correctly receive relevant tooling from the surface
  7. Demonstrate the ability to execute the work as per the dive plan as per dive plan and instructions from the supervisor
  8. Demonstrate the ability to safely ascend with the appropriate decompression steps
  9. Demonstrate the ability to safely surface
  10. Demonstrate the ability to safely exit the water
  11. Demonstrate the ability to complete surface decompression when required
  12. Demonstrate the ability to dive safely on scuba with a buddy diver (in good and poor visibility}
  13. Demonstrate the ability to navigate underwater around a dive site on scuba, including laying and retrieving a guideline, following a guideline and finding a guideline, swimming a compass course and pilotage by underwater landmarks )
  14. Demonstrate the ability to manage a scuba bailout set
  15. Demonstrate the ability to manage surface supplied diving contingencies. (Bailout to scuba, helmet flooding, pneumo breathing, loss of buoyancy, loss of ballast, dry suit flood, thermal imbalances, faceplate fogging, comms failures, umbilical snags, minor entrapment, etc)

Dive from a wet bell and diving stage

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to dive from a wet bell or diving stage
  2. Demonstrate the ability to carry out wet bell panel operations
  3. Demonstrate the ability to complete the emergency onboard gas access procedure
  4. Demonstrate the ability to carry out bell emergency procedures as per Department of Labour Diver Training Standards

Perform underwater work

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to perform inspection dives
  2. Demonstrate the ability to perform underwater searches
  3. Demonstrate the ability to safely use hand and power tools underwater
  4. Demonstrate the ability to carry out underwater rigging and lifting activities

Practical Module 04: Provide operational support

Act as a standby Diver

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Dress in as standby diver
  2. Complete all pre-dive checks
  3. Connect all relevant diving equipment
  4. Respond to emergencies, including constant communication with Diving Supervisor during deployment
  5. Follow the umbilical of a distressed diver in order to locate him
  6. Follow the emergency procedure to recover a distressed diver
  7. Maintain constant communication with Diving Supervisor during deployment

Act as a Tender

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Dress in the diver and standby diver
  2. Assist the diver to enter and exit the water safely
  3. Tend a diver’s umbilical
  4. Maintain communication with the dive supervisor
  5. Maintain constant observations of hazards in the dive environment in keeping with HIRA and the dive plan
  6. Show the ability to communicate with the diver via rope signals if voice communication fails
  7. Communicate with the diver by hand signals at the surface
  8. Demonstrate the ability to respond to emergencies as per company procedures

Operate the Low Pressure Compressor

Relevance: Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Start up the compressor according to manufacturer instructions and company operations manual, policies and procedures
  2. Operate the compressor according to manufacturer instructions and company operations manual, policies and procedures including periodical checks and adjustments during operation
  3. Shut down the compressor according to manufacturer instructions and company operations manual, policies and procedures

Operate the High Pressure Compressor

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Start up the compressor according to manufacturer instructions and company operations manual, policies and procedures
  2. Operate the compressor according to manufacturer instructions and company (dive school) operations manual, policies and procedures including periodical checks and adjustments during operation
  3. Shut down the compressor according to manufacturer instructions and company (dive school) operations manual, policies and procedures

Handle gas supplies

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Handle and transport gas cylinders and bulk gas storage assets safely
  2. Store gas cylinders safely
  3. Complete external inspection of cylinders
  4. Fill cylinders safely

Operate the Dive Chamber

Relevance: Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to prepare the chamber for use
  2. Calculate the appropriate quantity of chamber and BIBS gas for a planned chamber operation
  3. Calculate an appropriate reserve gas supply for a planned chamber dive profile
  4. Assist occupants to prepare for a chamber dive
  5. Demonstrate the ability to operate the gas control valves during a chamber operation
  6. Communicate with other dive team members and chamber occupants using voice communications and hand signals as appropriate
  7. Record the progress of a chamber operation
  8. Clean and prepare the chamber and associated equipment for storage after use
  9. Show the ability to submit defect reports and maintain equipment

Act as Chamber Attendant

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to operate all internal systems from within the chamber
  2. Maintain communications with the Chamber Operator, dive supervisor and Diving Medical Practitioner level 2
  3. Show the ability to assist the medical officer by following all medical instructions provided
  4. Show the ability to recognise the signs and symptoms of decompression illness and other hyperbaric ailments and demonstrate the ability to communicate these to the Diving Supervisor and Diving Medical Practitioner Level 2

Respond to emergencies

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the diver’s standard first response to breathing apparatus malfunctions including free flow and restricted flow of main breathing gas supply
  2. Demonstrate the diver’s standard first response to flooding of the helmet or full-face mask
  3. Demonstrate the diver’s standard first response to a snagged or fouled umbilical
  4. Demonstrate the diver’s standard first response to severed or pinched umbilical
  5. Demonstrate the recommended procedure to be taken by diver and surface crew for loss of gas/air supply or contaminated breathing gas
  6. Demonstrate the recommended procedure to be taken by the diver and surface crew for loss of voice communications, including the use of line signals
  7. Demonstrate correct procedure for deployment as standby diver to assist a working diver, including trapped or fouled diver or diver’s umbilical
  8. Simulate the recovery and management of a conscious incapacitated diver with minor or serious injury
  9. Simulate the recovery and management of a breathing, unconscious incapacitated diver, including potential contaminated breathing gas, near drowning, convulsions
  10. Simulate the recovery and management of a non-breathing unconscious incapacitated diver, including a dry or flooded breathing apparatus
  11. Simulate the recovery and management of a diver who has had a rapid ascent including blow-up and emergency ascent
  12. Simulate the recovery and management of a diver who has potential decompression illness including rapid ascent or omitted decompression
  13. Simulate the recovery and management of a diver during DP run off including yellow (amber) and red alert
  14. Demonstrate the management of a diver of a diver in the event of adverse fluctuations in the temperature of the suit water
  15. Demonstrate the procedures to recover a distressed diver to the diving stage or wet bell

Practical Module 05: Complete post dive activities

Complete the post-dive documentation

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Complete all post-dive checks correctly and accurately
  2. Show that the diver’s personal dive log book has been correctly completed
  3. Describe and observe post dive restrictions
  4. Demonstrate the ability to identify and report any symptoms to the Supervisor as per company policy and procedure

Demobilize and carry out post-use maintenance

Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Correctly stow and return dive equipment to base under supervision
  2. Complete post-use equipment maintenance and checks as per Company Operations Manual and manufacturer’s instructions, under supervision where applicable.
  3. Show the ability to report any defective equipment following company procedure

Diver assessment database

A collection of multiple choice questions and other assessment tools


Download draft qualification documents for Commercial Diver (status update April 2018 - recommended for registration)