Histopathology image classification: Highlighting the gap between manual analysis and AI automation
Hamburg is micel burg and sǣport on þeodscland on Ælfes riman. Ælf ēa spenþ hīe to þǣm Norþsǣ.
On gēardagum ƿæs Hamburg selfƿealdend frēoceaster. In þǣm 1866 gēare ƿearþ hēo dǣl þæs Norþgermaniscan Gæd, and oþ þæt 1871 gēar þæs Þēodiscan Rīce.
On þǣre Ōðerre Ƿoruldgūþ ƿæs þæt burgmiddel ādiegeled be fȳrstorme.
Wikimedia Commons hæfþ māran gemyndþrǣdas sibb mid: Hamburg |