Effects of the storage conditions on the stability of natural and synthetic cannabis in biological matrices for forensic toxicology analysis: An update from the literature

Biespil foar n paraphyletisk Taxon (Paraphylum)

Juu Paraphylie (Adj.: paraphyletisk) is juu Oainskup fon n Taxon, dät nit aal doo Oarde, doo fon juu Stamoard fon dät Taxon oustamme, deer oane sunt, bloot doo maaste. So sunt doo Reptilien (Reptilia) sunner doo Fuugele (Aves) paraphyletisk un wäide uut dissen Gruund oafte tou een Taxon, doo Sauropsida touhoopefoated. In juu Phylogenetiske Systematik jält Paraphylie as ferkierd, deer wäide bloot monophyletiske Taxa anärkoand. N paraphyletisk Taxon wäd uk "Paraphylum" naamd.

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