Qui si trovano fonti e risorse utili da consultarsi e (se sono di difficile reperibilità) quali utenti vi hanno accesso e possono consultarle su richiesta.

Tramite il nuovo servizio Wikipedia:La Biblioteca Wikipedia è inoltre possibile chiedere aiuto ad alcuni bibliotecari, che hanno accesso alle banche dati a pagamento cui sono abbonate le loro università.

Per essere più precisi, in questa pagina si vogliono elencare fonti generaliste (quindi non ristrette a un piccolo ambito), attendibili (non amatoriali) e verificabili (cioè non disponibili in internet per tutti ma comunque presenti nelle varie biblioteche e/o dietro abbonamento). Aggiungete direttamente le fonti che conoscete, e date la vostra disponibilità a consultarle se le avete a portata di mano (controllate nelle biblioteche del vostro comune, della vostra università o dell'ente in cui lavorate).
Gli utenti qui elencati possono, dietro richiesta, trovare materiale necessario al miglioramento delle voci. Chi desideri avere questo genere di informazioni può contattare uno di loro, verificando chi sia disponibile solo per un rapido controllo in caso di affermazione senza fonte o disputata, o per una ricerca più ampia e completa. Nel secondo caso (invio di intere porzioni di testo) sarà necessario avere attivata l'opzione di ricezione delle e-mail da parte di altri utenti di Wikipedia, in modo che i risultati possano esservi inviati integralmente senza commettere copyviol.
Le richieste vanno rivolte preferibilmente direttamente agli utenti che hanno dato la loro disponibilità; la discussione deve essere relativa alle aggiunte o rimozioni proposte o possibili: non è un reference desk. L'oracolo può essere il posto dove chiedere informazioni o fonti su una specifica voce o addirittura su qualcosa di non trattato in Wikipedia.

Biblioteca personale


Il sistema più efficace è probabilmente aggiungere i tuoi libri in aNobii, unirti al gruppo dei wikipediani e aggiungere i libri pertinenti alla sua collezione. Si può sempre provare a chiedere anche a utenti generici di aNobii, spesso si ha una risposta positiva.

Puoi trovare un elenco di libri messi a disposizione dagli utenti di Wikipedia nell'indice per argomento. Puoi contribuire inserendo anche i libri della tua biblioteca personale!


Le banche dati generaliste sono solitamente usate mediante qualche università. È utile tenere presente che i contratti firmati dalle università prevedono di solito la possibilità del cosiddetto "walk in": chiunque può accedere ai periodici e alle banche dati riservati a studenti e dipendenti, accedendo dai terminali dell'ateneo. Una biblioteca universitaria ad accesso libero può essere un tesoro bibliografico.

Consulta l'elenco completo.


Credo Reference è una risorsa online che permette la consultazione completa di numerosi testi (enciclopedie generiche e specialistiche, dizionari, saggi storici e scientifici), generalmente accessibile presso le biblioteche. Alcuni utenti di Wikipedia dispongono di utenze personali di questo tipo.

Elenco dei 250 testi accessibili via Credo

A Biographical Dictionary of Artists, Andromeda
The Cambridge Guide to Theatre
The Encyclopedia of American Folk Art
Martial Arts of the World
National Gallery Collection
Shakespeare's Theatre: A Dictionary of His Stage Context
The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Art Terms
The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists
The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of British Art
The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Design Since 1900
The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Fashion and Fashion Designers
The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Graphic Design and Designers
The Thames & Hudson Encyclopaedia of Impressionism

Economia e Affari

A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists
Capstone Encyclopaedia of Business
Collins Dictionary of Business
Collins Dictionary of Economics
Dictionary of E-Business
Dictionary of Leisure, Travel and Tourism
An Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics
Encyclopedia of the History of American Management
Handbook of United States Economic and Financial Indicators
International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management
The Penguin International Dictionary of Finance
Wall Street Words

Vedi anche:

A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists
Encyclopedia of World Trade From Ancient Times to the Present
A Financial History of the United States
The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour

Cibo e bevande

Benders' Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology
Cambridge World History of Food

Fonti generiche

Dizionari bilingui

Collins French Dictionary Plus
Collins German Dictionary
Collins Italian Dictionary
Collins Portuguese Dictionary
Collins Spanish Dictionary


A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists
Chambers Biographical Dictionary
First Ladies of the United States
Great Irish Lives: An Era in Obituaries
Great Lives: A Century in Obituaries
Great Military Lives: Leadership and Courage - From Waterloo to the Falklands in Obituaries
Great Victorian Lives: An Era in Obituaries
Notable American Women: 1607-1950
Notable American Women: Completing the Twentieth Century
Notable American Women: The Modern Period

Vedi anche:

A Biographical Dictionary of Artists, Andromeda
First Ladies of the United States
A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists
Biographical Dictionary of Modern Egypt
Encyclopedia of Women Social Reformers
Who Was Who at Waterloo: A Biography of the Battle
Who's Who in Ancient Egypt, Routledge
Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History, Routledge
Who's Who in The Roman World, Routledge
African-American Writers: A Dictionary
The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music
Biographical Dictionary of 20th Century Philosophers
Biographical Dictionary of Psychology
Who's Who in Christianity, Routledge
Who's Who in Classical Mythology, Routledge
Who's Who in the New Testament, Routledge
Who's Who in the Old Testament, Routledge
The Cambridge Dictionary of Scientists


Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R) Dictionary
Roget's II The New Thesaurus


Brewer's Britain and Ireland
The Dictionary of Human Geography
The Dictionary of Physical Geography
Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary
The Houghton Mifflin Dictionary of Geography
Merriam-Webster's Geographical Dictionary

Vedi anche:

Religious Holidays & Calendars
Atlas of the Universe


Alcohol and Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia
The American Economy: A Historical Encyclopedia
Biographical Dictionary of Modern Egypt
Black Firsts
Chambers Dictionary of World History
Conspiracy Theories in American History
Encyclopedia of African History
Encyclopedia of Emancipation and Abolition in the Transatlantic World
Encyclopedia of Mexico: History, Society & Culture
Encyclopedia of North American Indians, Houghton Mifflin
Encyclopedia of Women Social Reformers
Encyclopedia of World Trade From Ancient Times to the Present
Encyclopedia of the United States in the Nineteenth Century
A Financial History of the United States
Immigration and Asylum from 1900 to Present
Late Antiquity: A Guide to the Postclassical World
The Macquarie Encyclopedia of Australian Events
Mexico: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Culture and History
Propaganda and Mass Persuasion: A Historical Encyclopedia, 1500 to the Present
The Reader's Companion to American History
The Reader's Companion to Military History
The Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History
The Reader's Companion to the American Presidency
The Underground Railroad: An Encyclopedia of People, Places, and Operations
Who Was Who at Waterloo: A Biography of the Battle
Who's Who in Ancient Egypt, Routledge
Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History, Routledge
Who's Who in The Roman World, Routledge
Women in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia
World Politics Since 1945

Vedi anche:

Great Irish Lives: An Era in Obituaries
Great Lives: A Century in Obituaries
Great Military Lives: Leadership and Courage - From Waterloo to the Falklands in Obituaries
Great Victorian Lives: An Era in Obituaries


Brewer's Dictionary of Irish Phrase and Fable
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics
The Devil's Dictionary
Dictionary of Contemporary Slang
Dictionary of Languages
Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics
A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics


Collins Dictionary of Law
Dictionary of Conflict Resolution, Wiley
Dictionary of Law
Encyclopedia of the European Union
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law
World of Criminal Justice, Gale

Vedi anche:

Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture and the Law


African-American Writers: A Dictionary
All Things Chaucer: An Encyclopedia of Chaucer's World
The Cambridge Guide to Children's Books in English
The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English
The Cambridge Guide to Women's Writing in English
Chambers Dictionary of Literary Characters
The Chronology of American Literature
The Columbia Companion to the Twentieth-Century American Short Story
Concise Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature
Continuum Encyclopedia of American Literature
Continuum Encyclopedia of British Literature
Continuum Encyclopedia of Children's Literature
A Dictionary of Literary Symbols
Encyclopedia of American Poetry: The Twentieth Century
Encyclopedia of German Literature
Encyclopedia of Latin American and Caribbean Literature, 1900-2003
Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature
Encyclopedia of Women's Autobiography
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Latino Literature
A Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures: Continental Europe and its Empires
Holocaust Literature: An Encyclopedia of Writers and Their Work


The American Heritage Medical Dictionary
Black's Medical Dictionary, 42nd Edition
Black's Veterinary Dictionary
Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology: Health and Illness in the World's Cultures
Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary, Revised Edition
New Harvard Guide to Women's Health, The

Vedi anche:

Key Concepts in Medical Sociology


Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World: Locations
Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World: Media, Industry and Society
Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World: Performance and Production
The Faber Companion to 20th Century Popular Music
The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music
The Harvard Dictionary of Music
The New Penguin Dictionary of Music

Vedi anche:

A Biographical Dictionary of Artists, Andromeda


Biographical Dictionary of 20th Century Philosophers
Biographical Dictionary of Transcendentalism
The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy
Chambers Dictionary of the Unexplained
Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy
Dictionary of World Philosophy
The Edinburgh Encyclopedia of Continental Philosophy
Encyclopedia of Classical Philosophy
Encyclopedia of Empiricism
Encyclopedia of Postmodernism
Great Thinkers A-Z
Political Philosophy A-Z


Biographical Dictionary of Psychology
The Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology
Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness
Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance
The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour
Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine
The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology
The Concise Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science
The Edinburgh International Encyclopaedia of Psychoanalysis
Elsevier's Dictionary of Psychological Theories
Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology
Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science
Encyclopedia of Women and Gender: Sex Similarities and Differences and the Impact of Society on Gender
International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent
Key Thinkers in Psychology
The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology

Vedi anche:

Key Thinkers in Psychology


Dictionary of Hindu Lore and Legend, Thames & Hudson
Dictionary of Jewish Lore and Legend, Thames & Hudson
The Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge University Press
The Qur'an
Religious Holidays & Calendars
Who's Who in Christianity, Routledge
Who's Who in Classical Mythology, Routledge
Who's Who in the New Testament, Routledge
Who's Who in the Old Testament, Routledge


Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology
Atlas of the Universe
The Cambridge Dictionary of Scientists
Collins Dictionary of Astronomy
Collins Dictionary of Biology
Consciousness: A Guide to the Debates
Dictionary of Developmental Biology and Embryology, Wiley
Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs
Encyclopedia of Insects
Encyclopedia of Paleontology
Encyclopedia of Volcanoes
Encyclopedia of the Solar System
Guide to Global Hazards
Guide to Seashells of the World
Handbook of Vegetable Pests
Homosexuality and Science: A Guide to the Debates
Keywords and Concepts in Evolutionary Developmental Biology
Manufacturing Engineering Handbook
McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics
The Penguin Dictionary of Physics
Science in the Ancient World: An Encyclopedia
Science in the Contemporary World: An Encyclopedia
Science in the Early Twentieth Century: An Encyclopedia
Science in the Enlightenment: An Encyclopedia

Scienze sociali

50 Key Concepts in Gender Studies
The A-Z of Social Research
Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology
The Blackwell Dictionary of Political Science
The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology
Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution
Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers
The Cambridge Handbook of Age and Ageing
Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships
The Cambridge Handbook of Violent Behavior and Aggression
Canada's Diverse Peoples: A Reference Sourcebook
Collins Dictionary of Sociology
Contemporary Youth Culture: An International Encyclopedia
Dictionary of Forensic Psychology
Dictionary of Media Studies
Dictionary of Race, Ethnicity & Culture
Encyclopedia of Archaeology: History and Discoveries
The Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environmental Management, Blackwell Science
Encyclopedia of Intelligence & Counterintelligence
Encyclopedia of Nationalism: Fundamental Themes
Encyclopedia of Nationalism: Leaders, Movements, and Concepts
The Encyclopedia of Public Choice
Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Encyclopedia of Urban America: The Cities and Suburbs
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict
The Former Soviet Union's Diverse Peoples: A Reference Sourcebook
Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture and the Law
Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences
Handbook of Environmental Sociology
Handbook of Global Environmental Politics
A Handbook of Globalisation and Environmental Policy
Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts
Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children
Iran's Diverse Peoples: A Reference Sourcebook
Key Concepts in Feminist Theory and Research
Key Concepts in Medical Sociology
Key Concepts in Political Communication
Key Concepts in Urban Studies
Key Concepts in Work
Key Contemporary Concepts
Power and Succession in Arab Monarchies
The Praeger Handbook of Latino Education in the U.S.
Public Opinion and Polling Around the World: A Historical Encyclopedia
The Social Science Jargon-Buster
South Africa's Diverse Peoples: A Reference Sourcebook
World of Sociology, Gale

Vedi anche:

Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology: Health and Illness in the World's Cultures


Computer Graphics Companion
Dictionary of Architecture and Construction
Dictionary of Engineering Terms, Butterworth-Heinemann
Dictionary of Multimedia and Internet Applications: A Guide for Developers and Users
Encyclopedia of 20th Century Technology
Encyclopedia of Computer Science
Hargrave's Communications Dictionary, Wiley
An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation

Vedi anche:

Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology

Utenti con accesso


Vedere en:Questia Online Library. Aggiungersi anche nella categoria relativa.

Utenti con accesso

Oxford University Press

L'Oxford University Press (OUP) è uno degli editori accademici più antichi e autorevoli al mondo. Nell'ambito del programma pilota The Wikipedia Library l'Oxford University Press concede a titolo gratuito l'accesso ad un ricco database di risorse umanistiche a 150 account wikipediani. Nel caso in cui il programma si riveli un successo, l'Oxford University Press estenderà la collaborazione e permetterà l'accesso a ulteriori risorse. Il progetto pilota di The Wikipedia Library è attivo da maggio 2014 a maggio 2015.

Le risorse consultabili dagli account OUP sono:

Utenti con accesso


Jstor é una biblioteca on-line che fornisce l'accesso a più di 1900 riviste. Grazie ad un accordo con la The Wikipedia Library alcuni wikipediani hanno ottenuto un accesso gratuito a risorse altrimenti a pagamento.

Utenti con accesso

Vedi anche Categoria:Utenti con account Jstor


La Biblioteca europea di informazione e cultura è una biblioteca digitale aperta a tutti che nel 2014 collabora con Wikipedia. Se serve aiuto per trovare qualcosa, chiedi! Vedi Progetto:GLAM/BEIC per informazioni e contatti.


Le fonti accessibili a tutti via internet sono elencate in Progetto:Biografie/Link.

  • Informazioni di base
    • en:World Biographical Information System Online: contiene informazioni su oltre 6 milioni di persone (nome, date di nascita e morte, professione ecc.) e cita le fonti relative.
      • Accessibile in molte università italiane (e quindi a tutti i loro studenti, di solito; controllate nella biblioteca digitale della vostra università).
