Effects of the storage conditions on the stability of natural and synthetic cannabis in biological matrices for forensic toxicology analysis: An update from the literature

Dezie njikọ ndi a
continent, part of the world, geographic region
Akụkụ nkeÀlà, Eurasia, Afro-Eurasia, Ostfeste Dezie
A gụrụ ahaAsia Dezie
dị na / na njirimara ahụrụ ányáEastern Hemisphere Dezie
nhazi ọnọdụ43°40′52″N 87°19′52″E Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ọwụwa anyanwụ66°4′48″N 169°39′0″W Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ugwu81°50′35″N 59°14′22″E Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ndịda11°0′27″S 122°52′29″E Dezie
nhazi nke ebe ọdịda anyanwụ40°7′30″N 25°39′56″E Dezie
geoshapeData:Asia Flickr.map Dezie
ebe kachasi eluMount Everest Dezie
kacha alaDead Sea Dezie
Nkwekọrịtara oke alaObodo Békè, Eluàlà Dezie
mụrụ yaAsian studies, oriental studies Dezie
Ogo dị elu ọnọdụ ịntanetị.asia Dezie
ọdịdị ala nke isiokwuGeography nke Asia Dezie
akụkọ ihe mere eme nke isiokwuakụkọ ihe mere eme nke Asia Dezie
Akụ na ụba nke isiokwuAkụ na ụba Asia Dezie
demographics nke isiokwudemographics nke Asia Dezie
Stack Exchange mkpadohttps://opendata.stackexchange.com/tags/asia Dezie
udi maka maapụCategory:Maps of Asia Dezie

Asia bu aha bekee ana-kpo obodo na ala ukwu nwere ndi Japan ndi China ma ndi Ndia. Mgbe ozo, adi kpo ya Eurasia kama ala ndi ocha ana-kpo Mpaghara Russia no la ya. Afrịka soto ya na onu agugu madu bi na ya.

Lee nke ozo