Effects of the storage conditions on the stability of natural and synthetic cannabis in biological matrices for forensic toxicology analysis: An update from the literature

Li logo del UEFA

Li UEFA (Union Europan del Football Associationes) es li europan organisation del football. Li UEFA organisa li football in Europa quam branche del organisation mundel de football FIFA.

Li UEFA organisa li UEFA Liga del Championes e li UEFA Europan Liga quam competition por europan football clubes e li Europan Championatu de Football por national equipes.

Li UEFA esset fundat li 15 junio 1954 in Nyon (Svissia).

Li centrale de UEFA es anc in Nyon (Svissia) desde li annu 1995. Antey li sedes del UEFA esset Paris (Francia) til 1959 e Bern (Svissia) ínter 1959 e 1995.

Li UEFA have 54 associationes national de football quam membres.

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