Effects of the storage conditions on the stability of natural and synthetic cannabis in biological matrices for forensic toxicology analysis: An update from the literature

class of anatomical entity
Fo-sheòrsa deCorrag, particular anatomical entity Deasaich
Pàirt delàmh Deasaich
Théid a chleachdadh ann anpinky swear Deasaich
Na bha roimheMac an aba Deasaich
Lymphatic drainageSupratrochlear lymph nodes Deasaich
Arterial supplyproper palmar digital arteries Deasaich
Venous drainagepalmar digital veins Deasaich
NCI Thesaurus IDC52838 Deasaich

’S e a’ chorrag as lugha a tha anns an lùdag neo cuisdeag a tha ri taobh "mac-an-aba". ’S e digitus minimus manus (corrag bheag na làimhe), digitus quintus (Còigeamh corrag), digitus V a th' oirre sa Laideann aig na dotairean.