Effects of the storage conditions on the stability of natural and synthetic cannabis in biological matrices for forensic toxicology analysis: An update from the literature

Hi, welcome to my userpage. Wipe the mud off your shoes on the way in :).
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About Me
— Wikipedian  —
This kitty dude actually looks almost exactly like my cat. Cool eh?
This kitty dude actually looks almost exactly like my cat. Cool eh?
Cenedlaetholwr Cymreig
June 14ᵗʰ
Name in real lifeSean R. Kurth
Country United States
Current locationKing George, Virginia
Time zoneUTC -5 (Eastern Standard Time)
Current time
EthnicityIrish, Welsh
Height6' 4"
HairDusty Brown
Blood typeAB+
Family and friends
Marital statusSingle
Education and employment
OccupationComputer repairman, USD$50.00 per job :)
EducationHigh School Junior, still in High School
High schoolKing George High School
Hobbies, favourites and beliefs
ReligionChristian, PCA
PoliticsDemocrat, but Obama hasn't really accomplished much :(
Contact info
  1. BieberAxeKiller (May now not be me, I haven't used IRC in more than a year, chances are someone else has claimed my nick and channel. Can never be sure, though...)
Facebook[https://www.facebook.com/seanrkurth here]
YouTube[http://www.youtube.com/user/MrUbuntuking?feature=mhee @Sean Kurth]
Cenedlaetholwr Cymreig subpages

I really want to keep these hidden due to vandalism risks. As of 2/9/2013, they're all either extension option settings, Signatures, or skin boilerplates. Long story short, won't say. Easily found in contribs though if you really need them.

Account statistics
JoinedNovember 6ᵗʰ, 2012
First editReverting, the idiot :(
Edit countEdit count for Cenedlaetholwr Cymreig
PermissionsAutoconfirmed User
Signature--Free Wales Now! what did I screw up?  15:30, 12 January 2013 (UTC)

Per a suggestion on my talk page, my username is pronounced sen-ed-lathe-oil-ur sim-rage.
Apparently some, actually most Wikipedians don't know Welsh.

Hello, my username is Welsh for "Welsh Nationalist". I'm a bilingual American from Virginia who thinks Welshmen are not like the English and shouldn't be forced to act like it. I'll try not to edit Wales-related articles to prevent POV...

My opinion on the United State government

Reasons for posting

This is in response to all the comments of Obama sheep calling anyone who disagrees with them "wackobirds" here.

I find it funny that the biggest insult he can throw is "Wackobird". He has no facts to debate with, all his "research" is biased liberal news channels, and Obama has sold us out to the same people he promised he'd regulate. He is reduced to flaming and hurling nonsensical slander by those who have the REAL facts.

Reasons for posting HERE

Since comments have to be "moderated", doubtless this it won't even appear, since rolling stone is the ultimate bastion of mindless Obama sheep. I believe everybody needs to know what is really going on, and Wikipedia, userspace or not, is the place to do it.

The rant

With that said, here is my epic tirade on the current climate of the US government.

Why is he a "Wackobird"? Because he speaks out against your agenda of massive voter fraud. To credit my position to you unreasonable people, I 100% agree that too big too fail is an idea that is bankrupting the USA, gays are people too, and our government is in need of urgent change. Personally, I support the German model, at least then we wouldn't have such a polarized Congress.

However, you, sir, are the "wackobird". Now, before you shout me down and poke fun at my tax returns because I don't agree with you, as seems to be the typical form of liberal debate these days, here is why I am pissed off with everyone.


  • Granted, George Bush created more than $6 Trillion in debt, but Obama has created over 8 Trillion, plus tens of trillions in toxic assets that the government acquired by nationalizing the banks. Would your CNN and Rolling Stone ever tell you that? No, of course not, but if Conservatives were doing the same thing, neither would Fox News.

  • CNN is just as biased as Fox News if not worse. Rather than report any real news, they just take up the latest political debate and spend days drilling into your head what they want you to think. Remember how they showed their true colors all too callously a few months ago, when they spent two weeks espousing Obama's side of the sequester debate, and after a few days even the liberals said, "fuck this, i'm not a sheep"? No, of course you don't, and doubtless neither do the people who write this magazine. That's all the mainstream media do. They get paid by a certain portion of the population to tell the world what they think, and convincingly broadcast it as news.

  • The right and left are equally bought and paid for. The government no longer represents the people, and when challenged, simply responds with more draconian legislation. SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, the NDAA, the Patriot Act (granted that was George Bush, but the same people were behind him as Obama)...the list goes on. They'll sell us out to the same people no matter who we vote for, and there is nothing we can do but serve the corporations that run this out of control mess while our paychecks decrease.

  • Massive inflation and an economic crash are coming. Where will your Obama be then? Do you realize...that we just left a HOUSING BUBBLE 5 years ago? How are a stock market rally and increased housing construction possibly a GOOD economic sign? Well, I've got some bad news for you.
  1. This has all been funded by the Fed's "quantitative easing", which is basically just another term for "printing as much money as you can with nothing to back it and hoping the economy grows before inflation hits". They have printed and signed into existence over 4 TRILLION dollars of un-backed paper, for the sole purpose of rallying the market. The May 2010 flash crash is a perfect example of what happens when they stop for so much as a day. Inflation is already occurring just look at gas prices and the federal wage freeze/subsequent cut.
  2. Repeat, WE JUST CAME OUT OF A HOUSING BUBBLE! Yes, I am shouting at you, trying to get this through your bought and paid for years ago head. If I could bold bubble, I would. Housing will be the primary driver of economic growth this year, and the DOW is seeing its highest levels since the bubble popped. The government is printing and borrowing money by the trillions to prop up the banks and re-inflate the bubble. It is all crashing down as we speak.

  • Military spending is not the primary contributor to our national debt. We have pulled out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Etc. and the military is less than 2% of the budget now. So what is creating this $1.1 Trillion hole? The Medicare, medicaid, social security, & welfare leeches you like to claim the Republicans are disenfranchising. Well, how about this? Baby boomers began retiring last year, social security is a secondary retirement for many of these people, and we have more than $55 TRILLION in unpaid obligations to these programs. That is, annually 70% of our annual deficit right there, and we're not even paying the interest.

  • What of the the 10 Million+ people who are literally refusing to get a job and leeching off the system? Well, we have about 30 Million un- or under-employed people in this country now. 20 million or so are trying to get a job, and most have found them. Then there is the 10% of our budget hole that is made up by these 10 Million leeches Imagine New York City, plus 3 Million more, sitting idle and eating on the government's check. That is our predicament.

  • The Eurozone crisis. Nobody is talking about it, but the southern European sovereign debt crisis is worsening and spreading. Spain has 5 Million unoccupied homes in a nation of less than 20 Million, Italy is under the rule of un-elected "emergency" technocrats, the Irish run on the banks is continuing, Greece is on the verge of anarchy, and Eastern Europe, i'm talking ALL of Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Romania, the Slavic high countries, the Baltic coast nations...is in the midst of an un-popped housing bubble that may prove to dwarf our own.

  • France, meanwhile, is in free fall. A popping housing bubble, stifling taxes, a business sector collapsing under German competition, the government responding with yet more of the same draconian license and tax laws that caused this mess, and a sovereign debt too large to be bailed out by the EU. They will collapse, and it will make Spain look good in comparison.

  • Why is mainstream media collectively refusing to mention numbers 7 and 8? Because Europe is run by socialists, and our government has for a decade been trying to imitate them. CNN, CNBC, ABC...they're all being paid to censor this information because our leaders can't admit their mistakes.

Angry conclusion

Now, go get yourself some real facts, try to prove me wrong. And if you quote from a source with partisan bias, i WILL debunk you. Stop being a sheep, echoing whatever Rolling Stone and CNN tell you to think. I dare you to find an unbiased source that can back up your claims with real facts, and facts do not include quoting news stories!

  • please note that I am not a conservative. The party lines are an illusion to keep us fighting amongst ourselves, distracted from the real issues. I hate everyone. Thank you and goodnight.


Okay, so i've given up on trying to create a meaningful userpage. So, I decided it would just be easier and more fun to flesh out my page with the most outlandish patent nonsense and gibberish from around Wikipedia. It won't be easy...i'll have to scour edit histories, userspaces, and humor pages from all over multiple projects, but here is what I have so far:

From Magic

Magic is one of my best friends. He has always been by my side, ever since middle school. Had it not been for him, I wouldn't have found out that Magic is also a country! It is located in the direct center of the continent Girugamelafiey. Did you know that their state bird is the African Elephant? I had no idea! Also, the country is represented by the Internet, the colors green, purple, yellow, orange, and blue, and because the climate is very tropical, they wear sunblock a lot. Their native language is Binary Code, hi Mr. Johnson. They like the word Squiggly, you know, that little ~ thing? Rockstar.

Because the heat can get so intense in Girugamelafiey, you are given a pair of fingerless gloves and a trenchcoat upon entrance. Now, this may seem a bit strange at first, but once you put them on, you will be the baddest motherf**ker around, and no one will want to mess with you.

This article is incomplete, please help me lengthen it with YOUR knowledge of Girugamelafiey and Magic. Think about the children.

Sun currency/bank/insurance/health,tol leaves repair monetary woes

my name johan i follow the prophet jonah as jonah ,i am angry about a plant,see jonah 4;9 also because i know it..(10)is totally true i do have pity on a plant i did not make grow yet i have been jailed /court/reviled/hated of a plant

 i certainly could not make grow

that in fact god does make all plants to grow worse appart from being charged of men to have grown made the plant to grow they proved me to have legalised possesion of it check out possesion being 9 tenths the law so i own it i can give it away thus i gave it to the S.U.N,sovereigns united nation by plant breeders/and sovereigns right of creation and further the plant is a plant it is said to be a drug/by a botanical description proving we dont need science these deemed to be legal experts, by the botanical clasification a plant to be a drug see wikipedia and see that a drug is a salt that drugs are dangerouse,note al;l drugs alcohol kills 25 people in every major hospital each day supprisingly minus 2000 is what the health stats say this apparently is accounting practice entering science of the people who died 2000 didnt ..this is because the alcohol has a good affect /in moderation/thus comes off the statistic as a negative so you know ,i do this of jonah1;6 that matthew 12;39 as per40 that 41 by authority of 42 that 13;14 for 1315,16,17 isaiah 40;21,18,23-29

this power is money and we all share rev 22;1,14 rev21;22-27..see isaiah 42; that the might see 41;20..42;1,,2..3 for thus 5-10 14..18-23..40;1-8,10-15,21,23 29;10-13,18-24..28;7,15,22 8;12-14,20 know the woe of 6;6-10 1;16-19..43;5-9..24-28..for 44;18-21 24-26..45;5-13..see fatima 45;19-20..46;8-9..47;3,4,6-8 9-13..48;10-13,15-18,22..see rev22 51;1-7,12,13,21,22..52;3-6,7-10 but..53;5,8,7,5 3,2,1,10..54;4,5,6 listen to her ..7,8even9,,jonah smoths 10 13-16 i am of the horn times 3 the horn of the ox that sits on levi/isaiah the hoorns of the heart(deer)harthat define the four rivers of belief//upon yhe only sure rock i am yet waiting to give you all ..the assurance the money..but its a matriachal/works through your mum she must ask me ,,and i am in sabbat the fruits of the tree ,uses of the tree runs to over 30,000 products.from oil unto plastic..bread ..paper..oil get ya mum to ask for more detail


My name is Tim. logic? explain why they come here .you use bib words .I am a simple man ,benn on this planet better than 50 years.I have seen what you my boy only dream of>>>>>

P.S. I dunt spell to well.

Is irrevocably mean what I say is true to me ?

Having sex is good, especially while done with several partners at once, Even David or Solomon had several brides and they were making hardcore scenes just to have fun and to say to God : "As I can't screw you, I'll do on lesser creatures like womens". I can also do that with kids (as many catholic priest do)

Having sex with deamons is also a very good thing, Hell is the place were you'll enjoy many pleasures, and It's good to get there. Heaven sucks, god is a son of a bitch Jesus never existed.

In some animals, sex may be assigned to specific structures rather than the entire organism. Earthworms, for example, are normally hermaphrodites. But having sex with animals is also a good thing.... Just try it out with your dog, You'll see

From 8=D

A keyboard shortcut or formula. Adding more "=" means it is a longer formula. Originated at La Consolacion College it is primarily used on complex mathematical problems written in desks and armchairs often mistaken as vandalism. Its creator, Reymart Gadiana, who also made a discovery on quantum mechanics with his own formula, "Opaw = Manudlay, Burol = Mamunal, Tomboy = Dakog Oten, Naghelmet ug Nagtuxedo = Murag Microphone", is now used in Harvard University Engineering College as its basic formula in the computation of the relativity of matter and mass, in contrary of Albert Einstein's famous formula e = mc2.

  • This is funny because 8=D, 8=>, and 8=D~ with varying numbers of equals signs are leet euphenisms for penis and ejaculating penis with 1 or more tildes. --Free Wales Now! what did I screw up?  23:50, 27 February 2013 (UTC)


The Infobox user template made me do this for the clock thingy even if I didn't use it much, so here is the SINGLE reference:

  1. ^ Calculated using parser functions. For more information see WP:CCT. To update time purge page cache.