Effects of the storage conditions on the stability of natural and synthetic cannabis in biological matrices for forensic toxicology analysis: An update from the literature

Siŏh ciáh nṳ̄-gái găk lā̤ chiū-ìng

Chiū-ìng (手淫) sê siŏh cṳ̄ng cê-gă káh-diù cê-gă sĕng-sĭk-ké gì có̤-huák.

Găk gô-dā̤ Dṳ̆ng-guók ṳ̀-gă ùng-huá gâe̤ng să̤-huŏng gì gĭ-dók-gáu‎ ùng-huá diē-sié dŭ giéng-gáe̤k chiū-ìng sê mâ̤ hō̤ gì, bók-guó hiêng-câi ô gì ĭ-sĕng tì-chók siŏng-huāng gì guăng-diēng.