Effects of the storage conditions on the stability of natural and synthetic cannabis in biological matrices for forensic toxicology analysis: An update from the literature

Zwoa Oxn ban Ockan.

Da Ox (dt. Ochse, engl. ox) is a gschniidans Rindviachmandl.

Oxn wean ois Orbadsviacha vawendt. Se san steaka oas wia Kiah und duachs Schneidn guadmiatig. Oxn wean beispueisweis zan Ockan gnuzt oda wean voan Wogn gspannt. Se keman moast boorweis ins Joch.

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 Commons: Oxnfuahweak – Sammlung vo Buidl, Videos und Audiodateien
 Commons: Foazeig, de wo vo Viachan zogn wean – Sammlung vo Buidl, Videos und Audiodateien