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Zhuge Rong
General of Vehement Might (奮威將軍)
In office
252 (252)–253 (253)
MonarchSun Liang
Commandant of Xin'an (新安都尉)
In office
? (?)–252 (252)
MonarchSun Quan
Preceded byChen Biao
Cavalry Commandant (騎都尉)
In office
? (?)–? (?)
MonarchSun Quan
Personal details
BornAfter 204
Diedc.November 253
Gong'an County, Hubei
Childrenthree sons
Courtesy nameShuchang (叔長)
PeerageMarquis of Wanling (宛陵侯)

Zhuge Rong (after 204[1] - c.November 253[2]), courtesy name Shuchang, was a military general of the state of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period of China. He was the third son of Zhuge Jin, a military general who served under Wu's founding emperor Sun Quan, and a younger brother of Zhuge Ke, a military general who briefly served as regent for Sun Quan's successor, Sun Liang.

Family background

Zhuge Rong was the third son of Zhuge Jin, a military general who served under Wu's founding emperor, Sun Quan. He had two elder brothers: Zhuge Ke and Zhuge Qiao. His second uncle, Zhuge Liang, served as the Imperial Chancellor of Wu's ally state, Shu. As Zhuge Liang initially had no son, he adopted Zhuge Qiao.[3] Like their father, both Zhuge Ke and Zhuge Rong served as generals in Wu.[4] Zhuge Rong also had a sister who married Zhang Cheng, a Wu general. Zhang Cheng and Zhuge Rong's sister had a daughter who married Sun Quan's third son, Sun He.[5]

Early life

In his younger days, Zhuge Rong was known for being spoiled, brash and thrill-seeking, largely because of his elite family background. Although he enjoyed reading and had a wide breadth of knowledge, he did not specialise in any particular field. He was also known for being understanding and tolerant, and for being skilful in a range of arts and crafts.[6] Before he reached adulthood, he had already been invited on numerous occasions to attend Sun Quan's imperial court as a civilian observer. After he came of age, he was commissioned as a Cavalry Commandant (騎都尉) in the Wu military.[7]

Service under Sun Quan

During the Chiwu era (238–251) of Sun Quan's reign, Chen Biao and Gu Cheng led the tens of thousands of residents in their respective commanderies to Piling County (毗陵縣; present-day Changzhou, Jiangsu) to work on an agricultural project. After Chen Biao died, Sun Quan ordered Zhuge Rong to replace Chen Biao as the Commandant of Xindu Commandery (新都郡; around present-day Yi County, Anhui).[8]

Following Zhuge Jin's death in 241, Zhuge Rong inherited his father's peerage as the Marquis of Wanling (宛陵侯) and took control of the troops stationed at Gong'an County who used to be under his father's command.[9] When Zhuge Rong assumed command at Gong'an County near Wu's western border, the area was rather peaceful. The troops also willingly submitted to his command.[10] While he was at Gong'an County, Zhuge Rong spent his time hunting and training in combat during autumn and winter, and hosting parties during spring and summer. Some of his men even returned to camp to attend his parties when they were on leave. During the party, the guests chatted or played games such as chupu, weiqi, touhu and slingshot, while feasting on fruits, snacks and alcoholic drinks. Zhuge Rong would walk around and mingle with them; he never grew tired of such parties.[11] When Zhuge Rong's father Zhuge Jin and brother Zhuge Ke served in the military, they wore simple and plain clothing with no decorations. Zhuge Rong, in contrast, enjoyed wearing lavishly designed clothes to highlight his "special" status.[12]

In 250,[a] Wang Chang, a senior general from Wu's rival state Wei, led the Wei forces to attack the Wu-controlled Jiangling County (江陵縣; in present-day Jingzhou, Hubei). When Wang Chang was withdrawing his troops after failing to breach Jiangling County's walls,[13] the Wu general Shi Ji wrote to Zhuge Rong: "(Wang) Chang has come a long way; he and his men are weary and their horses have no more fodder. Heaven is on our side. I don't have enough men to attack them so I hope you can lead your troops to support me. I will attack them from the front while you can mop them up from the rear. The glory won't be only mine; this is an opportunity for us to work together."[14] After Zhuge Rong promised to help him, Shi Ji then led his troops to attack Wang Chang and his men at Jinan (紀南), which was located about 30 li away from Jiangling County. Although Shi Ji initially had the upper hand, he ultimately lost the battle when Zhuge Rong broke his promise and did not show up to help him.[15] After the battle, Sun Quan praised Shi Ji, but severely reprimanded Zhuge Rong and wanted to relieve him of his appointment. However, he eventually pardoned Zhuge Rong as he had to "give face" to Zhuge Rong's brother Zhuge Ke, whom he favoured and heavily relied on.[16] As Shi Ji was initially already not on good terms with Zhuge Ke and Zhuge Rong, this incident further deepened the rift between him and the Zhuge brothers.[17]

Service under Sun Liang

After Sun Quan died in 252, his youngest son Sun Liang succeeded him as the emperor of Wu, with Zhuge Rong's brother Zhuge Ke serving as regent for the young emperor. Zhuge Rong was promoted to General of Vehement Might (奮威將軍). In the spring of 253,[18] when Zhuge Ke was away leading Wu forces to attack the Wei fortress of Xincheng at Hefei, he requested support from Shi Ji's units but did not bring Shi Ji along and instead ordered him to remain at Banzhou (半州). He then granted Zhuge Rong acting imperial authority and ordered him to take command of Shi Ji's units and lead them towards the Mian River to attack Wei reinforcements coming from the west to reinforce Xincheng.[19][20]


In late 253,[18] Sun Jun, a distant cousin of Sun Quan, overthrew and assassinated Zhuge Ke in a coup d'état. He then ordered Shi Kuan (施寬), Shi Ji, Sun Yi (孫壹) and Quan Xi (全熈) to lead their troops to Gong'an County to arrest Zhuge Rong. When Zhuge Rong heard about it, he started panicking and could not decide what to do. While under siege by Sun Jun's forces, Zhuge Rong eventually took his own life by consuming poison. His three sons, along with Zhuge Ke's extended family, were rounded up and executed.[21]

The Jiang Biao Zhuan recorded that there were sightings of a white alligator in Gong'an County, and that there was a children's rhyme which goes, "The white alligator growls, a turtle carries peace on its back; one can live long in Nan Commandery, but he won't be righteous if he holds on to his life and refuses to die." When Zhuge Rong heard about this, he had a golden seal carved in the image of a turtle, and then committed suicide by swallowing the seal.[22]

See also


  1. ^ Shi Ji's biography in the Sanguozhi mentioned that this event took place in the year after Zhu Ran's death in 249.[13]


  1. ^ Rong's 2nd elder brother Qiao was likely born in 204.
  2. ^ Sun Liang's biography in the Sanguozhi recorded that Zhuge Ke died in the 10th month of the 2nd year of the Jianxing era of Sun Liang's reign. ([建興二年]冬十月,大饗。武衞將軍孫峻伏兵殺恪於殿堂。 ... 十一月, ...) Sanguozhi vol. 48. This month corresponds to 8 Nov to 7 Dec 253 in the Julian calendar. Zhuge Rong's biography in Sanguozhi indicated that he died shortly after Ke's death.
  3. ^ (喬字伯松,[諸葛]亮兄瑾之第二子也, ...) Sanguozhi vol. 35.
  4. ^ (吳書曰:初,瑾為大將軍,而弟亮為蜀丞相,二子恪、融皆典戎馬,督領將帥,族弟誕又顯名於魏,一門三方為冠蓋,天下榮之。) Wu Shu annotation Sanguozhi vol. 52.
  5. ^ (初,承喪妻,昭欲為索諸葛瑾女,承以相與有好,難之,權聞而勸焉,遂為婚。生女,權為子和納之。) Sanguozhi vol. 52.
  6. ^ (吳書曰:融字叔長,生於寵貴,少而驕樂,學為章句,博而不精,性寬容,多技藝, ...) Wu Shu annotation Sanguozhi vol. 52.
  7. ^ (... 數以巾褐奉朝請,後拜騎都尉。) Wu Shu annotation Sanguozhi vol. 52.
  8. ^ (赤烏中,諸郡出部伍,新都都尉陳表、吳郡都尉顧承各率所領人會佃毗陵,男女各數萬口。表病死,權以融代表, ...) Wu Shu annotation Sanguozhi vol. 52.
  9. ^ ([諸葛]恪已自封侯,故弟融襲爵,攝兵業駐公安。) Sanguozhi vol. 52.
  10. ^ (... 後代父瑾領攝。融部曲吏士親附之,疆外無事。) Wu Shu annotation Sanguozhi vol. 52.
  11. ^ (秋冬則射獵講武,春夏則延賔高會,休吏假卒,或不遠千里而造焉。每會輒歷問賔客,各言其能,乃合榻促席,量敵選對,或有博奕,或有摴蒱,投壺弓彈,部別類分,於是甘果繼進,清酒徐行,融周流觀覽,終日不倦。) Sanguozhi vol. 52.
  12. ^ (兄質素,雖在軍旅,身無采飾;而融錦罽文繡,獨為奢綺。) Sanguozhi vol. 52.
  13. ^ a b (然卒,績襲業, ... 明年,魏征南將軍王昶率衆攻江陵城,不克而退。) Sanguozhi vol. 56.
  14. ^ (績與奮威將軍諸葛融書曰:「昶遠來疲困,馬無所食,力屈而走,此天助也。今追之力少,可引兵相繼,吾欲破之於前,足下乘之於後,豈一人之功哉,宜同斷金之義。」) Sanguozhi vol. 56.
  15. ^ (融荅許績。績便引兵及昶於紀南,紀南去城三十里,績先戰勝而融不進,績後失利。) Sanguozhi vol. 56.
  16. ^ (權深嘉績,盛責怒融,融兄大將軍恪貴重,故融得不廢。) Sanguozhi vol. 56.
  17. ^ (初績與恪、融不平,及此事變,為隙益甚。) Sanguozhi vol. 56.
  18. ^ a b Sima (1084), vol. 76.
  19. ^ ([建興]二年春,恪向新城,要績并力,而留置半州,使融兼其任。) Sanguozhi vol. 56.
  20. ^ (孫權薨,徙奮威將軍。後恪征淮南,假融節,令引軍入沔,以擊西兵。) Sanguozhi vol. 52.
  21. ^ (恪旣誅,遣無難督施寬就將軍施績、孫壹、全熈等取融。融卒聞兵士至,惶懼猶豫,不能決計,兵到圍城,飲藥而死,三子皆伏誅。) Sanguozhi vol. 52.
  22. ^ (江表傳曰:先是,公安有靈鼉鳴,童謠曰:「白鼉鳴,龜背平,南郡城中可長生,守死不去義無成。」及恪被誅,融果刮金印龜,服之而死。) Jiang Biao Zhuan annotation Sanguozhi vol. 52.