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International Book Year
Observed bycountries
SignificanceRaise awareness about the heritage value of the book for humanity.
Related toLiterature, library, recreation, intellectual

1972 was proclaimed International Book Year[2] by the United Nations and made effective by UNESCO.

In international book year(1972), jikji was recognized publicly as the oldest extant book printed with movable metal type, by Park Byeongseon, who worked as a librarian at the National Library of France.[3]


The announcement was officially established in 1970, during the General Assembly of UNESCO. The cause of the proclamation is to increase access to books. The logo of the event was celebrated by the issuance of postage stamps by several countries[4][5]

Postage stamps, Germany


  1. ^ The UNESCO Courier. Jan 1972, Canada.
  2. ^ "UNESCO. ORG".
  3. ^ "한국의 창조적 문화".
  4. ^ (in Portuguese)CAVALCANTI, Cordélia Robalinho. de Oliveira; CUNHA, Murilo Bastos da. Dicionário de Biblioteconomia e Arquivologia. Brasília, Briquet de Lemos Livros, 2008, página 17. ISBN 978-85-85637-35-4
  5. ^ "Anatomy of an International Year". 1974. Retrieved 16 September 2022.