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Sea Otter 841 foraging in shallow water in Santa Cruz, CA

Otter 841 (born c. 2018), also known as Sea Otter 841, is a female southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) who attracted publicity in mid-2023 for her aggressive interactions with surfers and kayakers off the coast of Santa Cruz, California.[1][2] She was born in captivity at Monterey Bay Aquarium, raised there by her mother with minimal human intervention, and released into the wild in June 2020.[3] Although she does not have an official personal name, she has been nicknamed "Laverna" after the Roman goddess of thieves.[1][4]

In October 2023, it was confirmed that Otter 841 had given birth to a pup.[5] She was not seen for much of the following winter, but returned to the Santa Cruz area in May 2024.[6]
