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The Complete Guide to LIMS and Laboratory Informatics - 2024 Edition

 Featured Content

LIMS Implementation & Change Management: Easier Than You Think with LabLynx

Embrace change and unlock your lab's full potential with LabLynx's expert LIMS implementation services.  Our proven methodologies and dedicated support ensure a smooth transition, minimizing disruptions to your workflow and maximizing the return on your investment.  Let us show you how to turn change management into a powerful tool for driving growth, efficiency, and innovation in your laboratory. [Read More]

Evaluating a LIMS for Reagent and Lab Inventory Management: Seven Key Considerations

Choosing the right Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is essential for efficient and effective lab operations. A well-chosen LIMS can enhance your lab's operational efficiency, data integrity, and regulatory compliance. Inventory management is a critical component of lab management. Ensuring that your LIMS solution includes an integrated inventory management module is vital to the success of your LIMS and your laboratory. [Read More]

Building a Proficient Project Team for a Successful LIMS Deployment

Laboratory managers seek out a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for many reasons; these include enhancing data quality, meeting compliance requirements, resource maximization, and cost savings. In today’s complex regulatory environment, a LIMS is no longer a luxury; rather, it is a necessity for all professionally staffed and quality certified laboratories. [Read More]

How Electronic Lab Notebooks Are Used For Stem Cell Research

Stem cells are a particular type of cell with the remarkable ability to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. They serve as the body’s raw materials, capable of self-renewal (dividing and creating more identical stem cells) and differentiation (transforming into specialized cells with specific functions). [Read More]

Labstep Introduces Status Workflows to Its Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN)

Labstep, a STARLIMS company, announces the release of Status Workflows for its ELN. This upgraded functionality will give scientists, product developers, and R&D resources greater visibility over the state of their projects, as well as the ability to enforce processes and signature requirements, to support labs in achieving their compliance goals. [Read More]

Citizens Energy is Leveraging the Power of Confience’s Sample Master® LIMS to Increase Lab Productivity

Citizens Energy Group provides several services for the Indianapolis area including water and wastewater, natural gas and thermal energy. Citizens Energy Group Lab Services (CEGLS) conducts testing for the organization's drinking water and wastewater operations. This includes testing thirteen drinking water facilities, two wastewater treatment plants and several production wells. [Read More]

Cloud vs. On-Premises LIMS: Which is Right for Your Laboratory?

Cloud or on-premises LIMS: the choice can feel daunting, but with the right information, it doesn't have to be. By understanding the nuances of both cloud-based and on-premises LIMS, you'll be empowered to select the solution that perfectly aligns with your lab's specific requirements and budget constraints, paving the way for a more streamlined and efficient laboratory operation. [Read More]

How a LIMS Complements Your ERP

“Why do I need a LIMS when I already have SAP Quality Module?” The quality modules of ERP systems are great as they are already tied into your system which likely handles finance, procurement, and logistics, but only cover basic functions needed for the laboratory which is normally only product release. [Read More]

 Upcoming Webinars

09/25/2024 - Astrix Webinar – The Convergence of Generative AI and Structured Content

A webinar sponsored by Astrix. The biopharma industry operates in a highly regulated environment with constantly evolving guidelines. Generative AI (GenAI) is proving to be a transformative tool revolutionizing content generation, regulatory information management, and submission processes.

08/15/2024 - Using LIMS to Optimize Analytical Batching

This webinar will show you how a LIMS can be your secret weapon for optimizing analytical batching. To maximize their time and reduce the chances of errors, laboratory staff can benefit from several LIMS functions regarding grouping and analyzing samples with their associated quality control and quality assurance processes.

07/25/2024 - "Must Have" LIMS Features to Maximize Efficiency in Your Lab

Discover how Aqua Water Supply's decision to implement a LIMS helped revolutionize operations at the Aqua Laboratory. In this webinar, you’ll learn: Data management challenges Aqua faced before a LIMS; Key LIMS features improving laboratory operations; Positive outcomes of implementing a LIMS; Q&A session with our experts.

07/24/2024 - Making Better Decisions by Enhancing your LabWare Templates

Color or Colour—spelling differences are not uncommon across organizations, but they can be a huge data processing consistency issue. Iimagine if there are typos in your 20k rows of data. Everyone has data management concerns. In this webinar, learn how LabWare templates can support decision-making and regulate data entry and reporting within a department or organization.