September 03, 2008      
Laboratory Informatics Weekly Update

 Volume 6, Issue 36


In This Issue

 Featured Videos

Affinity™ for Affymetrix® from LabCentrix

Affinity™ for Affymetrix® from LabCentrix is a complete, preconfigured LIMS solution for microarray labs. It incorporates best practices in sample management to deliver speed, accuracy and efficiency improvements.
 Upcoming Webcasts

09/03/2008 - EISC Lab Data Automation Presents SEPTEMBER WEBINAR SERIES: Seamless Lab Data Integration & Automation

STARTS SEPTEMBER 11th!...need to immediately increase your lab's production, but maintain your quality assurance? EISC will provide an exciting webinar series focusing on seamless and immediate lab data integration and automation.

09/02/2008 - Best Practices Webinar: Managing your lab for improved productivity and efficiency.

Join this informative online event on September 16th or 23rd that will discuss best practices employed by Microarray labs to improve sample throughput and overall lab efficiency.

08/08/2008 - Labtronics September Webcast Showcases New ReDI Technology

September 9th & 11th Labtronics will be presenting "Go Paperless in Minutes - Are You ReDI?", a half hour presentation introducing ReDI the newest and fastest ELN deployment technology that can convert paper documents into electronic forms in minutes.

08/05/2008 - Webcast: Connecting Your Business: LIMS & SAP

PerkinElmer invites you to attend a free webcast highlighting the relationship between LIMS & SAP.

08/05/2008 - Webcast: Planning your LIMS Data Migration: What to prepare and what to require when changing systems.

PerkinElmer invites you to attend our free webcast: Planning your LIMS Data Migration: What to prepare and what to require when changing systems.
 LIMS Blog Postings

Two tier versus three tier architectures

In the early days of personal computing the graphical user interface was all that you, a single user, needed to interface with the software application that sat resident in the memory of your physical machine.

New Series: Beyond the Press Release Begins...

This new groundbreaking series focuses on the top questions readers have been asking about LIMS products from around the world.

Partisanism and LIMS

This is for those who feel that an unbiased online publication cannot be produced by an organization that is affiliated with a LIMS vendor.

 Recent News

09/03/2008 - EISC Fully Automates and Integrates Leading European Lab Via the Internet

09/02/2008 - Ariadne Launches Pathway Studio® Version 6

09/02/2008 - Waters Brings Advanced Laboratory Data Management to Microsoft’s BioIT Alliance

08/30/2008 - Europe Informatics Conference 2008 Announced

08/29/2008 - Food Safety and Agricultural Analysis at AOAC

08/29/2008 - WinLims Rental offers an affordable way of boosting business efficiency

08/27/2008 - Professional Analytical and Consulting Services (PACS) October Courses in Pittsburgh

 Upcoming Events

09/24/2008 - AACC Audioconference - Appropriate Laboratory Usage: 10 Ways to Reduce Unnecessary Testing

09/22/2008 - 6th Cold Chain Distribution for Pharmaceuticals

09/17/2008 - Biobanking 2008

09/15/2008 - ELNs: Advanced Laboratory Solutions

09/15/2008 - Discovery Knowledge & Informatics Event

09/14/2008 - 36th Annual American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors Workshop

 Bid / RFP / RFI Opportunities

09/02/2008 - KDE is looking to establish a business relationship with a prominent software provider in Turkey for LIMS

KDE is looking to establish a business relationship with a prominent software provider in Turkey to expand its business in this area.
 Job Postings

Product Manager - ELN

Labware LIMS Administrator - UK Based

LIMS Support Analyst

Laboratory Jobs and Careers posted on

 Polls & Surveys

What type of information do you want when looking for a LIMS?

What most influenced your LIMS Selection?

Are you happy with Crystal Reports?

Which Database would you prefer to use for your LIMS?

Custom LIMS vs. Commercial LIMS Product

LIMS Satisfaction Poll

Web Browser Based LIMS vs. Traditional Windows LIMS

Become a Sponsor

Contact Us

Questions or Comments? We'd like to hear your comments and suggestions. E-mail your feedback or questions to us at Copyright Laboratory Informatics Institute, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Laboratory Informatics Institute, Inc. P.O. Box 813301 Smyrna, GA 30081 770-313-8185Copyright Laboratory Informatics Institute, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Laboratory Informatics Institute, Inc. P.O. Box 813301 Smyrna, GA 30081 770-313-5827