Diet LIMS for Small Labs “Small is beautiful” is a popular quote. But did you know that being small in business is double jeopardy? Of course, most of us know. Being small in the laboratory business is no different. There is always threat from the large competing labs. The larger labs constantly push their smaller rivals with velocities sufficient enough to drive them out from the realms of profitability and eventually, even beyond the threshold of existence.
LIMS and Politics, not a good mix Florida Lab Manager Files Whistleblower Complaint! The state scientist in the middle of controversy about how polluted the waters of South Florida are today filed a whistleblower complaint, according to documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).
Which LIMS implementation process is right for you? Laboratories not only have different functional needs that their LIMS solution must meet but they also have system implementation needs that can have a profound affect on the success of the LIMS implementation. Even if you succeed in choosing the right LIMS for your lab, the implementation process can make the difference between success and failure. There are basically 3 types of implementation processes (Packaged, Collaborative, Turn-key). Let’s rank them from the least expensive to the most expensive processes.