02/16/2022 - SCC Soft Computer’s SoftLab® Version 4.0.9 Achieves 2015 Edition ONC Health IT Certification from ICSA Labs SCC Soft Computer’s SoftLab® version 4.0.9 has achieved 2015 Edition ONC Health IT certification as a Health IT Module. The 2015 Edition Certification Program supports a diverse health IT system, including but not limited to EHR technology... [Read More]
02/16/2022 - Top 9 Ways a LIMS Can Help Your Clinical Laboratory Between COVID-19 and an increase in the aging population, demand for diagnostic testing is at an all time high. On average 1.3 million COVID tests are run daily, and the American Clinical Laboratory Association (ACLA) reports 7 billion diagnostic tests are run each year. All this to say, your clinical laboratory is busier than ever. [Read More]
02/16/2022 - STARLIMS is Pleased to Announce the Release of STARLIMS LES V1.2 STARLIMS LES is a powerful generic workflow engine operated by a modern touch screen user interface. The LES is an ancillary module fully integrated with the STARLIMS Quality Manufacturing (QM) solution to support the laboratory with ... [Read More]
02/16/2022 - How to Set Up Your Software Environment for Maximum Productivity in the Lab In today’s evolving market, labs inevitably need to make changes within their informatics software stack. The greater your lab’s efficiency in making these changes, the easier you’ll be able to keep up with new demands and innovations. How your software environment is set up can make a huge difference in how quickly you can validate new processes and updates to the software before deploying them. [Read More]
02/16/2022 - Introduction to QLIMS as a Platform – Lab of the Future In this blog series we will be re-introducing our well renowned LIMS, QLIMS, and how it enables our philosophy for lab informatics, the concept of LIMS as a Platform. Benefits it can enable include... [Read More]
02/16/2022 - The Laboratories’ Guide to Getting a LIMS You’ll Love It’s that time of year again when almost everyone remembers that love is possible and should be celebrated. We’re here to tell you that love and LIMS can occupy the same headspace, but, like everything worth having in life, it takes work. [Read More]
02/16/2022 - Demystifying the Next-Generation Sequencing Workflow: Part 1
02/16/2022 - Business Value to Clinical Development of a Platform Based, Data Centric Approach According to a GlobalData survey last year, over 70% of pharma industry respondents stated they expect that drug development will be the area most impacted by the implementation of smart technologies. With that being the case, it is imperative that ... [Read More]
02/16/2022 - Autoscribe Informatics Drives Continuing Professional Development for Laboratory Managers Embracing LIMS As part of its continuing commitment to laboratory informatics education for laboratory personnel worldwide, Autoscribe Informatics has made available a recent webinar entitled “Justifying the Purchase of a LIMS”. Ideal for laboratory professionals purchasing or upgrading a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)... [Read More]
02/09/2022 - Build a Tomorrow-Ready Lab with LIMS Building a digital strategy that addresses the needs & trends of tomorrow is crucial to effective digital transformation. Quality, Compliance, and Automation are the three key themes that will influence today’s digital decisions. Read this whitepaper to learn more. [Read More]