March 7, 2018
Laboratory Informatics Weekly Update

Volume 16, Issue 10


In This Issue

 Upcoming Webinars

03/15/2018 - Astrix Webinar – Navigating Global Regulations and Guidance around Data Integrity

03/21/2018 - Webinar: When Systems Collide: Do I need a LIMS, LES, or ELN?

 Featured Discussions

02/27/2018 - ISO/IEC 17025-2017 clause 7.6 note 1


02/26/2018 - Audit iso 17025

02/25/2018 - Difference in terminology of ISO 17025-2017 and ISO 17025-2005

 Journal Articles

Closha: Bioinformatics workflow system for the analysis of massive sequencing data

Ko et al.of the Korean BioInformation Center discuss their Closha web service for large-scale genomic data analysis in this 2018 paper published in BMC Bioinformatics. Noting a lack of rapid, cost-effective genomics workflow capable of running all the major genomic data analysis application in one pipeline, the researchers developed a hybrid system that can combine workflows. Additionally, they developed an add-on tool that handles the sheer size of genomic files and the speed with which they transfer, reaching transfer speeds "of up to 10 times that of normal FTP and HTTP." They conclude that "Closha allows genomic researchers without informatics or programming expertise to perform complex large-scale analysis with only a web browser."

Bioinformatics: Indispensable, yet hidden in plain sight?

This brief paper published in BMC Bioinformatics provides a sociological examination of the world of bioinformatics and how it's perceived institutionally. Bartlett et al. argue that institutionally while less focus is place on bioinformatics processes and more on the data input and output, putting the contributions of bioinformaticists into a "black box," losing scientific credit in the process. The researchers conclude that "[i]n the pursuit of relevance and impact, future scientific careers will increasingly involve playing the role of a fractional scientist ... combining a variety of expertise and epistemic aspirations..." to become "tomorrow's bioinformatic scientists."

Bioinformatics workflow for clinical whole genome sequencing at Partners HealthCare Personalized Medicine

Genomic data is increasingly used to provide better, more focused clinical care. Or course, its associated datasets can be large, and it can take significant processing power to utilize and manage effectively. In this 2016 paper published in Journal of Personalized Medicine, Tsai et al. of Partners Healthcare describe their "bioinformatics strategy to efficiently process and deliver genomic data to geneticists for clinical interpretation." They conclude that with more research comes improved workflows and "filtrations that include larger portions of the non-coding regions as they start to have utility in the clinical setting, ultimately enabling the full utility of complete genome sequencing."
 Featured Books

Introductory Concepts to Testing Software


CloudLIMS February 2018 newsletter is now out!

7 Validation Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making

Sample Manager LIMS Best Practices – Personal Folders


03/07/2018 - Swiss economic press group AGEFI publishes article about Genohm

03/07/2018 - Thermo Fisher Scientific Named Company of the Year by SelectScience

03/07/2018 - Dotmatics Launches New Release of Vortex

 Upcoming Trade Events

03/15/2018 - Laborama 2018

03/18/2018 - ARABLAB The Expo 2018

03/20/2018 - Paperless Lab Academy 2018

Once again, we´re setting the stage for discussions on strategies and implementation of 21th century technologies in the laboratory. We´ll discuss about the key milestones to generate solid business insights from the laboratory. Connect with colleagues who share similar operational issues as you have. Learn about user´s case studies and how they are deployed into their processes. Discover the informatics trends from cutting-edge thought leaders. Be in the know about the last informatics tools and methodologies in a creative and productive atmosphere.

04/17/2018 - INTERPHEX 2018

05/15/2018 - Bio-IT World Conference and Expo 2018

05/27/2018 - HIMSS Europe 2018

 Bid Opportunities

03/13/2018 - Request for Information: Army Research Laboratory Information Technology Modernization

03/14/2018 - Request for Proposal: Analytical Services of Water and Solid Samples

03/16/2018 - Request for Information: LIMS Replacement

Become a Sponsor
CSols Inc.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Autoscribe / Autoscribe Informatics, Inc.
LabLynx, Inc.
Abbott Informatics Corporation
Blaze Systems Corporation
ApolloLims / Common Cents Systems, Inc.
Computing Solutions, Inc.
Astrix Technology Group
Psyche Systems

Questions or Comments? We'd like to hear your comments and suggestions. E-mail your feedback or questions to us at: limsforum@lablynx.comLabLynx, Inc. P.O. Box 673966 Marietta, GA 30006 Telephone: 770-859-1992