| November 07, 2012 Laboratory Informatics Weekly Update | Volume 10, Issue 43 | | In This Issue | LIMS Blog Postings | Popular LIMS discussions in 2012 on Linkedin Linkedin has become the largest interactive community for LIMS users & professionals and the two leading LIMS user groups on Linkedin are LIMS/LI (with over 4,000 members) and the LIMSforum ( with nearly 40,000 members). If you are a LIMS user or professional and are not yet a member of these groups you will want to visit these groups and check out the great discussions below. Some of these discussions have nearly 100 comments by user members!
| Articles | The LabLite Software Family LabLite LLC continues to develop software that works together. The analogy we use is a framework based on Microsoft integrative capabilities. If you are using one of our products now, another piece of software can snap into the LabLite Framework and perhaps benefit your operations.
| Recent News | 11/01/2012 - Pittcon 2013 Conferee Networking Sessions have been announced and CSols, Inc. is facilitating 3! Each year at the PITTCON conference, Conferee Networking Sessions are held for all registered attendees to attend and network in an informal setting. In the two-hour sessions, attendees with similar interests meet to discuss new techniques, resolve problems, or brainstorm new ideas. The three abstracts submitted by CSols were accepted and we are very excited to moderate each of them.
10/31/2012 - RURO Announces Support for Citizen CL Series Barcode Label Printers RURO, Inc., a leading developer of innovative research productivity tools, is pleased to announce official support for Citizen CL series barcode label printers in both FreezerPro and LIMS 24/7.
10/30/2012 - Matrix Gemini Benefits LIMS Users And IT Managers Alike The latest version of Autoscribe’s Matrix Gemini Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) provides the flexibility needed by LIMS users within a software framework that will satisfy IT Managers.
10/27/2012 - 45 Students will Travel to SLAS2013 Through the SLAS Tony B. Academic Travel Awards Program In service of its mission to encourage the study of laboratory automation and screening, the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) honors 45 undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty members with SLAS Tony B. Academic Travel Awards for SLAS2013, the Second Annual SLAS Conference and Exhibition, which will be held January 12-16, 2013, at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center in Orlando, FL, USA.
10/23/2012 - New Release - Lablite CMT - (Calibration, Maintenance & Training) Lablite is bringing a new product to market that satisfies internal and regulatory requirements for tracking your equipment calibration and maintenance recordkeeping as well as training of your personnel. This robust, yet easy to use software can run as a stand-alone application or will integrate with Lablite SQL LIMS. With LabLite CMT you can schedule and track the calibration and maintenance required on every piece of equipment or component in your plant, lab, company or municipality. In addition to tracking routine or scheduled events you can track emergency repairs, the length of time an item is down, and the cost of these events.
| Upcoming Events | 01/12/2013 - 2nd Annual SLAS Conference and Exhibition Why should you take part in SLAS2013 – the 2nd Annual SLAS Conference and Exhibition? Because it’s where 4,500 of the best global laboratory science and technology minds -- innovative scientists, engineers, researchers and technologists from academic, government and commercial laboratories -- come together to learn, explore and gain repeatable inspiration from leaders in the field.
11/07/2012 - WWEM 2012 - Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring WWEM is the specialist event for the Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring community. WWEM is focused on measurement, testing and analysis for the water and wastewater and environmental industry. From test kits to process measurement,laboratory analysis right through to fixed and portable gas detection, if you work in the water industry, you need to be at WWEM.
| Upcoming Webcasts | 11/14/2012 - Project Management for Computer Systems Validation 11/14/2012 - Risk-based Monitoring Within a Clinical Quality Management System 11/13/2012 - 21 CFR Part 11 - Complete Manual for Compliance and Success 11/13/2012 - Succeed with the Tougher U.S. FDA cGMP Compliance Audits 11/09/2012 - Data Monitoring: Meeting the Needs and Requirements of Sponsors and IRBs | LIMS Buyers Guide | 2012 LIMS Buyer's Guide Available for Download We have finished the release of the 2012 LIMS Buyer's Guide. This new edition provides an updated list of the leading LIMS companies and products along with pricing information for each.Also, new for 2012, we have scoured Youtube and the vendors sites to find product demonstrations of their LIMS software. For each vendor that has product demos, we have posted the links to those demonstrations. The vendors are listed in the order of most demos to least number of demos.To download a free copy of the 2012 LIMS Buyer's Guide, visit: http://www.limsbook.com.
| Job Postings | 5/31/2009 - Aggregated List of LIMS Jobs 05/31/2009 - LIMS / LIS & Laboratory Careers | | | Contact Us | Questions or Comments? We'd like to hear your comments and suggestions. E-mail your feedback or questions to us at cjones@limsinstitute.org Copyright Laboratory Informatics Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. Laboratory Informatics Institute, Inc. P.O. Box 813301 Smyrna, GA 30081 770-313-8185 | |