June 06, 2012      
Laboratory Informatics Weekly Update

 Volume 10, Issue 23


In This Issue

 LIMS Buyers Guide

2012 LIMS Buyer's Guide Available for Download

We have finished the release of the 2012 LIMS Buyer's Guide. This new edition provides an updated list of the leading LIMS companies and products along with pricing information for each.Also, new for 2012, we have scoured Youtube and the vendors sites to find product demonstrations of their LIMS software. For each vendor that has product demos, we have posted the links to those demonstrations. The vendors are listed in the order of most demos to least number of demos.To download a free copy of the 2012 LIMS Buyer's Guide, visit: http://www.limsbook.com.
 Bid / RFP / RFI Opportunities

06/05/2012 - Laboratory Information System (LIS) for Selected Public Health Laboratories in Kenya

The purpose of this RFP is to assist the Kenya Ministry of Health (MOH) with procurement and implementation of a laboratory information system (LIS) for the MOH public laboratory network. The LIS must be reliable, able to be maintained for the most part by local service providers and scalable to meet the future as well as the current needs of MOH. In order for MOH to sustain a LIS, the cost must be significantly less than the average cost of LIS used in the private sector. The first phase of implementation was to introduce LIMS into sections of the NPHL laboratory and Phase II into three of the provincial laboratories. This RFP represents Phase III of the project and will enable the implementation into one more provincial Laboratory, four district and one health center laboratories.
 Recent News

06/04/2012 - Sapio Sciences Announces Exemplar Biomarker Discovery LIMS for Personalized Medicine

Sapio Sciences (http://www.SapioSciences.com) is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Exemplar Biomarker Discovery LIMS. This release is the result of Sapio’s extensive experience in implementing LIMS with Biomarker Discovery at leading pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Exemplar Biomarker Discovery addresses these clients’ needs for a single, integrated solution to a breadth of requirements.

05/31/2012 - Pittcon 2013 Announces Annual Call for Papers August 10, 2012 Deadline

The Pittcon Program Committee is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for a contributed oral or poster presentation for Pittcon 2013, which which will be held March 17-21, 2013, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA.

05/31/2012 - Dr Rodney Smith Markin cites HALIA, the middleware solution for Laboratory Automation from NoemaLife, in recent Cherry Blossom Symposium presentation.

As part of a presentation at the recently held 8th International Conference of Clinical Laboratory Automation (the Cherry Blossom Symposium, 11-13 April, Seoul, Korea), invited speaker Dr Rodney Smith Markin discussed NoemaLife’s powerful new middleware solution for clinical laboratories – HALIA – and its ability to deliver improved efficiency, compliance and quality control to laboratories.

05/31/2012 - Accelrys Announces Software Licensing Agreement with Gulf Coast Consortia

Accelrys, Inc., a leading enterprise R&D software and services company, today announced that the Gulf Coast Consortia (GCC) for Quantitative Biomedical Sciences has signed a five-year licensing agreement with Accelrys to provide investigators in the GCC Chemical Genomics (GCC-CG) program with access to scientific software, services and training. The Accelrys software will be used to support multi-disciplinary collaborative research and training programs for the treatment and prevention of diseases, including rare and undertreated cancers.

05/31/2012 - Omixon Releases Omixon Target for Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis for Diagnostics

Today Omixon – a genomic software company - announced the commercial release of Omixon Target, a next generation sequencing analysis software for targeted sequencing. Omixon built its new software Target with the vision of helping diagnostic labs to adopt next generation sequencing to replace and complement traditional capillary Sanger sequencing.

05/29/2012 - STARLIMS News - May 2012

STARLIMS News Notes - May 2012 STARLIMS to Provide LIMS to Australian Red Cross Samsung Biologics Chooses STARLIMS STARLIMS Expanding Global Market Presence in Forensics Global Expansion Continues: STARLIMS Acquires Australian Distributor

05/29/2012 - RURO Introduces New Version of Electronic Laboratory Notebook. Sciency ELN 3.5

RURO, Inc., a developer of research software and inventory solutions introduces a more robust lab notes system in Sciency 3.5.
 Upcoming Webcasts

06/14/2012 - Auditing Systems for 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance: Preparing Yourself for Inspection

06/12/2012 - Smart Phones and Social Media: New HIPAA Challenges and How to Be Compliant

 Upcoming Events

06/25/2012 - Innovation in Phase 1 Clinical Development

06/25/2012 - 4th Clinical Trials Supply & Logistics Summit

06/10/2012 - American Water Works Association - ACE12 Annual Conference and Exhibition

 Job Postings

5/31/2009 - Aggregated List of LIMS Jobs

05/31/2009 - LIMS / LIS & Laboratory Careers

Become a Sponsor

Contact Us

Questions or Comments? We'd like to hear your comments and suggestions. E-mail your feedback or questions to us at cjones@limsinstitute.org Copyright Laboratory Informatics Institute, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Laboratory Informatics Institute, Inc. P.O. Box 813301 Smyrna, GA 30081 770-313-8185