An SDMS vendor is an entity (business, company, corporation, etc.) which provides scientific data management system (SDMS) software or software packages. The SDMS software may be very generalized to handle a great number of laboratory situations, or it may be very specific to handle the needs of a certain field of study.

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Key SDMS vendors

The criterion for a "key" vendor selling proprietary commercial SDMS software: the vendor's LIMSwiki page must have a cited (from a publicly-available source) price list. Those with demonstration videos are given higher preference; vendors ordered by number of demonstration videos.

Vendor Key SDMS offering(s) SaaS
Key information Additional notes
LabKey Corporation LabKey Server Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos
Waters Corporation NuGenesis 8 No United States Pricing and demonstration videos NuGenesis 8 is a data management and workflow package
of applications, including NuGenesis SDMS.[1]
STARLIMS Corporation STARLIMS SDMS Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos Formerly Abbot Informatics Corporation.

All active SDMS vendors

Vendor Key SDMS offering(s) SaaS
Key information Additional notes
Agaram Technologies Pvt. Ltd. LogiLab SDMS Yes India Demonstration videos
Agile Frameworks, LLC AgilePort Yes United States Demonstration videos SDMS-like software system that provides document management
functionality for architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) firms
Agilent Technologies, Inc. OpenLAB ECM No United States Demonstration videos
Flywheel Exchange, LLC Flywheel Yes United States Demonstration videos
iVention BV iVentionLES Yes Netherlands Demonstration videos Marketed as a laboratory execution system with LIMS,
ELN, and SDMS functionality
LabKey Corporation LabKey Server Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos
Open-source software solution LabKey Server N/A N/A More information found at LabKey Corporation.
Open-source software solution SciTran N/A N/A More information found on the project page.
Scifeon ApS Scifeon No Denmark
Scilligence Corporation Scilligence SDMS No United States
Signals GmbH & Co. KG LOGS Yes Germany
StackWave, LLC StackWave SDMS No United States
STARLIMS Corporation STARLIMS SDMS Yes United States Pricing and demonstration videos Formerly Abbot Informatics Corporation.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Data Manager No United States Pricing and demonstration videos
Waters Corporation NuGenesis 8 No United States Pricing and demonstration videos NuGenesis 8 is a data management and workflow package
of applications, including NuGenesis SDMS.[1]
Zontal, Inc. ZONTAL No United States

Inactive SDMS vendors

Please see the inactive vendor page for inactive SDMS vendors.
